Source code for glance.api.v2.discovery

# Copyright (c) 2017 RedHat, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import copy

import glance_store as g_store
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
import oslo_serialization.jsonutils as json
import webob.exc

from glance.api import policy
from glance.api.v2 import policy as api_policy
from glance.common import exception
from glance.common import wsgi
import glance.db
from glance.i18n import _
from glance.quota import keystone as ks_quota


LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class InfoController(object): def __init__(self, policy_enforcer=None): self.policy = policy_enforcer or policy.Enforcer()
[docs] def get_image_import(self, req): # TODO(jokke): All the rest of the boundaries should be implemented. import_methods = { 'description': 'Import methods available.', 'type': 'array', 'value': CONF.get('enabled_import_methods') } return { 'import-methods': import_methods }
[docs] def get_stores(self, req): # TODO(abhishekk): This will be removed after config options # 'stores' and 'default_store' are removed. enabled_backends = CONF.enabled_backends if not enabled_backends: msg = _("Multi backend is not supported at this site.") raise webob.exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=msg) backends = [] for backend in enabled_backends: if backend.startswith("os_glance_"): continue stores = {} stores['id'] = backend description = getattr(CONF, backend).store_description if description: stores['description'] = description if backend == CONF.glance_store.default_backend: stores['default'] = "true" # Check if http store is configured then mark it as read-only if enabled_backends[backend] == 'http': stores['read-only'] = "true" backends.append(stores) return {'stores': backends}
@staticmethod def _get_rbd_properties(store_detail): return { 'chunk_size': store_detail.chunk_size, 'pool': store_detail.pool, 'thin_provisioning': store_detail.thin_provisioning } @staticmethod def _get_file_properties(store_detail): return { 'data_dir': store_detail.datadir, 'chunk_size': store_detail.chunk_size, 'thin_provisioning': store_detail.thin_provisioning } @staticmethod def _get_cinder_properties(store_detail): return { 'volume_type': store_detail.store_conf.cinder_volume_type, 'use_multipath': store_detail.store_conf.cinder_use_multipath } @staticmethod def _get_swift_properties(store_detail): return { 'container': store_detail.container, 'large_object_size': store_detail.large_object_size, 'large_object_chunk_size': store_detail.large_object_chunk_size } @staticmethod def _get_s3_properties(store_detail): return { 's3_store_large_object_size': store_detail.s3_store_large_object_size, 's3_store_large_object_chunk_size': store_detail.s3_store_large_object_chunk_size, 's3_store_thread_pools': store_detail.s3_store_thread_pools } @staticmethod def _get_http_properties(store_detail): # NOTE(mrjoshi): Thre are no useful properties # to be exposed. return {}
[docs] def get_stores_detail(self, req): enabled_backends = CONF.enabled_backends stores = self.get_stores(req).get('stores') try: api_policy.DiscoveryAPIPolicy( req.context, enforcer=self.policy).stores_info_detail() store_mapper = { 'rbd': self._get_rbd_properties, 'file': self._get_file_properties, 'cinder': self._get_cinder_properties, 'swift': self._get_swift_properties, 's3': self._get_s3_properties, 'http': self._get_http_properties } for store in stores: store_type = enabled_backends[store['id']] store['type'] = store_type store_detail = g_store.get_store_from_store_identifier( store['id']) store['properties'] = store_mapper.get(store_type)( store_detail) store['weight'] = getattr(CONF, store['id']).weight except exception.Forbidden as e: LOG.debug("User not permitted to view details") raise webob.exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation=e.msg) return {'stores': stores}
[docs] def get_usage(self, req): project_usage = ks_quota.get_usage(req.context) return {'usage': {name: {'usage': usage.usage, 'limit': usage.limit} for name, usage in project_usage.items()}}
[docs]class ResponseSerializer(wsgi.JSONResponseSerializer): def __init__(self, usage_schema=None): super(ResponseSerializer, self).__init__() self.schema = usage_schema or get_usage_schema()
[docs] def get_usage(self, response, usage): body = json.dumps(self.schema.filter(usage), ensure_ascii=False) response.unicode_body = str(body) response.content_type = 'application/json'
_USAGE_SCHEMA = { 'usage': { 'type': 'array', 'items': { 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': True, 'validation_data': { 'type': 'object', 'additonalProperties': False, 'properties': { 'usage': {'type': 'integer'}, 'limit': {'type': 'integer'}, }, }, }, }, }
[docs]def get_usage_schema(): return glance.schema.Schema('usage', copy.deepcopy(_USAGE_SCHEMA))
[docs]def create_resource(): usage_schema = get_usage_schema() serializer = ResponseSerializer(usage_schema) return wsgi.Resource(InfoController(), None, serializer)