Source code for glance.common.scripts.image_import.main

# Copyright 2014 OpenStack Foundation
# All Rights Reserved.
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#    a copy of the License at
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.

__all__ = [

from oslo_concurrency import lockutils
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import encodeutils
from oslo_utils import excutils

from glance.api.v2 import images as v2_api
from glance.common import exception
from glance.common.scripts import utils as script_utils
from glance.common import store_utils
from glance.i18n import _, _LE, _LI, _LW

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def run(t_id, context, task_repo, image_repo, image_factory):'Task %(task_id)s beginning import ' 'execution.'), {'task_id': t_id}) _execute(t_id, task_repo, image_repo, image_factory)
# NOTE(nikhil): This lock prevents more than N number of threads to be spawn # simultaneously. The number N represents the number of threads in the # executor pool. The value is set to 10 in the eventlet executor. @lockutils.synchronized("glance_import") def _execute(t_id, task_repo, image_repo, image_factory): task = script_utils.get_task(task_repo, t_id) if task is None: # NOTE: This happens if task is not found in the database. In # such cases, there is no way to update the task status so, # it's ignored here. return try: task_input = script_utils.unpack_task_input(task) uri = script_utils.validate_location_uri(task_input.get('import_from')) image_id = import_image(image_repo, image_factory, task_input, t_id, uri) task.succeed({'image_id': image_id}) except Exception as e: # Note: The message string contains Error in it to indicate # in the task.message that it's a error message for the user. # TODO(nikhil): need to bring back save_and_reraise_exception when # necessary err_msg = ("Error: " + str(type(e)) + ': ' + encodeutils.exception_to_unicode(e)) log_msg = _LE(err_msg + ("Task ID %s" % task.task_id)) # noqa LOG.exception(log_msg) # noqa finally: def import_image(image_repo, image_factory, task_input, task_id, uri): original_image = create_image(image_repo, image_factory, task_input.get('image_properties'), task_id) # NOTE: set image status to saving just before setting data original_image.status = 'saving' image_id = original_image.image_id # NOTE: Retrieving image from the database because the Image object # returned from create_image method does not have appropriate factories # wrapped around it. new_image = image_repo.get(image_id) set_image_data(new_image, uri, task_id) try: # NOTE: Check if the Image is not deleted after setting the data # before saving the active image. Here if image status is # saving, then new_image is saved as it contains updated location, # size, virtual_size and checksum information and the status of # new_image is already set to active in set_image_data() call. image = image_repo.get(image_id) if image.status == 'saving': return image_id else: msg = _("The Image %(image_id)s object being created by this task " "%(task_id)s, is no longer in valid status for further " "processing.") % {"image_id": image_id, "task_id": task_id} raise exception.Conflict(msg) except (exception.Conflict, exception.NotFound, exception.NotAuthenticated): with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): if new_image.locations: for location in new_image.locations: store_utils.delete_image_location_from_backend( new_image.context, image_id, location) def create_image(image_repo, image_factory, image_properties, task_id): properties = {} # NOTE: get the base properties for key in v2_api.get_base_properties(): try: properties[key] = image_properties.pop(key) except KeyError: LOG.debug("Task ID %(task_id)s: Ignoring property %(k)s for " "setting base properties while creating " "Image.", {'task_id': task_id, 'k': key}) # NOTE: get the rest of the properties and pass them as # extra_properties for Image to be created with them. properties['extra_properties'] = image_properties script_utils.set_base_image_properties(properties=properties) image = image_factory.new_image(**properties) image_repo.add(image) return image def set_image_data(image, uri, task_id, backend=None, set_active=True, callback=None): data_iter = None try:"Task %(task_id)s: Got image data uri %(data_uri)s to be " "imported"), {"data_uri": uri, "task_id": task_id}) data_iter = script_utils.get_image_data_iter(uri) if callback: # If a callback was provided, wrap our data iterator to call # the function every 60 seconds. data_iter = script_utils.CallbackIterator( data_iter, callback, min_interval=60) image.set_data(data_iter, backend=backend, set_active=set_active) except Exception as e: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.warning(_LW("Task %(task_id)s failed with exception " "%(error)s"), {"error": encodeutils.exception_to_unicode(e), "task_id": task_id})"Task %(task_id)s: Could not import image file" " %(image_data)s"), {"image_data": uri, "task_id": task_id}) finally: if hasattr(data_iter, 'close'): data_iter.close()