NoSQL database

NoSQL database

The Telemetry service uses a NoSQL database to store information. The database typically runs on the controller node. The procedures in this guide use MongoDB.


The installation of the NoSQL database server is only necessary when installing the Telemetry service as documented in Add the Telemetry service.

Install and configure components

  1. Install the MongoDB packages:

    # yum install mongodb-server mongodb
  1. Edit the /etc/mongod.conf file and complete the following actions:

    • Configure the bind_ip key to use the management interface IP address of the controller node.

      bind_ip =
    • By default, MongoDB creates several 1 GB journal files in the /var/lib/mongodb/journal directory. If you want to reduce the size of each journal file to 128 MB and limit total journal space consumption to 512 MB, assert the smallfiles key:

      smallfiles = true

      You can also disable journaling. For more information, see the MongoDB manual.

Finalize installation

  • Start the MongoDB service and configure it to start when the system boots:

    # systemctl enable mongod.service
    # systemctl start mongod.service
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