Install and configure

Install and configure

This section describes how to install and configure the dashboard on the controller node.

The dashboard relies on functional core services including Identity, Image service, Compute, and either Networking (neutron) or legacy networking (nova-network). Environments with stand-alone services such as Object Storage cannot use the dashboard. For more information, see the developer documentation.


This section assumes proper installation, configuration, and operation of the Identity service using the Apache HTTP server and Memcached service as described in the Install and configure the Identity service section.

Install and configure components


Default configuration files vary by distribution. You might need to add these sections and options rather than modifying existing sections and options. Also, an ellipsis (...) in the configuration snippets indicates potential default configuration options that you should retain.

  1. Install the packages:

    # yum install openstack-dashboard
  1. Edit the /etc/openstack-dashboard/local_settings file and complete the following actions:

    • Configure the dashboard to use OpenStack services on the controller node:

      OPENSTACK_HOST = "controller"
    • Allow all hosts to access the dashboard:

      ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['*', ]
    • Configure the memcached session storage service:

      SESSION_ENGINE = 'django.contrib.sessions.backends.cache'
      CACHES = {
          'default': {
               'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.memcached.MemcachedCache',
               'LOCATION': 'controller:11211',


      Comment out any other session storage configuration.

    • Enable the Identity API version 3:

      OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_URL = "http://%s:5000/v3" % OPENSTACK_HOST
    • Enable support for domains:

    • Configure API versions:

          "identity": 3,
          "image": 2,
          "volume": 2,
    • Configure default as the default domain for users that you create via the dashboard:

    • Configure user as the default role for users that you create via the dashboard:

    • If you chose networking option 1, disable support for layer-3 networking services:

          'enable_router': False,
          'enable_quotas': False,
          'enable_distributed_router': False,
          'enable_ha_router': False,
          'enable_lb': False,
          'enable_firewall': False,
          'enable_vpn': False,
          'enable_fip_topology_check': False,
    • Optionally, configure the time zone:


      Replace TIME_ZONE with an appropriate time zone identifier. For more information, see the list of time zones.

Finalize installation

  • Restart the web server and session storage service:

    # systemctl restart httpd.service memcached.service


    The systemctl restart command starts each service if not currently running.

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Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.