New, updated, and deprecated options in Newton for Block Storage

New, updated, and deprecated options in Newton for Block Storage

New options
Option = default value (Type) Help string
[DEFAULT] additional_retry_list = (StrOpt) FSS additional retry list, separate by ;
[DEFAULT] backup_swift_project = None (StrOpt) Swift project/account name. Required when connecting to an auth 3.0 system
[DEFAULT] backup_swift_project_domain = None (StrOpt) Swift project domain name. Required when connecting to an auth 3.0 system
[DEFAULT] backup_swift_user_domain = None (StrOpt) Swift user domain name. Required when connecting to an auth 3.0 system
[DEFAULT] backup_use_temp_snapshot = False (BoolOpt) If this is set to True, the backup_use_temp_snapshot path will be used during the backup. Otherwise, it will use backup_use_temp_volume path.
[DEFAULT] chap = disabled (StrOpt) CHAP authentication mode, effective only for iscsi (disabled|enabled)
[DEFAULT] clone_volume_timeout = 680 (IntOpt) Create clone volume timeout.
[DEFAULT] cluster = None (StrOpt) Name of this cluster. Used to group volume hosts that share the same backend configurations to work in HA Active-Active mode. Active-Active is not yet supported.
[DEFAULT] connection_type = iscsi (StrOpt) Connection type to the IBM Storage Array
[DEFAULT] coprhd_emulate_snapshot = False (BoolOpt) True | False to indicate if the storage array in CoprHD is VMAX or VPLEX
[DEFAULT] coprhd_hostname = None (StrOpt) Hostname for the CoprHD Instance
[DEFAULT] coprhd_password = None (StrOpt) Password for accessing the CoprHD Instance
[DEFAULT] coprhd_port = 4443 (PortOpt) Port for the CoprHD Instance
[DEFAULT] coprhd_project = None (StrOpt) Project to utilize within the CoprHD Instance
[DEFAULT] coprhd_scaleio_rest_gateway_host = None (StrOpt) Rest Gateway IP or FQDN for Scaleio
[DEFAULT] coprhd_scaleio_rest_gateway_port = 4984 (PortOpt) Rest Gateway Port for Scaleio
[DEFAULT] coprhd_scaleio_rest_server_password = None (StrOpt) Rest Gateway Password
[DEFAULT] coprhd_scaleio_rest_server_username = None (StrOpt) Username for Rest Gateway
[DEFAULT] coprhd_tenant = None (StrOpt) Tenant to utilize within the CoprHD Instance
[DEFAULT] coprhd_username = None (StrOpt) Username for accessing the CoprHD Instance
[DEFAULT] coprhd_varray = None (StrOpt) Virtual Array to utilize within the CoprHD Instance
[DEFAULT] datera_503_interval = 5 (IntOpt) Interval between 503 retries
[DEFAULT] datera_503_timeout = 120 (IntOpt) Timeout for HTTP 503 retry messages
[DEFAULT] datera_acl_allow_all = False (BoolOpt) True to set acl ‘allow_all’ on volumes created
[DEFAULT] datera_debug = False (BoolOpt) True to set function arg and return logging
[DEFAULT] datera_debug_replica_count_override = False (BoolOpt) ONLY FOR DEBUG/TESTING PURPOSES True to set replica_count to 1
[DEFAULT] default_group_type = None (StrOpt) Default group type to use
[DEFAULT] dell_server_os = Red Hat Linux 6.x (StrOpt) Server OS type to use when creating a new server on the Storage Center.
[DEFAULT] drbdmanage_disk_options = {"c-min-rate": "4M"} (StrOpt) Disk options to set on new resources. See for all the details.
[DEFAULT] drbdmanage_net_options = {"connect-int": "4", "allow-two-primaries": "yes", "ko-count": "30", "max-buffers": "20000", "ping-timeout": "100"} (StrOpt) Net options to set on new resources. See for all the details.
[DEFAULT] drbdmanage_resource_options = {"auto-promote-timeout": "300"} (StrOpt) Resource options to set on new resources. See for all the details.
[DEFAULT] dsware_isthin = False (BoolOpt) The flag of thin storage allocation.
[DEFAULT] dsware_manager = (StrOpt) Fusionstorage manager ip addr for cinder-volume.
[DEFAULT] enable_unsupported_driver = False (BoolOpt) Set this to True when you want to allow an unsupported driver to start. Drivers that haven’t maintained a working CI system and testing are marked as unsupported until CI is working again. This also marks a driver as deprecated and may be removed in the next release.
[DEFAULT] fss_debug = False (BoolOpt) Enable HTTP debugging to FSS
[DEFAULT] fss_pool = (IntOpt) FSS pool id in which FalconStor volumes are stored.
[DEFAULT] fusionstorageagent = (StrOpt) Fusionstorage agent ip addr range.
[DEFAULT] glance_catalog_info = image:glance:publicURL (StrOpt) Info to match when looking for glance in the service catalog. Format is: separated values of the form: <service_type>:<service_name>:<endpoint_type> - Only used if glance_api_servers are not provided.
[DEFAULT] group_api_class = (StrOpt) The full class name of the group API class
[DEFAULT] hnas_chap_enabled = True (BoolOpt) Whether the chap authentication is enabled in the iSCSI target or not.
[DEFAULT] hnas_cluster_admin_ip0 = None (StrOpt) The IP of the HNAS cluster admin. Required only for HNAS multi-cluster setups.
[DEFAULT] hnas_mgmt_ip0 = None (IPOpt) Management IP address of HNAS. This can be any IP in the admin address on HNAS or the SMU IP.
[DEFAULT] hnas_password = None (StrOpt) HNAS password.
[DEFAULT] hnas_ssc_cmd = ssc (StrOpt) Command to communicate to HNAS.
[DEFAULT] hnas_ssh_port = 22 (PortOpt) Port to be used for SSH authentication.
[DEFAULT] hnas_ssh_private_key = None (StrOpt) Path to the SSH private key used to authenticate in HNAS SMU.
[DEFAULT] hnas_svc0_hdp = None (StrOpt) Service 0 HDP
[DEFAULT] hnas_svc0_iscsi_ip = None (IPOpt) Service 0 iSCSI IP
[DEFAULT] hnas_svc0_volume_type = None (StrOpt) Service 0 volume type
[DEFAULT] hnas_svc1_hdp = None (StrOpt) Service 1 HDP
[DEFAULT] hnas_svc1_iscsi_ip = None (IPOpt) Service 1 iSCSI IP
[DEFAULT] hnas_svc1_volume_type = None (StrOpt) Service 1 volume type
[DEFAULT] hnas_svc2_hdp = None (StrOpt) Service 2 HDP
[DEFAULT] hnas_svc2_iscsi_ip = None (IPOpt) Service 2 iSCSI IP
[DEFAULT] hnas_svc2_volume_type = None (StrOpt) Service 2 volume type
[DEFAULT] hnas_svc3_hdp = None (StrOpt) Service 3 HDP
[DEFAULT] hnas_svc3_iscsi_ip = None (IPOpt) Service 3 iSCSI IP
[DEFAULT] hnas_svc3_volume_type = None (StrOpt) Service 3 volume type
[DEFAULT] hnas_username = None (StrOpt) HNAS username.
[DEFAULT] kaminario_nodedup_substring = K2-nodedup (StrOpt) If volume-type name contains this substring nodedup volume will be created, otherwise dedup volume wil be created.
[DEFAULT] lvm_suppress_fd_warnings = False (BoolOpt) Suppress leaked file descriptor warnings in LVM commands.
[DEFAULT] message_ttl = 2592000 (IntOpt) message minimum life in seconds.
[DEFAULT] metro_domain_name = None (StrOpt) The remote metro device domain name.
[DEFAULT] metro_san_address = None (StrOpt) The remote metro device request url.
[DEFAULT] metro_san_password = None (StrOpt) The remote metro device san password.
[DEFAULT] metro_san_user = None (StrOpt) The remote metro device san user.
[DEFAULT] metro_storage_pools = None (StrOpt) The remote metro device pool names.
[DEFAULT] nas_host = (StrOpt) IP address or Hostname of NAS system.
[DEFAULT] netapp_replication_aggregate_map = None (MultiOpt) Multi opt of dictionaries to represent the aggregate mapping between source and destination back ends when using whole back end replication. For every source aggregate associated with a cinder pool (NetApp FlexVol), you would need to specify the destination aggregate on the replication target device. A replication target device is configured with the configuration option replication_device. Specify this option as many times as you have replication devices. Each entry takes the standard dict config form: netapp_replication_aggregate_map = backend_id:<name_of_replication_device_section>,src_aggr_name1:dest_aggr_name1,src_aggr_name2:dest_aggr_name2,...
[DEFAULT] netapp_snapmirror_quiesce_timeout = 3600 (IntOpt) The maximum time in seconds to wait for existing SnapMirror transfers to complete before aborting during a failover.
[DEFAULT] nexenta_nbd_symlinks_dir = /dev/disk/by-path (StrOpt) NexentaEdge logical path of directory to store symbolic links to NBDs
[DEFAULT] osapi_volume_use_ssl = False (BoolOpt) Wraps the socket in a SSL context if True is set. A certificate file and key file must be specified.
[DEFAULT] pool_id_filter = (ListOpt) Pool id permit to use.
[DEFAULT] pool_type = default (StrOpt) Pool type, like sata-2copy.
[DEFAULT] proxy = storage.proxy.IBMStorageProxy (StrOpt) Proxy driver that connects to the IBM Storage Array
[DEFAULT] quota_groups = 10 (IntOpt) Number of groups allowed per project
[DEFAULT] scaleio_server_certificate_path = None (StrOpt) Server certificate path
[DEFAULT] scaleio_verify_server_certificate = False (BoolOpt) verify server certificate
[DEFAULT] scheduler_weight_handler = cinder.scheduler.weights.OrderedHostWeightHandler (StrOpt) Which handler to use for selecting the host/pool after weighing
[DEFAULT] secondary_san_ip = (StrOpt) IP address of secondary DSM controller
[DEFAULT] secondary_san_login = Admin (StrOpt) Secondary DSM user name
[DEFAULT] secondary_san_password = (StrOpt) Secondary DSM user password name
[DEFAULT] secondary_sc_api_port = 3033 (PortOpt) Secondary Dell API port
[DEFAULT] sio_max_over_subscription_ratio = 10.0 (FloatOpt) max_over_subscription_ratio setting for the ScaleIO driver. This replaces the general max_over_subscription_ratio which has no effect in this driver.Maximum value allowed for ScaleIO is 10.0.
[DEFAULT] storage_protocol = iscsi (StrOpt) Protocol for transferring data between host and storage back-end.
[DEFAULT] synology_admin_port = 5000 (PortOpt) Management port for Synology storage.
[DEFAULT] synology_device_id = None (StrOpt) Device id for skip one time password check for logging in Synology storage if OTP is enabled.
[DEFAULT] synology_one_time_pass = None (StrOpt) One time password of administrator for logging in Synology storage if OTP is enabled.
[DEFAULT] synology_password = (StrOpt) Password of administrator for logging in Synology storage.
[DEFAULT] synology_pool_name = (StrOpt) Volume on Synology storage to be used for creating lun.
[DEFAULT] synology_ssl_verify = True (BoolOpt) Do certificate validation or not if $driver_use_ssl is True
[DEFAULT] synology_username = admin (StrOpt) Administrator of Synology storage.
[DEFAULT] violin_dedup_capable_pools = (ListOpt) Storage pools capable of dedup and other luns.(Comma separated list)
[DEFAULT] violin_dedup_only_pools = (ListOpt) Storage pools to be used to setup dedup luns only.(Comma separated list)
[DEFAULT] violin_iscsi_target_ips = (ListOpt) Target iSCSI addresses to use.(Comma separated list)
[DEFAULT] violin_pool_allocation_method = random (StrOpt) Method of choosing a storage pool for a lun.
[DEFAULT] vzstorage_default_volume_format = raw (StrOpt) Default format that will be used when creating volumes if no volume format is specified.
[DEFAULT] zadara_default_snap_policy = False (BoolOpt) VPSA - Attach snapshot policy for volumes
[DEFAULT] zadara_password = None (StrOpt) VPSA - Password
[DEFAULT] zadara_use_iser = True (BoolOpt) VPSA - Use ISER instead of iSCSI
[DEFAULT] zadara_user = None (StrOpt) VPSA - Username
[DEFAULT] zadara_vol_encrypt = False (BoolOpt) VPSA - Default encryption policy for volumes
[DEFAULT] zadara_vol_name_template = OS_%s (StrOpt) VPSA - Default template for VPSA volume names
[DEFAULT] zadara_vpsa_host = None (StrOpt) VPSA - Management Host name or IP address
[DEFAULT] zadara_vpsa_poolname = None (StrOpt) VPSA - Storage Pool assigned for volumes
[DEFAULT] zadara_vpsa_port = None (PortOpt) VPSA - Port number
[DEFAULT] zadara_vpsa_use_ssl = False (BoolOpt) VPSA - Use SSL connection
[DEFAULT] zteAheadReadSize = 8 (IntOpt) Cache readahead size.
[DEFAULT] zteCachePolicy = 1 (IntOpt) Cache policy. 0, Write Back; 1, Write Through.
[DEFAULT] zteChunkSize = 4 (IntOpt) Virtual block size of pool. Unit : KB. Valid value : 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512.
[DEFAULT] zteControllerIP0 = None (IPOpt) Main controller IP.
[DEFAULT] zteControllerIP1 = None (IPOpt) Slave controller IP.
[DEFAULT] zteLocalIP = None (IPOpt) Local IP.
[DEFAULT] ztePoolVoAllocatedPolicy = 0 (IntOpt) Pool volume allocated policy. 0, Auto; 1, High Performance Tier First; 2, Performance Tier First; 3, Capacity Tier First.
[DEFAULT] ztePoolVolAlarmStopAllocatedFlag = 0 (IntOpt) Pool volume alarm stop allocated flag.
[DEFAULT] ztePoolVolAlarmThreshold = 0 (IntOpt) Pool volume alarm threshold. [0, 100]
[DEFAULT] ztePoolVolInitAllocatedCapacity = 0 (IntOpt) Pool volume init allocated Capacity.Unit : KB.
[DEFAULT] ztePoolVolIsThin = False (IntOpt) Whether it is a thin volume.
[DEFAULT] ztePoolVolMovePolicy = 0 (IntOpt) Pool volume move policy.0, Auto; 1, Highest Available; 2, Lowest Available; 3, No Relocation.
[DEFAULT] zteSSDCacheSwitch = 1 (IntOpt) SSD cache switch. 0, OFF; 1, ON.
[DEFAULT] zteStoragePool = (ListOpt) Pool name list.
[DEFAULT] zteUserName = None (StrOpt) User name.
[DEFAULT] zteUserPassword = None (StrOpt) User password.
[barbican] auth_endpoint = http://localhost:5000/v3 (StrOpt) Use this endpoint to connect to Keystone
[barbican] barbican_api_version = None (StrOpt) Version of the Barbican API, for example: “v1”
[barbican] barbican_endpoint = None (StrOpt) Use this endpoint to connect to Barbican, for example: “http://localhost:9311/
[barbican] number_of_retries = 60 (IntOpt) Number of times to retry poll for key creation completion
[barbican] retry_delay = 1 (IntOpt) Number of seconds to wait before retrying poll for key creation completion
[fc-zone-manager] enable_unsupported_driver = False (BoolOpt) Set this to True when you want to allow an unsupported zone manager driver to start. Drivers that haven’t maintained a working CI system and testing are marked as unsupported until CI is working again. This also marks a driver as deprecated and may be removed in the next release.
[key_manager] api_class = castellan.key_manager.barbican_key_manager.BarbicanKeyManager (StrOpt) The full class name of the key manager API class
[key_manager] fixed_key = None (StrOpt) Fixed key returned by key manager, specified in hex
New default values
Option Previous default value New default value
[DEFAULT] backup_service_inithost_offload False True
[DEFAULT] datera_num_replicas 1 3
[DEFAULT] default_timeout 525600 31536000
[DEFAULT] glance_api_servers $glance_host:$glance_port None
[DEFAULT] io_port_list * None
[DEFAULT] iscsi_initiators   None
[DEFAULT] naviseccli_path   None
[DEFAULT] nexenta_chunksize 16384 32768
[DEFAULT] query_volume_filters name, status, metadata, availability_zone, bootable name, status, metadata, availability_zone, bootable, group_id
[DEFAULT] vmware_task_poll_interval 0.5 2.0
Deprecated options
Deprecated option New Option
[DEFAULT] enable_v1_api None
[DEFAULT] enable_v2_api None
[DEFAULT] eqlx_chap_login [DEFAULT] chap_username
[DEFAULT] eqlx_chap_password [DEFAULT] chap_password
[DEFAULT] eqlx_use_chap [DEFAULT] use_chap_auth
[DEFAULT] host [DEFAULT] backend_host
[DEFAULT] nas_ip [DEFAULT] nas_host
[DEFAULT] osapi_max_request_body_size [oslo_middleware] max_request_body_size
[DEFAULT] use_syslog None
[hyperv] force_volumeutils_v1 None
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