New, updated, and deprecated options in Newton for Bare Metal service

New, updated, and deprecated options in Newton for Bare Metal service

New options
Option = default value (Type) Help string
[DEFAULT] default_network_interface = None (StrOpt) Default network interface to be used for nodes that do not have network_interface field set. A complete list of network interfaces present on your system may be found by enumerating the “” entrypoint.
[DEFAULT] enabled_network_interfaces = flat, noop (ListOpt) Specify the list of network interfaces to load during service initialization. Missing network interfaces, or network interfaces which fail to initialize, will prevent the conductor service from starting. The option default is a recommended set of production-oriented network interfaces. A complete list of network interfaces present on your system may be found by enumerating the “” entrypoint. This value must be the same on all ironic-conductor and ironic-api services, because it is used by ironic-api service to validate a new or updated node’s network_interface value.
[DEFAULT] notification_level = None (StrOpt) Specifies the minimum level for which to send notifications. If not set, no notifications will be sent. The default is for this option to be unset.
[agent] deploy_logs_collect = on_failure (StrOpt) Whether Ironic should collect the deployment logs on deployment failure (on_failure), always or never.
[agent] deploy_logs_local_path = /var/log/ironic/deploy (StrOpt) The path to the directory where the logs should be stored, used when the deploy_logs_storage_backend is configured to “local”.
[agent] deploy_logs_storage_backend = local (StrOpt) The name of the storage backend where the logs will be stored.
[agent] deploy_logs_swift_container = ironic_deploy_logs_container (StrOpt) The name of the Swift container to store the logs, used when the deploy_logs_storage_backend is configured to “swift”.
[agent] deploy_logs_swift_days_to_expire = 30 (IntOpt) Number of days before a log object is marked as expired in Swift. If None, the logs will be kept forever or until manually deleted. Used when the deploy_logs_storage_backend is configured to “swift”.
[api] ramdisk_heartbeat_timeout = 300 (IntOpt) Maximum interval (in seconds) for agent heartbeats.
[api] restrict_lookup = True (BoolOpt) Whether to restrict the lookup API to only nodes in certain states.
[audit] audit_map_file = /etc/ironic/ironic_api_audit_map.conf (StrOpt) Path to audit map file for ironic-api service. Used only when API audit is enabled.
[audit] enabled = False (BoolOpt) Enable auditing of API requests (for ironic-api service).
[audit] ignore_req_list = None (StrOpt) Comma separated list of Ironic REST API HTTP methods to be ignored during audit. For example: auditing will not be done on any GET or POST requests if this is set to “GET,POST”. It is used only when API audit is enabled.
[audit] namespace = openstack (StrOpt) namespace prefix for generated id
[audit_middleware_notifications] driver = None (StrOpt) The Driver to handle sending notifications. Possible values are messaging, messagingv2, routing, log, test, noop. If not specified, then value from oslo_messaging_notifications conf section is used.
[audit_middleware_notifications] topics = None (ListOpt) List of AMQP topics used for OpenStack notifications. If not specified, then value from oslo_messaging_notifications conf section is used.
[audit_middleware_notifications] transport_url = None (StrOpt) A URL representing messaging driver to use for notification. If not specified, we fall back to the same configuration used for RPC.
[deploy] continue_if_disk_secure_erase_fails = False (BoolOpt) Defines what to do if an ATA secure erase operation fails during cleaning in the Ironic Python Agent. If False, the cleaning operation will fail and the node will be put in clean failed state. If True, shred will be invoked and cleaning will continue.
[deploy] erase_devices_metadata_priority = None (IntOpt) Priority to run in-band clean step that erases metadata from devices, via the Ironic Python Agent ramdisk. If unset, will use the priority set in the ramdisk (defaults to 99 for the GenericHardwareManager). If set to 0, will not run during cleaning.
[deploy] power_off_after_deploy_failure = True (BoolOpt) Whether to power off a node after deploy failure. Defaults to True.
[deploy] shred_final_overwrite_with_zeros = True (BoolOpt) Whether to write zeros to a node’s block devices after writing random data. This will write zeros to the device even when deploy.shred_random_overwrite_iterations is 0. This option is only used if a device could not be ATA Secure Erased. Defaults to True.
[deploy] shred_random_overwrite_iterations = 1 (IntOpt) During shred, overwrite all block devices N times with random data. This is only used if a device could not be ATA Secure Erased. Defaults to 1.
[drac] query_raid_config_job_status_interval = 120 (IntOpt) Interval (in seconds) between periodic RAID job status checks to determine whether the asynchronous RAID configuration was successfully finished or not.
[glance] auth_section = None (Opt) Config Section from which to load plugin specific options
[glance] auth_type = None (Opt) Authentication type to load
[glance] cafile = None (StrOpt) PEM encoded Certificate Authority to use when verifying HTTPs connections.
[glance] certfile = None (StrOpt) PEM encoded client certificate cert file
[glance] insecure = False (BoolOpt) Verify HTTPS connections.
[glance] keyfile = None (StrOpt) PEM encoded client certificate key file
[glance] timeout = None (IntOpt) Timeout value for http requests
[ilo] ca_file = None (StrOpt) CA certificate file to validate iLO.
[ilo] default_boot_mode = auto (StrOpt) Default boot mode to be used in provisioning when “boot_mode” capability is not provided in the “properties/capabilities” of the node. The default is “auto” for backward compatibility. When “auto” is specified, default boot mode will be selected based on boot mode settings on the system.
[inspector] auth_section = None (Opt) Config Section from which to load plugin specific options
[inspector] auth_type = None (Opt) Authentication type to load
[inspector] cafile = None (StrOpt) PEM encoded Certificate Authority to use when verifying HTTPs connections.
[inspector] certfile = None (StrOpt) PEM encoded client certificate cert file
[inspector] insecure = False (BoolOpt) Verify HTTPS connections.
[inspector] keyfile = None (StrOpt) PEM encoded client certificate key file
[inspector] timeout = None (IntOpt) Timeout value for http requests
[iscsi] portal_port = 3260 (PortOpt) The port number on which the iSCSI portal listens for incoming connections.
[metrics] agent_backend = noop (StrOpt) Backend for the agent ramdisk to use for metrics. Default possible backends are “noop” and “statsd”.
[metrics] agent_global_prefix = None (StrOpt) Prefix all metric names sent by the agent ramdisk with this value. The format of metric names is [global_prefix.][uuid.][host_name.]prefix.metric_name.
[metrics] agent_prepend_host = False (BoolOpt) Prepend the hostname to all metric names sent by the agent ramdisk. The format of metric names is [global_prefix.][uuid.][host_name.]prefix.metric_name.
[metrics] agent_prepend_host_reverse = True (BoolOpt) Split the prepended host value by ”.” and reverse it for metrics sent by the agent ramdisk (to better match the reverse hierarchical form of domain names).
[metrics] agent_prepend_uuid = False (BoolOpt) Prepend the node’s Ironic uuid to all metric names sent by the agent ramdisk. The format of metric names is [global_prefix.][uuid.][host_name.]prefix.metric_name.
[metrics] backend = noop (StrOpt) Backend to use for the metrics system.
[metrics] global_prefix = None (StrOpt) Prefix all metric names with this value. By default, there is no global prefix. The format of metric names is [global_prefix.][host_name.]prefix.metric_name.
[metrics] prepend_host = False (BoolOpt) Prepend the hostname to all metric names. The format of metric names is [global_prefix.][host_name.]prefix.metric_name.
[metrics] prepend_host_reverse = True (BoolOpt) Split the prepended host value by ”.” and reverse it (to better match the reverse hierarchical form of domain names).
[metrics_statsd] agent_statsd_host = localhost (StrOpt) Host for the agent ramdisk to use with the statsd backend. This must be accessible from networks the agent is booted on.
[metrics_statsd] agent_statsd_port = 8125 (PortOpt) Port for the agent ramdisk to use with the statsd backend.
[metrics_statsd] statsd_host = localhost (StrOpt) Host for use with the statsd backend.
[metrics_statsd] statsd_port = 8125 (PortOpt) Port to use with the statsd backend.
[neutron] auth_section = None (Opt) Config Section from which to load plugin specific options
[neutron] auth_type = None (Opt) Authentication type to load
[neutron] cafile = None (StrOpt) PEM encoded Certificate Authority to use when verifying HTTPs connections.
[neutron] certfile = None (StrOpt) PEM encoded client certificate cert file
[neutron] insecure = False (BoolOpt) Verify HTTPS connections.
[neutron] keyfile = None (StrOpt) PEM encoded client certificate key file
[neutron] port_setup_delay = 0 (IntOpt) Delay value to wait for Neutron agents to setup sufficient DHCP configuration for port.
[neutron] provisioning_network_uuid = None (StrOpt) Neutron network UUID for the ramdisk to be booted into for provisioning nodes. Required for “neutron” network interface.
[neutron] timeout = None (IntOpt) Timeout value for http requests
[oneview] enable_periodic_tasks = True (BoolOpt) Whether to enable the periodic tasks for OneView driver be aware when OneView hardware resources are taken and released by Ironic or OneView users and proactively manage nodes in clean fail state according to Dynamic Allocation model of hardware resources allocation in OneView.
[oneview] periodic_check_interval = 300 (IntOpt) Period (in seconds) for periodic tasks to be executed when enable_periodic_tasks=True.
[pxe] ipxe_use_swift = False (BoolOpt) Download deploy images directly from swift using temporary URLs. If set to false (default), images are downloaded to the ironic-conductor node and served over its local HTTP server. Applicable only when ‘ipxe_enabled’ option is set to true.
[service_catalog] auth_section = None (Opt) Config Section from which to load plugin specific options
[service_catalog] auth_type = None (Opt) Authentication type to load
[service_catalog] cafile = None (StrOpt) PEM encoded Certificate Authority to use when verifying HTTPs connections.
[service_catalog] certfile = None (StrOpt) PEM encoded client certificate cert file
[service_catalog] insecure = False (BoolOpt) Verify HTTPS connections.
[service_catalog] keyfile = None (StrOpt) PEM encoded client certificate key file
[service_catalog] timeout = None (IntOpt) Timeout value for http requests
[swift] auth_section = None (Opt) Config Section from which to load plugin specific options
[swift] auth_type = None (Opt) Authentication type to load
[swift] cafile = None (StrOpt) PEM encoded Certificate Authority to use when verifying HTTPs connections.
[swift] certfile = None (StrOpt) PEM encoded client certificate cert file
[swift] insecure = False (BoolOpt) Verify HTTPS connections.
[swift] keyfile = None (StrOpt) PEM encoded client certificate key file
[swift] timeout = None (IntOpt) Timeout value for http requests
New default values
Option Previous default value New default value
[DEFAULT] my_ip
[neutron] url http://$my_ip:9696 None
[pxe] uefi_pxe_bootfile_name elilo.efi bootx64.efi
[pxe] uefi_pxe_config_template $pybasedir/drivers/modules/elilo_efi_pxe_config.template $pybasedir/drivers/modules/pxe_grub_config.template
Deprecated options
Deprecated option New Option
[DEFAULT] use_syslog None
[agent] heartbeat_timeout [api] ramdisk_heartbeat_timeout
[deploy] erase_devices_iterations [deploy] shred_random_overwrite_iterations
[keystone_authtoken] cafile [glance] cafile
[keystone_authtoken] cafile [neutron] cafile
[keystone_authtoken] cafile [service_catalog] cafile
[keystone_authtoken] cafile [swift] cafile
[keystone_authtoken] cafile [inspector] cafile
[keystone_authtoken] certfile [service_catalog] certfile
[keystone_authtoken] certfile [neutron] certfile
[keystone_authtoken] certfile [glance] certfile
[keystone_authtoken] certfile [inspector] certfile
[keystone_authtoken] certfile [swift] certfile
[keystone_authtoken] insecure [glance] insecure
[keystone_authtoken] insecure [inspector] insecure
[keystone_authtoken] insecure [swift] insecure
[keystone_authtoken] insecure [service_catalog] insecure
[keystone_authtoken] insecure [neutron] insecure
[keystone_authtoken] keyfile [inspector] keyfile
[keystone_authtoken] keyfile [swift] keyfile
[keystone_authtoken] keyfile [neutron] keyfile
[keystone_authtoken] keyfile [glance] keyfile
[keystone_authtoken] keyfile [service_catalog] keyfile
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