New, updated, and deprecated options in Newton for Shared File Systems service

New, updated, and deprecated options in Newton for Shared File Systems service

New options
Option = default value (Type) Help string
[DEFAULT] check_hash = False (BoolOpt) Chooses whether hash of each file should be checked on data copying.
[DEFAULT] container_volume_group = manila_docker_volumes (StrOpt) LVM volume group to use for volumes. This volume group must be created by the cloud administrator independently from manila operations.
[DEFAULT] data_node_access_admin_user = None (StrOpt) The admin user name registered in the security service in order to allow access to user authentication-based shares.
[DEFAULT] data_node_mount_options = {} (DictOpt) Mount options to be included in the mount command for share protocols. Use dictionary format, example: {‘nfs’: ‘-o nfsvers=3’, ‘cifs’: ‘-o user=foo,pass=bar’}
[DEFAULT] emc_interface_ports = None (ListOpt) Comma separated list specifying the ports that can be used for share server interfaces. Members of the list can be Unix-style glob expressions.
[DEFAULT] emc_nas_server_pool = None (StrOpt) Pool to persist the meta-data of NAS server.
[DEFAULT] filter_function = None (StrOpt) String representation for an equation that will be used to filter hosts.
[DEFAULT] goodness_function = None (StrOpt) String representation for an equation that will be used to determine the goodness of a host.
[DEFAULT] hitachi_hnas_allow_cifs_snapshot_while_mounted = False (BoolOpt) By default, CIFS snapshots are not allowed to be taken when the share has clients connected because consistent point-in-time replica cannot be guaranteed for all files. Enabling this might cause inconsistent snapshots on CIFS shares.
[DEFAULT] hitachi_hnas_cluster_admin_ip0 = None (StrOpt) The IP of the clusters admin node. Only set in HNAS multinode clusters.
[DEFAULT] hitachi_hnas_driver_helper = (StrOpt) Python class to be used for driver helper.
[DEFAULT] hitachi_hnas_evs_id = None (IntOpt) Specify which EVS this backend is assigned to.
[DEFAULT] hitachi_hnas_evs_ip = None (StrOpt) Specify IP for mounting shares.
[DEFAULT] hitachi_hnas_file_system_name = None (StrOpt) Specify file-system name for creating shares.
[DEFAULT] hitachi_hnas_ip = None (StrOpt) HNAS management interface IP for communication between Manila controller and HNAS.
[DEFAULT] hitachi_hnas_password = None (StrOpt) HNAS user password. Required only if private key is not provided.
[DEFAULT] hitachi_hnas_ssh_private_key = None (StrOpt) RSA/DSA private key value used to connect into HNAS. Required only if password is not provided.
[DEFAULT] hitachi_hnas_stalled_job_timeout = 30 (IntOpt) The time (in seconds) to wait for stalled HNAS jobs before aborting.
[DEFAULT] hitachi_hnas_user = None (StrOpt) HNAS username Base64 String in order to perform tasks such as create file-systems and network interfaces.
[DEFAULT] is_gpfs_node = False (BoolOpt) True:when Manila services are running on one of the Spectrum Scale node. False:when Manila services are not running on any of the Spectrum Scale node.
[DEFAULT] migration_driver_continue_update_interval = 60 (IntOpt) This value, specified in seconds, determines how often the share manager will poll the driver to perform the next step of migration in the storage backend, for a migrating share.
[DEFAULT] mount_tmp_location = /tmp/ (StrOpt) Temporary path to create and mount shares during migration.
[DEFAULT] netapp_enabled_share_protocols = nfs3, nfs4.0 (ListOpt) The NFS protocol versions that will be enabled. Supported values include nfs3, nfs4.0, nfs4.1. This option only applies when the option driver_handles_share_servers is set to True.
[DEFAULT] protocol_access_mapping = {'ip': ['nfs'], 'user': ['cifs']} (DictOpt) Protocol access mapping for this backend. Should be a dictionary comprised of {‘access_type1’: [‘share_proto1’, ‘share_proto2’], ‘access_type2’: [‘share_proto2’, ‘share_proto3’]}.
[DEFAULT] zfs_migration_snapshot_prefix = tmp_snapshot_for_share_migration_ (StrOpt) Set snapshot prefix for usage in ZFS migration. Required.
[DEFAULT] zfssa_manage_policy = loose (StrOpt) Driver policy for share manage. A strict policy checks for a schema named manila_managed, and makes sure its value is true. A loose policy does not check for the schema.
New default values
Option Previous default value New default value
[DEFAULT] emc_nas_server_container server_2 None
[DEFAULT] gpfs_share_helpers,,
[DEFAULT] host localhost <your_hostname>
[DEFAULT] hpe3par_fpg OpenStack None
[DEFAULT] my_ip <your_ip>
[DEFAULT] scheduler_default_filters AvailabilityZoneFilter, CapacityFilter, CapabilitiesFilter, ConsistencyGroupFilter, ShareReplicationFilter AvailabilityZoneFilter, CapacityFilter, CapabilitiesFilter, ConsistencyGroupFilter, DriverFilter, ShareReplicationFilter
[DEFAULT] scheduler_default_weighers CapacityWeigher CapacityWeigher, GoodnessWeigher
[DEFAULT] share_mount_template mount -vt %(proto)s %(export)s %(path)s mount -vt %(proto)s %(options)s %(export)s %(path)s
Deprecated options
Deprecated option New Option
[DEFAULT] db_backend [database] backend
[DEFAULT] hds_hnas_driver_helper [DEFAULT] hitachi_hnas_driver_helper
[DEFAULT] hpe3par_share_mount_path [DEFAULT] hpe3par_share_mount_path
[DEFAULT] migration_tmp_location [DEFAULT] mount_tmp_location
[DEFAULT] sql_idle_timeout [database] idle_timeout
[DEFAULT] sql_max_retries [database] max_retries
[DEFAULT] sql_retry_interval [database] retry_interval
[DEFAULT] use_syslog None
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