New, updated, and deprecated options in Newton for Message service

New, updated, and deprecated options in Newton for Message service

New options
Option = default value (Type) Help string
[DEFAULT] enable_deprecated_api_versions = (ListOpt) List of deprecated API versions to enable.
[notification] max_notifier_workers = 10 (IntOpt) The max amount of the notification workers.
[notification] require_confirmation = False (BoolOpt) Whether the http/https/email subscription need to be confirmed before notification.
[trustee] auth_section = None (Opt) Config Section from which to load plugin specific options
[trustee] auth_type = None (Opt) Authentication type to load
[trustee] auth_url = None (Opt) Authentication URL
[trustee] default_domain_id = None (Opt) Optional domain ID to use with v3 and v2 parameters. It will be used for both the user and project domain in v3 and ignored in v2 authentication.
[trustee] default_domain_name = None (Opt) Optional domain name to use with v3 API and v2 parameters. It will be used for both the user and project domain in v3 and ignored in v2 authentication.
[trustee] domain_id = None (Opt) Domain ID to scope to
[trustee] domain_name = None (Opt) Domain name to scope to
[trustee] password = None (Opt) User’s password
[trustee] project_domain_id = None (Opt) Domain ID containing project
[trustee] project_domain_name = None (Opt) Domain name containing project
[trustee] project_id = None (Opt) Project ID to scope to
[trustee] project_name = None (Opt) Project name to scope to
[trustee] trust_id = None (Opt) Trust ID
[trustee] user_domain_id = None (Opt) User’s domain id
[trustee] user_domain_name = None (Opt) User’s domain name
[trustee] user_id = None (Opt) User id
[trustee] username = None (Opt) Username
New default values
Option Previous default value New default value
[transport] subscriber_types http, https, mailto http, https, mailto, trust+http, trust+https
Deprecated options
Deprecated option New Option
[DEFAULT] use_syslog None
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