
Source code for aodh.api.controllers.v2.alarm_rules.event

# Copyright 2015 NEC Corporation.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
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import wsme
from wsme import types as wtypes

from aodh.api.controllers.v2 import base
from aodh.i18n import _

[docs]class AlarmEventRule(base.AlarmRule): """Alarm Event Rule. Describe when to trigger the alarm based on an event """ event_type = wsme.wsattr(wtypes.text) "The type of event (default is '*')" query = wsme.wsattr([base.Query]) "The query to find the event (default is [])" def __init__(self, event_type=None, query=None): event_type = event_type or '*' query = [base.Query(**q) for q in query or []] super(AlarmEventRule, self).__init__(event_type=event_type, query=query)
[docs] @classmethod def validate_alarm(cls, alarm): for i in alarm.event_rule.query: i._get_value_as_type()
@property def default_description(self): return _('Alarm when %s event occurred.') % self.event_type
[docs] def as_dict(self): rule = self.as_dict_from_keys(['event_type']) rule['query'] = [q.as_dict() for q in self.query] return rule
[docs] @classmethod def sample(cls): return cls(event_type='compute.instance.update', query=[{'field': 'traits.instance_id"', 'value': '153462d0-a9b8-4b5b-8175-9e4b05e9b856', 'op': 'eq', 'type': 'string'}])
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