Testing Environment

Quick start with bifrost-cli

If you want to try Bifrost on virtual machines instead of real hardware, you need to prepare a testing environment. The easiest way is via bifrost-cli, available since the Victoria release series:

./bifrost-cli testenv

Additionally, the following parameters can be useful:


Install services in develop mode, so that the changes to the repositories in /opt get immediately reflected in the virtual environment.


You still need to restart services to apply any changes, e.g.:

sudo systemctl restart ironic

Choose the default driver for the generated nodes inventory.


Both IPMI and Redfish support is configured anyway, so you can switch the drivers on fly if needed.

IPMI support uses VirtualBMC, Redfish - sushy-tools.


Makes the testing VMs boot with UEFI.

See the built-in documentation for more details:

./bifrost-cli testenv --help

The command generates two files with node inventory in the current directory:

  • baremetal-inventory.json can be used with the provided playbooks, see How-To for details.

  • baremetal-nodes.json can be used with the Ironic enrollment command:

    export OS_CLOUD=bifrost
    baremetal create baremetal-nodes.json

Reproduce CI testing locally

A simple scripts/test-bifrost.sh script can be utilized to install pre-requisite software packages, Ansible, and then execute the test-bifrost-create-vm.yaml and test-bifrost.yaml playbooks in order to provide a single step testing mechanism.

playbooks/test-bifrost-create-vm.yaml creates one or more VMs for testing and saves out a baremetal.json file which is used by playbooks/test-bifrost.yaml to execute the remaining roles. Two additional roles are invoked by this playbook which enables Ansible to connect to the new nodes by adding them to the inventory, and then logging into the remote machine via the user’s ssh host key. Once that has successfully occurred, additional roles will unprovision the host(s) and delete them from ironic.




  • In order to cap requirements for installation, an upper_constraints_file setting is defined. This is consuming the UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE or TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE env var by default, to properly integrate with CI systems, and will default to /opt/stack/requirements/upper-constraints.txt file if not present.

Manually test with Virtual Machines

Bifrost supports using virtual machines to emulate the hardware.

The VirtualBMC project is used as an IPMI proxy, so that the same ipmi hardware type can be used as for real hardware. Redfish emulator from sushy-tools is also installed.

  1. Set testing to true in the playbooks/inventory/group_vars/target file.

  2. You may need to adjust the value for ssh_public_key_path.

  3. Execute the ansible-playbook -vvvv -i inventory/target test-bifrost-create-vm.yaml command to create a test virtual machine.

  4. Run the install step, as documented in Bifrost Installation, however adding -e testing=true to the Ansible command line.

  5. Set the environment variable of BIFROST_INVENTORY_SOURCE to the path to the JSON file, which by default has been written to /tmp/baremetal.json.

  6. Run the enrollment step, using the JSON file you created in the previous step.

  7. Run the deployment step, as documented in Deploy Hardware.