
Source code for ceilometer.pipeline.sample

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
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#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
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from itertools import chain

from oslo_log import log
from stevedore import extension

from ceilometer import agent
from ceilometer.pipeline import base
from ceilometer.publisher import utils as publisher_utils
from ceilometer import sample as sample_util

LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SampleEndpoint(base.MainNotificationEndpoint):
[docs] def info(self, notifications): """Convert message at info level to Ceilometer sample. :param notifications: list of notifications """ return self.process_notifications('info', notifications)
[docs] def sample(self, notifications): """Convert message at sample level to Ceilometer Event. :param notifications: list of notifications """ return self.process_notifications('sample', notifications)
[docs] def process_notifications(self, priority, notifications): for message in notifications: try: with self.publisher as p: p(list(self.build_sample(message))) except Exception: LOG.error('Fail to process notification', exc_info=True)
[docs] def build_sample(notification): """Build sample from provided notification.""" pass
[docs]class InterimSampleEndpoint(base.NotificationEndpoint): def __init__(self, conf, publisher, pipe_name): self.event_types = [pipe_name] super(InterimSampleEndpoint, self).__init__(conf, publisher)
[docs] def sample(self, notifications): return self.process_notifications('sample', notifications)
[docs] def process_notifications(self, priority, notifications): samples = chain.from_iterable(m["payload"] for m in notifications) samples = [ sample_util.Sample(name=s['counter_name'], type=s['counter_type'], unit=s['counter_unit'], volume=s['counter_volume'], user_id=s['user_id'], project_id=s['project_id'], resource_id=s['resource_id'], timestamp=s['timestamp'], resource_metadata=s['resource_metadata'], source=s.get('source'), # NOTE(sileht): May come from an older node, # Put None in this case. monotonic_time=s.get('monotonic_time')) for s in samples if publisher_utils.verify_signature( s, self.conf.publisher.telemetry_secret) ] with self.publisher as p: p(samples)
[docs]class SampleSource(base.PipelineSource): """Represents a source of samples. In effect it is a set of notification handlers processing samples for a set of matching meters. Each source encapsulates meter name matching and mapping to one or more sinks for publication. """ def __init__(self, cfg): super(SampleSource, self).__init__(cfg) try: self.meters = cfg['meters'] except KeyError: raise base.PipelineException("Missing meters value", cfg) try: self.check_source_filtering(self.meters, 'meters') except agent.SourceException as err: raise base.PipelineException(err.msg, cfg)
[docs] def support_meter(self, meter_name): return self.is_supported(self.meters, meter_name)
[docs]class SampleSink(base.Sink): def _transform_sample(self, start, sample): try: for transformer in self.transformers[start:]: sample = transformer.handle_sample(sample) if not sample: LOG.debug( "Pipeline %(pipeline)s: Sample dropped by " "transformer %(trans)s", {'pipeline': self, 'trans': transformer}) return return sample except Exception: LOG.error("Pipeline %(pipeline)s: Exit after error " "from transformer %(trans)s " "for %(smp)s" % {'pipeline': self, 'trans': transformer, 'smp': sample}, exc_info=True) def _publish_samples(self, start, samples): """Push samples into pipeline for publishing. :param start: The first transformer that the sample will be injected. This is mainly for flush() invocation that transformer may emit samples. :param samples: Sample list. """ transformed_samples = [] if not self.transformers: transformed_samples = samples else: for sample in samples: LOG.debug( "Pipeline %(pipeline)s: Transform sample " "%(smp)s from %(trans)s transformer", {'pipeline': self, 'smp': sample, 'trans': start}) sample = self._transform_sample(start, sample) if sample: transformed_samples.append(sample) if transformed_samples: for p in self.publishers: try: p.publish_samples(transformed_samples) except Exception: LOG.error("Pipeline %(pipeline)s: Continue after " "error from publisher %(pub)s" % {'pipeline': self, 'pub': p}, exc_info=True)
[docs] def publish_samples(self, samples): self._publish_samples(0, samples)
[docs] def flush(self): """Flush data after all samples have been injected to pipeline.""" for (i, transformer) in enumerate(self.transformers): try: self._publish_samples(i + 1, list(transformer.flush())) except Exception: LOG.error("Pipeline %(pipeline)s: Error " "flushing transformer %(trans)s" % {'pipeline': self, 'trans': transformer}, exc_info=True)
[docs]class SamplePipeline(base.Pipeline): """Represents a pipeline for Samples.""" default_grouping_key = ['resource_id'] def _validate_volume(self, s): volume = s.volume if volume is None: LOG.warning( 'metering data %(counter_name)s for %(resource_id)s ' '@ %(timestamp)s has no volume (volume: None), the sample will' ' be dropped' % {'counter_name': s.name, 'resource_id': s.resource_id, 'timestamp': s.timestamp if s.timestamp else 'NO TIMESTAMP'} ) return False if not isinstance(volume, (int, float)): try: volume = float(volume) except ValueError: LOG.warning( 'metering data %(counter_name)s for %(resource_id)s ' '@ %(timestamp)s has volume which is not a number ' '(volume: %(counter_volume)s), the sample will be dropped' % {'counter_name': s.name, 'resource_id': s.resource_id, 'timestamp': ( s.timestamp if s.timestamp else 'NO TIMESTAMP'), 'counter_volume': volume} ) return False return True
[docs] def publish_data(self, samples): if not isinstance(samples, list): samples = [samples] supported = [s for s in samples if self.supported(s) and self._validate_volume(s)] self.sink.publish_samples(supported)
[docs] def serializer(self, sample): return publisher_utils.meter_message_from_counter( sample, self.conf.publisher.telemetry_secret)
[docs] def supported(self, sample): return self.source.support_meter(sample.name)
[docs]class SamplePipelineManager(base.PipelineManager): pm_type = 'sample' pm_pipeline = SamplePipeline pm_source = SampleSource pm_sink = SampleSink def __init__(self, conf, partition=False): super(SamplePipelineManager, self).__init__( conf, conf.pipeline_cfg_file, self.get_transform_manager(), partition)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_transform_manager(): return extension.ExtensionManager('ceilometer.transformer')
[docs] def get_main_endpoints(self): exts = extension.ExtensionManager( namespace='ceilometer.sample.endpoint', invoke_on_load=True, invoke_args=(self.conf, self.get_main_publisher())) return [ext.obj for ext in exts]
[docs] def get_interim_endpoints(self): # FIXME(gordc): change this so we shard data rather than per # pipeline. this will allow us to use self.publisher and less # queues. return [InterimSampleEndpoint( self.conf, base.PublishContext([pipe]), pipe.name) for pipe in self.pipelines]
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