
Source code for ceilometer.tests.unit.ipmi.platform.fake_utils

# Copyright 2014 Intel Corp.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
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import binascii

from ceilometer.ipmi.platform import exception as nmexcept
from ceilometer.ipmi.platform import intel_node_manager as node_manager
from ceilometer.tests.unit.ipmi.platform import ipmitool_test_data as test_data

[docs]def get_sensor_status_init(parameter=''): return (' 01\n', '')
[docs]def get_sensor_status_uninit(parameter=''): return (' 00\n', '')
[docs]def init_sensor_agent(parameter=''): return (' 00\n', '')
[docs]def get_nm_version_v2(parameter=''): return test_data.nm_version_v2
[docs]def get_nm_version_v3(parameter=''): return test_data.nm_version_v3
[docs]def sdr_dump(data_file=''): if data_file == '': raise ValueError("No file specified for ipmitool sdr dump") fake_slave_address = '2c' fake_channel = '60' hexstr = node_manager.INTEL_PREFIX + fake_slave_address + fake_channel data = binascii.unhexlify(hexstr) with open(data_file, 'wb') as bin_fp: bin_fp.write(data) return ('', '')
def _execute(funcs, *cmd, **kwargs): datas = { test_data.device_id_cmd: test_data.device_id, test_data.nm_device_id_cmd: test_data.nm_device_id, test_data.get_power_cmd: test_data.power_data, test_data.get_inlet_temp_cmd: test_data.inlet_temperature_data, test_data.get_outlet_temp_cmd: test_data.outlet_temperature_data, test_data.get_airflow_cmd: test_data.airflow_data, test_data.get_cups_index_cmd: test_data.cups_index_data, test_data.get_cups_util_cmd: test_data.cups_util_data, test_data.sdr_info_cmd: test_data.sdr_info, test_data.read_sensor_temperature_cmd: test_data.sensor_temperature, test_data.read_sensor_voltage_cmd: test_data.sensor_voltage, test_data.read_sensor_current_cmd: test_data.sensor_current, test_data.read_sensor_fan_cmd: test_data.sensor_fan, } if cmd[1] == 'sdr' and cmd[2] == 'dump': # ipmitool sdr dump /tmp/XXXX cmd_str = "".join(cmd[:3]) par_str = cmd[3] else: cmd_str = "".join(cmd) par_str = '' try: return datas[cmd_str] except KeyError: return funcs[cmd_str](par_str)
[docs]def execute_with_nm_v3(*cmd, **kwargs): """test version of execute on Node Manager V3.0 platform.""" funcs = {test_data.sensor_status_cmd: get_sensor_status_init, test_data.init_sensor_cmd: init_sensor_agent, test_data.sdr_dump_cmd: sdr_dump, test_data.nm_version_cmd: get_nm_version_v3} return _execute(funcs, *cmd, **kwargs)
[docs]def execute_with_nm_v2(*cmd, **kwargs): """test version of execute on Node Manager V2.0 platform.""" funcs = {test_data.sensor_status_cmd: get_sensor_status_init, test_data.init_sensor_cmd: init_sensor_agent, test_data.sdr_dump_cmd: sdr_dump, test_data.nm_version_cmd: get_nm_version_v2} return _execute(funcs, *cmd, **kwargs)
[docs]def execute_without_nm(*cmd, **kwargs): """test version of execute on Non-Node Manager platform.""" funcs = {test_data.sensor_status_cmd: get_sensor_status_uninit, test_data.init_sensor_cmd: init_sensor_agent, test_data.sdr_dump_cmd: sdr_dump} return _execute(funcs, *cmd, **kwargs)
[docs]def execute_without_ipmi(*cmd, **kwargs): raise nmexcept.IPMIException
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