
Source code for ceilometer.tests.unit.meter.test_meter_plugins

# Copyright 2016 Mirantis Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
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import mock
from oslotest import base

from ceilometer.event import trait_plugins

[docs]class TestTimedeltaPlugin(base.BaseTestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): super(TestTimedeltaPlugin, self).setUp() self.plugin = trait_plugins.TimedeltaPlugin()
[docs] def test_timedelta_transformation(self): match_list = [('test.timestamp1', '2016-03-02T15:04:32'), ('test.timestamp2', '2016-03-02T16:04:32')] value = self.plugin.trait_value(match_list) self.assertEqual(3600, value)
[docs] def test_timedelta_missing_field(self): match_list = [('test.timestamp1', '2016-03-02T15:04:32')] with mock.patch('%s.LOG' % self.plugin.trait_value.__module__) as log: self.assertIsNone(self.plugin.trait_value(match_list)) log.warning.assert_called_once_with( 'Timedelta plugin is required two timestamp fields to create ' 'timedelta value.')
[docs] def test_timedelta_exceed_field(self): match_list = [('test.timestamp1', '2016-03-02T15:04:32'), ('test.timestamp2', '2016-03-02T16:04:32'), ('test.timestamp3', '2016-03-02T16:10:32')] with mock.patch('%s.LOG' % self.plugin.trait_value.__module__) as log: self.assertIsNone(self.plugin.trait_value(match_list)) log.warning.assert_called_once_with( 'Timedelta plugin is required two timestamp fields to create ' 'timedelta value.')
[docs] def test_timedelta_invalid_timestamp(self): match_list = [('test.timestamp1', '2016-03-02T15:04:32'), ('test.timestamp2', '2016-03-02T15:004:32')] with mock.patch('%s.LOG' % self.plugin.trait_value.__module__) as log: self.assertIsNone(self.plugin.trait_value(match_list)) msg = log.warning._mock_call_args[0][0] self.assertTrue(msg.startswith('Failed to parse date from set ' 'fields, both fields ') )
[docs] def test_timedelta_reverse_timestamp_order(self): match_list = [('test.timestamp1', '2016-03-02T15:15:32'), ('test.timestamp2', '2016-03-02T15:10:32')] value = self.plugin.trait_value(match_list) self.assertEqual(300, value)
[docs] def test_timedelta_precise_difference(self): match_list = [('test.timestamp1', '2016-03-02T15:10:32.786893'), ('test.timestamp2', '2016-03-02T15:10:32.786899')] value = self.plugin.trait_value(match_list) self.assertEqual(0.000006, value)
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