DRBD driver

DRBD driver

The DRBD driver allows Cinder to use DRBDmanage instances.


Set the following option in the cinder.conf file for the DRBD transport:

volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.drbdmanagedrv.DrbdManageDrbdDriver

Or use the following for iSCSI transport:

volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.drbdmanagedrv.DrbdManageIscsiDriver

The following table contains the configuration options supported by the DRBD drivers:

Description of DRBD configuration options
Configuration option = Default value Description
drbdmanage_devs_on_controller = True (Boolean) If set, the c-vol node will receive a useable /dev/drbdX device, even if the actual data is stored on other nodes only. This is useful for debugging, maintenance, and to be able to do the iSCSI export from the c-vol node.
drbdmanage_disk_options = {"c-min-rate": "4M"} (String) Disk options to set on new resources. See http://www.drbd.org/en/doc/users-guide-90/re-drbdconf for all the details.
drbdmanage_net_options = {"connect-int": "4", "allow-two-primaries": "yes", "ko-count": "30", "max-buffers": "20000", "ping-timeout": "100"} (String) Net options to set on new resources. See http://www.drbd.org/en/doc/users-guide-90/re-drbdconf for all the details.
drbdmanage_redundancy = 1 (Integer) Number of nodes that should replicate the data.
drbdmanage_resize_plugin = drbdmanage.plugins.plugins.wait_for.WaitForVolumeSize (String) Volume resize completion wait plugin.
drbdmanage_resize_policy = {"timeout": "60"} (String) Volume resize completion wait policy.
drbdmanage_resource_options = {"auto-promote-timeout": "300"} (String) Resource options to set on new resources. See http://www.drbd.org/en/doc/users-guide-90/re-drbdconf for all the details.
drbdmanage_resource_plugin = drbdmanage.plugins.plugins.wait_for.WaitForResource (String) Resource deployment completion wait plugin.
drbdmanage_resource_policy = {"ratio": "0.51", "timeout": "60"} (String) Resource deployment completion wait policy.
drbdmanage_snapshot_plugin = drbdmanage.plugins.plugins.wait_for.WaitForSnapshot (String) Snapshot completion wait plugin.
drbdmanage_snapshot_policy = {"count": "1", "timeout": "60"} (String) Snapshot completion wait policy.
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