Zadara Storage VPSA volume driver

Zadara Storage VPSA volume driver

Zadara Storage, Virtual Private Storage Array (VPSA) is the first software defined, Enterprise-Storage-as-a-Service. It is an elastic and private block and file storage system which, provides enterprise-grade data protection and data management storage services.

The ZadaraVPSAISCSIDriver volume driver allows the Zadara Storage VPSA to be used as a volume back end storage in OpenStack deployments.

System requirements

To use Zadara Storage VPSA Volume Driver you will require:

  • Zadara Storage VPSA version 15.07 and above
  • iSCSI or iSER host interfaces

Supported operations

  • Create, delete, attach, and detach volumes
  • Create, list, and delete volume snapshots
  • Create a volume from a snapshot
  • Copy an image to a volume
  • Copy a volume to an image
  • Clone a volume
  • Extend a volume
  • Migrate a volume with back end assistance


  1. Create a VPSA pool(s) or make sure you have an existing pool(s) that will be used for volume services. The VPSA pool(s) will be identified by its ID (pool-xxxxxxxx). For further details, see the VPSA’s user guide.
  2. Adjust the cinder.conf configuration file to define the volume driver name along with a storage back end entry for each VPSA pool that will be managed by the block storage service. Each back end entry requires a unique section name, surrounded by square brackets (or parentheses), followed by options in key=value format.


Restart cinder-volume service after modifying cinder.conf.

Sample minimum back end configuration

enabled_backends = vpsa

zadara_vpsa_host =
zadara_vpsa_port = 80
zadara_user = vpsauser
zadara_password = mysecretpassword
zadara_use_iser = false
zadara_vpsa_poolname = pool-00000001
volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.zadara.ZadaraVPSAISCSIDriver
volume_backend_name = vpsa

Driver-specific options

This section contains the configuration options that are specific to the Zadara Storage VPSA driver.

Description of Zadara configuration options
Configuration option = Default value Description
zadara_default_snap_policy = False (Boolean) VPSA - Attach snapshot policy for volumes
zadara_password = None (String) VPSA - Password
zadara_ssl_cert_verify = True (Boolean) If set to True the http client will validate the SSL certificate of the VPSA endpoint.
zadara_use_iser = True (Boolean) VPSA - Use ISER instead of iSCSI
zadara_user = None (String) VPSA - Username
zadara_vol_encrypt = False (Boolean) VPSA - Default encryption policy for volumes
zadara_vol_name_template = OS_%s (String) VPSA - Default template for VPSA volume names
zadara_vpsa_host = None (String) VPSA - Management Host name or IP address
zadara_vpsa_poolname = None (String) VPSA - Storage Pool assigned for volumes
zadara_vpsa_port = None (Port(min=0, max=65535)) VPSA - Port number
zadara_vpsa_use_ssl = False (Boolean) VPSA - Use SSL connection


By design, all volumes created within the VPSA are thin provisioned.

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Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.