Rating module introduction

Rating module introduction

There are three rating modules in Cloudkitty now, including the noop, hashmap and pyscripts. Only the noop rating module is just for testing. All modules can be enabled and disabled dynamically. Cloudkitty allows to run several rating modules simultaneously, and the user or operator can set the priority for a module. The order in which the modules process the data depends on their priority. The module with the highest priority comes first.

List current modules

List current rating modules:

$ cloudkitty module-list
| Module    | Enabled | Priority |
| hashmap   | False   | 1        |
| noop      | True    | 1        |
| pyscripts | True    | 1        |

Enable or disable module

Enable the hashmap rating module:

$ cloudkitty module-enable -n hashmap
| Module  | Enabled | Priority |
| hashmap | True    | 1        |

Disable the pyscripts rating module:

$ cloudkitty module-disable -n pyscripts
| Module    | Enabled | Priority |
| pyscripts | False   | 1        |

Set priority

Set the hashmap rating module priority to 100:

$ cloudkitty module-set-priority -n hashmap -p 100
| Module  | Enabled | Priority |
| hashmap | True    | 100      |
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