Cyborg Generic Driver Proposal

Cyborg Generic Driver Proposal

This spec proposes to provide the initial design for Cyborg’s generic driver.

Problem description

This blueprint proposes to add a generic driver for openstack-cyborg. The goal is to provide users & operators with a reliable generic implementation that is hardware agnostic and provides basic accelerator functionality.

Use Cases

  • As an admin user and a non-admin user with elevated privileges, I should be able to identify and discover attached accelerator backends.
  • As an admin user and a non-admin user with elevated privileges, I should be able to view services on each attached backend after the agent has discovered services on each backend.
  • As an admin user and a non-admin user, I should be able to list and update attached accelerators by driver by querying nova with the Cyborg-API.
  • As an admin user and a non-admin user with elevated privileges, I should be able to install accelerator generic driver.
  • As an admin user and a non-admin user with elevated privileges, I should be able to uninstall accelerator generic driver.
  • As an admin user and a non-admin user with elevated privileges, I should be able to issue attach command to the instance via the driver which gets routed to Nova via the Cyborg API.
  • As an admin user and a non-admin user with elevated privileges, I should be able to issue detach command to the instance via the driver which gets routed to Nova via the Cyborg API.

Proposed change

  • Cyborg needs a reference implementation that can be used as a model for future driver implementations and that will be referred to as the generic driver implementation
  • Develop the generic driver implementation that supports CRUD operations for accelerators for single backend and multi backend setup scenarios.



Data model impact

  • The generic driver will update the central database when any CRUD or attach/detach operations take place

REST API impact

This blueprint proposes to add the following APIs:

  • cyborg install-driver <driver_id>
  • cyborg uninstall-driver <driver_id>
  • cyborg attach-instance <instance_id>
  • cyborg detach-instance <instance_id>
  • cyborg service-list
  • cyborg driver-list
  • cyborg update-driver <driver_id>
  • cyborg discover-services

Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact


Performance Impact


Other deployer impact


Developer impact

Developers will have access to a reference generic implementation which can be used to build vendor-specific drivers.



Primary assignee:
Rushil Chugh <>

Work Items

This change would entail the following:

  • Add a feature to identify and discover attached accelerator backends.
  • Add a feature to list services running on the backend
  • Add a feature to attach accelerators to the generic backend.
  • Add a feature to detach accelerators from the generic backend.
  • Add a feature to list accelerators attached to the generic backend.
  • Add a feature to modify accelerators attached to the generic backend.
  • Defining a reference implementation detailing the flow of requests between the cyborg-api, cyborg-conductor and nova-compute services.


Dependent on Cyborg API and Agent implementations.


  • Unit tests will be added test Cyborg generic driver.

Documentation Impact





Release Description
Pike Introduced
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License

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