Configuring Ceph with Custom Config Settings ============================================ This guide assumes that your undercloud is already installed and ready to deploy an overcloud. Customizing ceph.conf --------------------- Ceph demands for more careful configuration when deployed at scale. It is possible to override any of the configuration parameters supported by `puppet-ceph`_ at deployment time via Heat environment files. For example:: parameter_defaults: ExtraConfig: ceph::profile::params::osd_journal_size: 2048 will customize the default `osd_journal_size` overriding any default provided in the `ceph.yaml static hieradata`_. Remember to add such an environment file to the deploy commandline:: openstack overcloud deploy --templates --ceph-storage-scale -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/storage-environment.yaml -e ~/my-ceph-settings.yaml It is also possible to provide arbitrary stanza/key/value lines for `ceph.conf` using the special `ceph::conf` configuration class. For example by using:: parameter_defaults: ExtraConfig: ceph::conf::args: global/max_open_files: value: 131072 global/my_setting: value: my_value the resulting `ceph.conf` file should be populated with the following:: [global] max_open_files: 131072 my_setting: my_value .. note:: The :doc:`extra_config` doc has a more details on the usage of the different ExtraConfig interfaces. .. _`puppet-ceph`: .. _`ceph.yaml static hieradata`: