.. _delete_nodes: Deleting Overcloud Nodes ======================== You can delete specific nodes from an overcloud with command:: openstack overcloud node delete --stack $STACK_NAME --templates [templates dir] This command updates the heat stack with updated numbers and list of resource IDs (which represent nodes) to be deleted. .. note:: If you passed any extra environment files when you created the overcloud (for instance, in order to configure :doc:`network isolation <../advanced_deployment/network_isolation>`), you must pass them again here using the ``-e`` or ``--environment-file`` option to avoid making undesired changes to the overcloud. .. note:: Before deleting a compute node or a cephstorage node, please make sure that the node is quiesced, see :ref:`quiesce_compute` or :ref:`quiesce_cephstorage`. .. note:: A list of nova instance IDs can be listed with command:: nova list