Source code for glance.tests.functional.test_client_redirects

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"""Functional test cases testing glance client redirect-following."""

import eventlet.patcher
from six.moves import http_client as http
import webob.dec
import webob.exc

from glance.common import client
from glance.common import exception
from glance.common import wsgi
from glance.tests import functional
from glance.tests import utils


[docs]def RedirectTestApp(name): class App(object): """ Test WSGI application which can respond with multiple kinds of HTTP redirects and is used to verify Glance client redirects. """ def __init__(self): """ Initialize app with a name and port. """ = name @webob.dec.wsgify def __call__(self, request): """ Handles all requests to the application. """ base = "http://%s" % path = request.path_qs if path == "/": return "root" elif path == "/302": url = "%s/success" % base raise webob.exc.HTTPFound(location=url) elif path == "/302?with_qs=yes": url = "%s/success?with_qs=yes" % base raise webob.exc.HTTPFound(location=url) elif path == "/infinite_302": raise webob.exc.HTTPFound(location=request.url) elif path.startswith("/redirect-to"): url = "" % path.split("-")[-1] raise webob.exc.HTTPFound(location=url) elif path == "/success": return "success_from_host_%s" % elif path == "/success?with_qs=yes": return "success_with_qs" return "fail" return App
[docs]class TestClientRedirects(functional.FunctionalTest):
[docs] def setUp(self): super(TestClientRedirects, self).setUp() self.port_one = utils.get_unused_port() self.port_two = utils.get_unused_port() server_one = wsgi.Server() server_two = wsgi.Server() self.config(bind_host='') self.config(workers=0) server_one.start(RedirectTestApp("one")(), self.port_one) server_two.start(RedirectTestApp("two")(), self.port_two) self.client = client.BaseClient("", self.port_one)
[docs] def test_get_without_redirect(self): """ Test GET with no redirect """ response = self.client.do_request("GET", "/") self.assertEqual(http.OK, response.status) self.assertEqual(b"root",
[docs] def test_get_with_one_redirect(self): """ Test GET with one 302 FOUND redirect """ response = self.client.do_request("GET", "/302") self.assertEqual(http.OK, response.status) self.assertEqual(b"success_from_host_one",
[docs] def test_get_with_one_redirect_query_string(self): """ Test GET with one 302 FOUND redirect w/ a query string """ response = self.client.do_request("GET", "/302", params={'with_qs': 'yes'}) self.assertEqual(http.OK, response.status) self.assertEqual(b"success_with_qs",
[docs] def test_get_with_max_redirects(self): """ Test we don't redirect forever. """ self.assertRaises(exception.MaxRedirectsExceeded, self.client.do_request, "GET", "/infinite_302")
[docs] def test_post_redirect(self): """ Test POST with 302 redirect """ response = self.client.do_request("POST", "/302") self.assertEqual(http.OK, response.status) self.assertEqual(b"success_from_host_one",
[docs] def test_redirect_to_new_host(self): """ Test redirect to one host and then another. """ url = "/redirect-to-%d" % self.port_two response = self.client.do_request("POST", url) self.assertEqual(http.OK, response.status) self.assertEqual(b"success_from_host_two", response = self.client.do_request("POST", "/success") self.assertEqual(http.OK, response.status) self.assertEqual(b"success_from_host_one",