Source code for glance.cmd.replicator

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright 2012 Michael Still and Canonical Inc
# Copyright 2014 SoftLayer Technologies, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#    a copy of the License at
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.

from __future__ import print_function

import os
import sys

from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
from oslo_utils import encodeutils
from oslo_utils import uuidutils
import six
from six.moves import http_client as http
import six.moves.urllib.parse as urlparse
from webob import exc

from glance.common import config
from glance.common import exception
from glance.common import utils
from glance.i18n import _, _LE, _LI, _LW

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# NOTE: positional arguments <args> will be parsed before <command> until
# this bug is corrected
cli_opts = [
               help="Amount of data to transfer per HTTP write."),
               default=('created_at date deleted_at location updated_at'),
               help="List of fields to not replicate."),
                help="Only replicate metadata, not images."),
               help=("Pass in your authentication token if you have "
                     "one. If you use this option the same token is "
                     "used for both the source and the target.")),
               deprecated_reason='use sourcetoken instead',
               help=("Pass in your authentication token if you have "
                     "one. This is the token used for the source system.")),
               deprecated_reason='use targettoken instead',
               help=("Pass in your authentication token if you have "
                     "one. This is the token used for the target system.")),
               help="Command to be given to replicator"),
                    help="Arguments for the command"),


# TODO(stevelle) Remove deprecated opts some time after Queens
               help=("Pass in your authentication token if you have "
                     "one. This is the token used for the source.")))
               help=("Pass in your authentication token if you have "
                     "one. This is the token used for the target.")))

CONF.set_default(name='use_stderr', default=True)

# If ../glance/ exists, add ../ to Python search path, so that
# it will override what happens to be installed in /usr/(local/)lib/python...
possible_topdir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]),
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(possible_topdir, 'glance', '')):
    sys.path.insert(0, possible_topdir)

COMMANDS = """Commands:

    help <command>  Output help for one of the commands below

    compare         What is missing from the target glance?
    dump            Dump the contents of a glance instance to local disk.
    livecopy        Load the contents of one glance instance into another.
    load            Load the contents of a local directory into glance.
    size            Determine the size of a glance instance if dumped to disk.

IMAGE_ALREADY_PRESENT_MESSAGE = _('The image %s is already present on '
                                  'the target, but our check for it did '
                                  'not find it. This indicates that we '
                                  'do not have permissions to see all '
                                  'the images on the target server.')

[docs]class ImageService(object): def __init__(self, conn, auth_token): """Initialize the ImageService. conn: a http_client.HTTPConnection to the glance server auth_token: authentication token to pass in the x-auth-token header """ self.auth_token = auth_token self.conn = conn def _http_request(self, method, url, headers, body, ignore_result_body=False): """Perform an HTTP request against the server. method: the HTTP method to use url: the URL to request (not including server portion) headers: headers for the request body: body to send with the request ignore_result_body: the body of the result will be ignored Returns: a http_client response object """ if self.auth_token: headers.setdefault('x-auth-token', self.auth_token) LOG.debug('Request: %(method)s http://%(server)s:%(port)s' '%(url)s with headers %(headers)s', {'method': method, 'server':, 'port': self.conn.port, 'url': url, 'headers': repr(headers)}) self.conn.request(method, url, body, headers) response = self.conn.getresponse() headers = self._header_list_to_dict(response.getheaders()) code = response.status code_description = http.responses[code] LOG.debug('Response: %(code)s %(status)s %(headers)s', {'code': code, 'status': code_description, 'headers': repr(headers)}) if code == http.BAD_REQUEST: raise exc.HTTPBadRequest( if code == http.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR: raise exc.HTTPInternalServerError( if code == http.UNAUTHORIZED: raise exc.HTTPUnauthorized( if code == http.FORBIDDEN: raise exc.HTTPForbidden( if code == http.CONFLICT: raise exc.HTTPConflict( if ignore_result_body: # NOTE: because we are pipelining requests through a single HTTP # connection, http_client requires that we read the response body # before we can make another request. If the caller knows they # don't care about the body, they can ask us to do that for them. return response
[docs] def get_images(self): """Return a detailed list of images. Yields a series of images as dicts containing metadata. """ params = {'is_public': None} while True: url = '/v1/images/detail' query = urlparse.urlencode(params) if query: url += '?%s' % query response = self._http_request('GET', url, {}, '') result = jsonutils.loads( if not result or 'images' not in result or not result['images']: return for image in result.get('images', []): params['marker'] = image['id'] yield image
[docs] def get_image(self, image_uuid): """Fetch image data from glance. image_uuid: the id of an image Returns: a http_client Response object where the body is the image. """ url = '/v1/images/%s' % image_uuid return self._http_request('GET', url, {}, '')
@staticmethod def _header_list_to_dict(headers): """Expand a list of headers into a dictionary. headers: a list of [(key, value), (key, value), (key, value)] Returns: a dictionary representation of the list """ d = {} for (header, value) in headers: if header.startswith('x-image-meta-property-'): prop = header.replace('x-image-meta-property-', '') d.setdefault('properties', {}) d['properties'][prop] = value else: d[header.replace('x-image-meta-', '')] = value return d
[docs] def get_image_meta(self, image_uuid): """Return the metadata for a single image. image_uuid: the id of an image Returns: image metadata as a dictionary """ url = '/v1/images/%s' % image_uuid response = self._http_request('HEAD', url, {}, '', ignore_result_body=True) return self._header_list_to_dict(response.getheaders())
@staticmethod def _dict_to_headers(d): """Convert a dictionary into one suitable for a HTTP request. d: a dictionary Returns: the same dictionary, with x-image-meta added to every key """ h = {} for key in d: if key == 'properties': for subkey in d[key]: if d[key][subkey] is None: h['x-image-meta-property-%s' % subkey] = '' else: h['x-image-meta-property-%s' % subkey] = d[key][subkey] else: h['x-image-meta-%s' % key] = d[key] return h
[docs] def add_image(self, image_meta, image_data): """Upload an image. image_meta: image metadata as a dictionary image_data: image data as a object with a read() method Returns: a tuple of (http response headers, http response body) """ url = '/v1/images' headers = self._dict_to_headers(image_meta) headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream' headers['Content-Length'] = int(image_meta['size']) response = self._http_request('POST', url, headers, image_data) headers = self._header_list_to_dict(response.getheaders()) LOG.debug('Image post done') body = return headers, body
[docs] def add_image_meta(self, image_meta): """Update image metadata. image_meta: image metadata as a dictionary Returns: a tuple of (http response headers, http response body) """ url = '/v1/images/%s' % image_meta['id'] headers = self._dict_to_headers(image_meta) headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream' response = self._http_request('PUT', url, headers, '') headers = self._header_list_to_dict(response.getheaders()) LOG.debug('Image post done') body = return headers, body
[docs]def get_image_service(): """Get a copy of the image service. This is done like this to make it easier to mock out ImageService. """ return ImageService
def _human_readable_size(num, suffix='B'): for unit in ['', 'Ki', 'Mi', 'Gi', 'Ti', 'Pi', 'Ei', 'Zi']: if abs(num) < 1024.0: return "%3.1f %s%s" % (num, unit, suffix) num /= 1024.0 return "%.1f %s%s" % (num, 'Yi', suffix)
[docs]def replication_size(options, args): """%(prog)s size <server:port> Determine the size of a glance instance if dumped to disk. server:port: the location of the glance instance. """ # Make sure server info is provided if args is None or len(args) < 1: raise TypeError(_("Too few arguments.")) server, port = utils.parse_valid_host_port(args.pop()) total_size = 0 count = 0 imageservice = get_image_service() client = imageservice(http.HTTPConnection(server, port), options.targettoken) for image in client.get_images(): LOG.debug('Considering image: %(image)s', {'image': image}) if image['status'] == 'active': total_size += int(image['size']) count += 1 print(_('Total size is %(size)d bytes (%(human_size)s) across ' '%(img_count)d images') % {'size': total_size, 'human_size': _human_readable_size(total_size), 'img_count': count})
[docs]def replication_dump(options, args): """%(prog)s dump <server:port> <path> Dump the contents of a glance instance to local disk. server:port: the location of the glance instance. path: a directory on disk to contain the data. """ # Make sure server and path are provided if len(args) < 2: raise TypeError(_("Too few arguments.")) path = args.pop() server, port = utils.parse_valid_host_port(args.pop()) imageservice = get_image_service() client = imageservice(http.HTTPConnection(server, port), options.sourcetoken) for image in client.get_images(): LOG.debug('Considering: %(image_id)s (%(image_name)s) ' '(%(image_size)d bytes)', {'image_id': image['id'], 'image_name': image.get('name', '--unnamed--'), 'image_size': image['size']}) data_path = os.path.join(path, image['id']) data_filename = data_path + '.img' if not os.path.exists(data_path):'Storing: %(image_id)s (%(image_name)s)' ' (%(image_size)d bytes) in %(data_filename)s'), {'image_id': image['id'], 'image_name': image.get('name', '--unnamed--'), 'image_size': image['size'], 'data_filename': data_filename}) # Dump glance information if six.PY3: f = open(data_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') else: f = open(data_path, 'w') with f: f.write(jsonutils.dumps(image)) if image['status'] == 'active' and not options.metaonly: # Now fetch the image. The metadata returned in headers here # is the same as that which we got from the detailed images # request earlier, so we can ignore it here. Note that we also # only dump active images. LOG.debug('Image %s is active', image['id']) image_response = client.get_image(image['id']) with open(data_filename, 'wb') as f: while True: chunk = if not chunk: break f.write(chunk)
def _dict_diff(a, b): """A one way dictionary diff. a: a dictionary b: a dictionary Returns: True if the dictionaries are different """ # Only things the source has which the target lacks matter if set(a.keys()) - set(b.keys()): LOG.debug('metadata diff -- source has extra keys: %(keys)s', {'keys': ' '.join(set(a.keys()) - set(b.keys()))}) return True for key in a: if str(a[key]) != str(b[key]): LOG.debug('metadata diff -- value differs for key ' '%(key)s: source "%(source_value)s" vs ' 'target "%(target_value)s"', {'key': key, 'source_value': a[key], 'target_value': b[key]}) return True return False
[docs]def replication_load(options, args): """%(prog)s load <server:port> <path> Load the contents of a local directory into glance. server:port: the location of the glance instance. path: a directory on disk containing the data. """ # Make sure server and path are provided if len(args) < 2: raise TypeError(_("Too few arguments.")) path = args.pop() server, port = utils.parse_valid_host_port(args.pop()) imageservice = get_image_service() client = imageservice(http.HTTPConnection(server, port), options.targettoken) updated = [] for ent in os.listdir(path): if uuidutils.is_uuid_like(ent): image_uuid = ent'Considering: %s'), image_uuid) meta_file_name = os.path.join(path, image_uuid) with open(meta_file_name) as meta_file: meta = jsonutils.loads( # Remove keys which don't make sense for replication for key in options.dontreplicate.split(' '): if key in meta: LOG.debug('Stripping %(header)s from saved ' 'metadata', {'header': key}) del meta[key] if _image_present(client, image_uuid): # NOTE(mikal): Perhaps we just need to update the metadata? # Note that we don't attempt to change an image file once it # has been uploaded. LOG.debug('Image %s already present', image_uuid) headers = client.get_image_meta(image_uuid) for key in options.dontreplicate.split(' '): if key in headers: LOG.debug('Stripping %(header)s from target ' 'metadata', {'header': key}) del headers[key] if _dict_diff(meta, headers):'Image %s metadata has changed'), image_uuid) headers, body = client.add_image_meta(meta) _check_upload_response_headers(headers, body) updated.append(meta['id']) else: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, image_uuid + '.img')): LOG.debug('%s dump is missing image data, skipping', image_uuid) continue # Upload the image itself with open(os.path.join(path, image_uuid + '.img')) as img_file: try: headers, body = client.add_image(meta, img_file) _check_upload_response_headers(headers, body) updated.append(meta['id']) except exc.HTTPConflict: LOG.error(_LE(IMAGE_ALREADY_PRESENT_MESSAGE) % image_uuid) # noqa return updated
[docs]def replication_livecopy(options, args): """%(prog)s livecopy <fromserver:port> <toserver:port> Load the contents of one glance instance into another. fromserver:port: the location of the source glance instance. toserver:port: the location of the target glance instance. """ # Make sure from-server and to-server are provided if len(args) < 2: raise TypeError(_("Too few arguments.")) imageservice = get_image_service() target_server, target_port = utils.parse_valid_host_port(args.pop()) target_conn = http.HTTPConnection(target_server, target_port) target_client = imageservice(target_conn, options.targettoken) source_server, source_port = utils.parse_valid_host_port(args.pop()) source_conn = http.HTTPConnection(source_server, source_port) source_client = imageservice(source_conn, options.sourcetoken) updated = [] for image in source_client.get_images(): LOG.debug('Considering %(id)s', {'id': image['id']}) for key in options.dontreplicate.split(' '): if key in image: LOG.debug('Stripping %(header)s from source metadata', {'header': key}) del image[key] if _image_present(target_client, image['id']): # NOTE(mikal): Perhaps we just need to update the metadata? # Note that we don't attempt to change an image file once it # has been uploaded. headers = target_client.get_image_meta(image['id']) if headers['status'] == 'active': for key in options.dontreplicate.split(' '): if key in image: LOG.debug('Stripping %(header)s from source ' 'metadata', {'header': key}) del image[key] if key in headers: LOG.debug('Stripping %(header)s from target ' 'metadata', {'header': key}) del headers[key] if _dict_diff(image, headers):'Image %(image_id)s (%(image_name)s) ' 'metadata has changed'), {'image_id': image['id'], 'image_name': image.get('name', '--unnamed--')}) headers, body = target_client.add_image_meta(image) _check_upload_response_headers(headers, body) updated.append(image['id']) elif image['status'] == 'active':'Image %(image_id)s (%(image_name)s) ' '(%(image_size)d bytes) ' 'is being synced'), {'image_id': image['id'], 'image_name': image.get('name', '--unnamed--'), 'image_size': image['size']}) if not options.metaonly: image_response = source_client.get_image(image['id']) try: headers, body = target_client.add_image(image, image_response) _check_upload_response_headers(headers, body) updated.append(image['id']) except exc.HTTPConflict: LOG.error(_LE(IMAGE_ALREADY_PRESENT_MESSAGE) % image['id']) # noqa return updated
[docs]def replication_compare(options, args): """%(prog)s compare <fromserver:port> <toserver:port> Compare the contents of fromserver with those of toserver. fromserver:port: the location of the source glance instance. toserver:port: the location of the target glance instance. """ # Make sure from-server and to-server are provided if len(args) < 2: raise TypeError(_("Too few arguments.")) imageservice = get_image_service() target_server, target_port = utils.parse_valid_host_port(args.pop()) target_conn = http.HTTPConnection(target_server, target_port) target_client = imageservice(target_conn, options.targettoken) source_server, source_port = utils.parse_valid_host_port(args.pop()) source_conn = http.HTTPConnection(source_server, source_port) source_client = imageservice(source_conn, options.sourcetoken) differences = {} for image in source_client.get_images(): if _image_present(target_client, image['id']): headers = target_client.get_image_meta(image['id']) for key in options.dontreplicate.split(' '): if key in image: LOG.debug('Stripping %(header)s from source metadata', {'header': key}) del image[key] if key in headers: LOG.debug('Stripping %(header)s from target metadata', {'header': key}) del headers[key] for key in image: if image[key] != headers.get(key): LOG.warn(_LW('%(image_id)s: field %(key)s differs ' '(source is %(source_value)s, destination ' 'is %(target_value)s)') % {'image_id': image['id'], 'key': key, 'source_value': image[key], 'target_value': headers.get(key, 'undefined')}) differences[image['id']] = 'diff' else: LOG.debug('%(image_id)s is identical', {'image_id': image['id']}) elif image['status'] == 'active': LOG.warn(_LW('Image %(image_id)s ("%(image_name)s") ' 'entirely missing from the destination') % {'image_id': image['id'], 'image_name': image.get('name', '--unnamed')}) differences[image['id']] = 'missing' return differences
def _check_upload_response_headers(headers, body): """Check that the headers of an upload are reasonable. headers: the headers from the upload body: the body from the upload """ if 'status' not in headers: try: d = jsonutils.loads(body) if 'image' in d and 'status' in d['image']: return except Exception: raise exception.UploadException(body) def _image_present(client, image_uuid): """Check if an image is present in glance. client: the ImageService image_uuid: the image uuid to check Returns: True if the image is present """ headers = client.get_image_meta(image_uuid) return 'status' in headers
[docs]def lookup_command(command_name): """Lookup a command. command_name: the command name Returns: a method which implements that command """ BASE_COMMANDS = {'help': print_help} REPLICATION_COMMANDS = {'compare': replication_compare, 'dump': replication_dump, 'livecopy': replication_livecopy, 'load': replication_load, 'size': replication_size} commands = {} for command_set in (BASE_COMMANDS, REPLICATION_COMMANDS): commands.update(command_set) try: command = commands[command_name] except KeyError: if command_name: sys.exit(_("Unknown command: %s") % command_name) else: command = commands['help'] return command
[docs]def main(): """The main function.""" try: config.parse_args() except RuntimeError as e: sys.exit("ERROR: %s" % encodeutils.exception_to_unicode(e)) except SystemExit as e: sys.exit("Please specify one command") # Setup logging logging.setup(CONF, 'glance') if CONF.token: CONF.sourcetoken = CONF.token CONF.targettoken = CONF.token command = lookup_command(CONF.command) try: command(CONF, CONF.args) except TypeError as e: LOG.error(_LE(command.__doc__) % {'prog': command.__name__}) # noqa sys.exit("ERROR: %s" % encodeutils.exception_to_unicode(e)) except ValueError as e: LOG.error(_LE(command.__doc__) % {'prog': command.__name__}) # noqa sys.exit("ERROR: %s" % encodeutils.exception_to_unicode(e))
if __name__ == '__main__': main()