# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import collections
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
from heat.common import exception
from heat.common.i18n import _
from heat.common import param_utils
from heat.engine import constraints as constr
from heat.engine import function
from heat.engine.hot import parameters as hot_param
from heat.engine import parameters
from heat.engine import support
from heat.engine import translation as trans
) = (
'Required', 'Implemented', 'Default', 'Type', 'Schema',
'AllowedPattern', 'MinValue', 'MaxValue', 'AllowedValues',
'MinLength', 'MaxLength', 'Description', 'UpdateAllowed',
[docs]class Schema(constr.Schema):
"""Schema class for validating resource properties.
This class is used for defining schema constraints for resource properties.
It inherits generic validation features from the base Schema class and add
processing that is specific to resource properties.
KEYS = (
) = (
'type', 'description', 'default', 'schema', 'required', 'constraints',
'update_allowed', 'immutable',
def __init__(self, data_type, description=None,
default=None, schema=None,
required=False, constraints=None,
super(Schema, self).__init__(data_type, description, default,
schema, required, constraints,
self.implemented = implemented
self.update_allowed = update_allowed
self.support_status = support_status
self.allow_conversion = allow_conversion
# validate structural correctness of schema itself
[docs] def validate(self, context=None):
super(Schema, self).validate()
# check that update_allowed and immutable
# do not contradict each other
if self.update_allowed and self.immutable:
msg = _("Options %(ua)s and %(im)s "
"cannot both be True") % {
raise exception.InvalidSchemaError(message=msg)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_legacy(cls, schema_dict):
"""Return a Property Schema object from a legacy schema dictionary."""
# Check for fully-fledged Schema objects
if isinstance(schema_dict, cls):
return schema_dict
unknown = [k for k in schema_dict if k not in SCHEMA_KEYS]
if unknown:
raise exception.InvalidSchemaError(
message=_('Unknown key(s) %s') % unknown)
def constraints():
def get_num(key):
val = schema_dict.get(key)
if val is not None:
val = Schema.str_to_num(val)
return val
if MIN_VALUE in schema_dict or MAX_VALUE in schema_dict:
yield constr.Range(get_num(MIN_VALUE), get_num(MAX_VALUE))
if MIN_LENGTH in schema_dict or MAX_LENGTH in schema_dict:
yield constr.Length(get_num(MIN_LENGTH), get_num(MAX_LENGTH))
if ALLOWED_VALUES in schema_dict:
yield constr.AllowedValues(schema_dict[ALLOWED_VALUES])
if ALLOWED_PATTERN in schema_dict:
yield constr.AllowedPattern(schema_dict[ALLOWED_PATTERN])
data_type = schema_dict[TYPE]
except KeyError:
raise exception.InvalidSchemaError(
message=_('No %s specified') % TYPE)
if SCHEMA in schema_dict:
if data_type == Schema.LIST:
ss = cls.from_legacy(schema_dict[SCHEMA])
elif data_type == Schema.MAP:
schema_dicts = schema_dict[SCHEMA].items()
ss = dict((n, cls.from_legacy(sd)) for n, sd in schema_dicts)
raise exception.InvalidSchemaError(
message=_('%(schema)s supplied for %(type)s %(data)s') %
dict(schema=SCHEMA, type=TYPE, data=data_type))
ss = None
return cls(data_type,
required=schema_dict.get(REQUIRED, False),
implemented=schema_dict.get(IMPLEMENTED, True),
update_allowed=schema_dict.get(UPDATE_ALLOWED, False),
immutable=schema_dict.get(IMMUTABLE, False))
[docs] @classmethod
def from_parameter(cls, param):
"""Return a Property Schema corresponding to a Parameter Schema.
Convert a parameter schema from a provider template to a property
Schema for the corresponding resource facade.
# map param types to property types
param_type_map = {
param.STRING: cls.STRING,
param.NUMBER: cls.NUMBER,
param.LIST: cls.LIST,
param.MAP: cls.MAP,
# allow_conversion allows slightly more flexible type conversion
# where property->parameter types don't align, primarily when
# a json parameter value is passed via a Map property, which requires
# some coercion to pass strings or lists (which are both valid for
# Json parameters but not for Map properties).
allow_conversion = (param.type == param.MAP
or param.type == param.LIST)
# make update_allowed true by default on TemplateResources
# as the template should deal with this.
return cls(data_type=param_type_map.get(param.type, cls.MAP),
[docs] def allowed_param_prop_type(self):
"""Return allowed type of Property Schema converted from parameter.
Especially, when generating Schema from parameter, Integer Property
Schema will be supplied by Number parameter.
param_type_map = {
self.INTEGER: self.NUMBER,
self.STRING: self.STRING,
self.NUMBER: self.NUMBER,
self.LIST: self.LIST,
self.MAP: self.MAP
return param_type_map[self.type]
def __getitem__(self, key):
if key == self.UPDATE_ALLOWED:
return self.update_allowed
elif key == self.IMMUTABLE:
return self.immutable
return super(Schema, self).__getitem__(key)
[docs]def schemata(schema_dicts):
"""Return dictionary of Schema objects for given dictionary of schemata.
The input schemata are converted from the legacy (dictionary-based)
format to Schema objects where necessary.
return dict((n, Schema.from_legacy(s)) for n, s in schema_dicts.items())
[docs]class Property(object):
def __init__(self, schema, name=None, context=None, path=None):
self.schema = Schema.from_legacy(schema)
self.name = name
self.context = context
self.path = self.make_path(name, path)
[docs] def required(self):
return self.schema.required
[docs] def implemented(self):
return self.schema.implemented
[docs] def update_allowed(self):
return self.schema.update_allowed
[docs] def immutable(self):
return self.schema.immutable
[docs] def has_default(self):
return self.schema.default is not None
[docs] def default(self):
return self.schema.default
[docs] def type(self):
return self.schema.type
[docs] def support_status(self):
return self.schema.support_status
[docs] def make_path(self, name, path=None):
if path is None:
path = ''
if name is None:
name = ''
if isinstance(name, int) or name.isdigit():
name = str(name)
delim = '' if not path or path.endswith('.') else '.'
return delim.join([path, name])
def _get_integer(self, value):
if value is None:
value = self.has_default() and self.default() or 0
value = int(value)
except ValueError:
raise TypeError(_("Value '%s' is not an integer") % value)
return value
def _get_number(self, value):
if value is None:
value = self.has_default() and self.default() or 0
return Schema.str_to_num(value)
def _get_string(self, value):
if value is None:
value = self.has_default() and self.default() or ''
if not isinstance(value, str):
if isinstance(value, (bool, int)):
value = str(value)
raise ValueError(_('Value must be a string; got %r') % value)
return value
def _get_children(self, child_values, keys=None, validate=False,
if self.schema.schema is not None:
if keys is None:
keys = list(self.schema.schema)
schemata = dict((k, self.schema.schema[k]) for k in keys)
properties = Properties(schemata, dict(child_values),
if validate:
return ((k, properties[k]) for k in keys)
return child_values
def _get_map(self, value, validate=False, translation=None):
if value is None:
value = self.default() if self.has_default() else {}
if not isinstance(value, collections.abc.Mapping):
# This is to handle passing Lists via Json parameters exposed
# via a provider resource, in particular lists-of-dicts which
# cannot be handled correctly via comma_delimited_list
if self.schema.allow_conversion:
if isinstance(value, str):
return value
elif isinstance(value, collections.abc.Sequence):
return jsonutils.dumps(value)
raise TypeError(_('"%s" is not a map') % value)
return dict(self._get_children(value.items(),
def _get_list(self, value, validate=False, translation=None):
if value is None:
value = self.has_default() and self.default() or []
if self.schema.allow_conversion and isinstance(value, str):
value = param_utils.delim_string_to_list(value)
if (not isinstance(value, collections.abc.Sequence) or
isinstance(value, str)):
raise TypeError(_('"%s" is not a list') % repr(value))
return [v[1] for v in self._get_children(enumerate(value),
def _get_bool(self, value):
"""Get value for boolean property.
Explicitly checking for bool, or string with lower value
"true" or "false", to avoid integer values.
if value is None:
value = self.has_default() and self.default() or False
if isinstance(value, bool):
return value
if isinstance(value, str):
normalised = value.lower()
if normalised not in ['true', 'false']:
raise ValueError(_('"%s" is not a valid boolean') % normalised)
return normalised == 'true'
raise TypeError(_('"%s" is not a valid boolean') % value)
[docs] def get_value(self, value, validate=False, translation=None):
"""Get value from raw value and sanitize according to data type."""
t = self.type()
if t == Schema.STRING:
_value = self._get_string(value)
elif t == Schema.INTEGER:
_value = self._get_integer(value)
elif t == Schema.NUMBER:
_value = self._get_number(value)
elif t == Schema.MAP:
_value = self._get_map(value, validate, translation)
elif t == Schema.LIST:
_value = self._get_list(value, validate, translation)
elif t == Schema.BOOLEAN:
_value = self._get_bool(value)
elif t == Schema.ANY:
_value = value
if validate:
self.schema.validate_constraints(_value, self.context)
return _value
def _default_resolver(d, nullable=False):
return d
[docs]class Properties(collections.abc.Mapping):
def __init__(self, schema, data, resolver=_default_resolver,
context=None, section=None, translation=None,
self.props = dict((k, Property(s, k, context, path=parent_name))
for k, s in schema.items())
self.resolve = resolver
self.data = data
self.error_prefix = [section] if section is not None else []
self.parent_name = parent_name
self.context = context
self.translation = (trans.Translation(properties=self)
if translation is None else translation)
self.rsrc_description = rsrc_description or None
[docs] def update_translation(self, rules, client_resolve=True,
self.translation.set_rules(rules, client_resolve=client_resolve,
[docs] @staticmethod
def schema_from_params(params_snippet):
"""Create properties schema from the parameters section of a template.
:param params_snippet: parameter definition from a template
:returns: equivalent properties schemata for the specified parameters
if params_snippet:
return dict((n, Schema.from_parameter(p)) for n, p
in params_snippet.items())
return {}
[docs] def validate(self, with_value=True):
for key in self.data:
if key not in self.props:
msg = _("Unknown Property %s") % key
raise exception.StackValidationFailed(message=msg)
for (key, prop) in self.props.items():
if (self.translation.is_deleted(prop.path) or
if with_value:
self._get_property_value(key, validate=True)
except exception.StackValidationFailed as ex:
path = [key]
raise exception.StackValidationFailed(
path=path, message=ex.error_message)
except ValueError as e:
if prop.required() and key not in self.data:
path = []
path = [key]
raise exception.StackValidationFailed(
path=path, message=str(e))
# are there unimplemented Properties
if not prop.implemented() and key in self.data:
msg = _("Property %s not implemented yet") % key
raise exception.StackValidationFailed(message=msg)
except exception.StackValidationFailed as ex:
# NOTE(prazumovsky): should reraise exception for adding specific
# error name and error_prefix to path for correct error message
# building.
path = self.error_prefix
raise exception.StackValidationFailed(
error=ex.error or 'Property error',
def _find_deps_any_in_init(self, unresolved_value):
deps = function.dependencies(unresolved_value)
if any(res.action == res.INIT for res in deps):
return True
[docs] def get_user_value(self, key):
if key not in self:
raise KeyError(_('Invalid Property %s') % key)
prop = self.props[key]
value, found = self._resolve_user_value(key, prop, validate=False)
return value
def _resolve_user_value(self, key, prop, validate):
"""Return the user-supplied value (or None), and whether it was found.
This allows us to distinguish between, on the one hand, either a
Function that returns None or an explicit null value passed and, on the
other hand, either no value passed or a Macro that returns Ellipsis,
meaning that the result should be treated the same as if no value were
if key not in self.data:
return None, False
if (self.translation.is_deleted(prop.path) or
return None, False
unresolved_value = self.data[key]
if validate:
if self._find_deps_any_in_init(unresolved_value):
validate = False
value = self.resolve(unresolved_value, nullable=True)
if value is Ellipsis:
# Treat as if the property value were not specified at all
return None, False
if self.translation.has_translation(prop.path):
value = self.translation.translate(prop.path,
return prop.get_value(value, validate,
translation=self.translation), True
# Children can raise StackValidationFailed with unique path which
# is necessary for further use in StackValidationFailed exception.
# So we need to handle this exception in this method.
except exception.StackValidationFailed as e:
raise exception.StackValidationFailed(path=e.path,
# the resolver function could raise any number of exceptions,
# so handle this generically
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError(str(e))
def _get_property_value(self, key, validate=False):
if key not in self:
raise KeyError(_('Invalid Property %s') % key)
prop = self.props[key]
value, found = self._resolve_user_value(key, prop, validate)
if found:
return value
if self.translation.has_translation(prop.path):
value = self.translation.translate(prop.path, prop_data=self.data,
if value is not None or prop.has_default():
return prop.get_value(value)
if prop.has_default():
return prop.get_value(None, validate,
elif prop.required():
raise ValueError(_('Property %s not assigned') % key)
elif key == 'description' and prop.schema.update_allowed:
return self.rsrc_description
return None
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self._get_property_value(key)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.props)
def __contains__(self, key):
return key in self.props
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.props)
def _param_def_from_prop(schema):
"""Return a template parameter definition corresponding to property."""
param_type_map = {
schema.INTEGER: parameters.Schema.NUMBER,
schema.STRING: parameters.Schema.STRING,
schema.NUMBER: parameters.Schema.NUMBER,
schema.BOOLEAN: parameters.Schema.BOOLEAN,
schema.MAP: parameters.Schema.MAP,
schema.LIST: parameters.Schema.LIST,
def param_items():
yield parameters.TYPE, param_type_map[schema.type]
if schema.description is not None:
yield parameters.DESCRIPTION, schema.description
if schema.default is not None:
yield parameters.DEFAULT, schema.default
for constraint in schema.constraints:
if isinstance(constraint, constr.Length):
if constraint.min is not None:
yield parameters.MIN_LENGTH, constraint.min
if constraint.max is not None:
yield parameters.MAX_LENGTH, constraint.max
elif isinstance(constraint, constr.Range):
if constraint.min is not None:
yield parameters.MIN_VALUE, constraint.min
if constraint.max is not None:
yield parameters.MAX_VALUE, constraint.max
elif isinstance(constraint, constr.AllowedValues):
yield parameters.ALLOWED_VALUES, list(constraint.allowed)
elif isinstance(constraint, constr.AllowedPattern):
yield parameters.ALLOWED_PATTERN, constraint.pattern
if schema.type == schema.BOOLEAN:
yield parameters.ALLOWED_VALUES, ['True', 'true',
'False', 'false']
return dict(param_items())
def _prop_def_from_prop(name, schema):
"""Return a provider template property definition for a property."""
if schema.type == Schema.LIST:
return {'Fn::Split': [',', {'Ref': name}]}
return {'Ref': name}
def _hot_param_def_from_prop(schema):
"""Parameter definition corresponding to property for hot template."""
param_type_map = {
schema.INTEGER: hot_param.HOTParamSchema.NUMBER,
schema.STRING: hot_param.HOTParamSchema.STRING,
schema.NUMBER: hot_param.HOTParamSchema.NUMBER,
schema.BOOLEAN: hot_param.HOTParamSchema.BOOLEAN,
schema.MAP: hot_param.HOTParamSchema.MAP,
schema.LIST: hot_param.HOTParamSchema.LIST,
def param_items():
yield hot_param.HOTParamSchema.TYPE, param_type_map[schema.type]
if schema.description is not None:
yield hot_param.HOTParamSchema.DESCRIPTION, schema.description
if schema.default is not None:
yield hot_param.HOTParamSchema.DEFAULT, schema.default
def constraint_items(constraint):
def range_min_max(constraint):
if constraint.min is not None:
yield hot_param.MIN, constraint.min
if constraint.max is not None:
yield hot_param.MAX, constraint.max
if isinstance(constraint, constr.Length):
yield hot_param.LENGTH, dict(range_min_max(constraint))
elif isinstance(constraint, constr.Range):
yield hot_param.RANGE, dict(range_min_max(constraint))
elif isinstance(constraint, constr.AllowedValues):
yield hot_param.ALLOWED_VALUES, list(constraint.allowed)
elif isinstance(constraint, constr.AllowedPattern):
yield hot_param.ALLOWED_PATTERN, constraint.pattern
if schema.constraints:
yield (hot_param.HOTParamSchema.CONSTRAINTS,
[dict(constraint_items(constraint)) for constraint
in schema.constraints])
return dict(param_items())
def _hot_prop_def_from_prop(name, schema):
"""Return a provider template property definition for a property."""
return {'get_param': name}
[docs] @classmethod
def schema_to_parameters_and_properties(cls, schema, template_type='cfn'):
"""Convert a schema to template parameters and properties.
This can be used to generate a provider template that matches the
given properties schemata.
:param schema: A resource type's properties_schema
:returns: A tuple of params and properties dicts
ex: input: {'foo': {'Type': 'List'}}
output: {'foo': {'Type': 'CommaDelimitedList'}},
{'foo': {'Fn::Split': {'Ref': 'foo'}}}
ex: input: {'foo': {'Type': 'String'}, 'bar': {'Type': 'Map'}}
output: {'foo': {'Type': 'String'}, 'bar': {'Type': 'Json'}},
{'foo': {'Ref': 'foo'}, 'bar': {'Ref': 'bar'}}
def param_prop_def_items(name, schema, template_type):
if template_type == 'hot':
param_def = cls._hot_param_def_from_prop(schema)
prop_def = cls._hot_prop_def_from_prop(name, schema)
param_def = cls._param_def_from_prop(schema)
prop_def = cls._prop_def_from_prop(name, schema)
return (name, param_def), (name, prop_def)
if not schema:
return {}, {}
param_prop_defs = [param_prop_def_items(n, s, template_type)
for n, s in schemata(schema).items()
if s.implemented]
param_items, prop_items = zip(*param_prop_defs)
return dict(param_items), dict(prop_items)