# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import collections
import fnmatch
import glob
import itertools
import os.path
import re
import weakref
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log
from heat.common import environment_format as env_fmt
from heat.common import exception
from heat.common.i18n import _
from heat.common import policy
from heat.engine import support
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
) = (
'pre-create', 'pre-update', 'pre-delete', 'post-create',
'post-update', 'post-delete'
RESTRICTED_ACTIONS = (UPDATE, REPLACE) = ('update', 'replace')
def valid_hook_type(hook):
return hook in HOOK_TYPES
def valid_restricted_actions(action):
return action in RESTRICTED_ACTIONS
def is_hook_definition(key, value):
is_valid_hook = False
if key == 'hooks':
if isinstance(value, str):
is_valid_hook = valid_hook_type(value)
elif isinstance(value, collections.abc.Sequence):
is_valid_hook = all(valid_hook_type(hook) for hook in value)
if not is_valid_hook:
msg = (_('Invalid hook type "%(value)s" for resource '
'breakpoint, acceptable hook types are: %(types)s') %
{'value': value, 'types': HOOK_TYPES})
raise exception.InvalidBreakPointHook(message=msg)
return is_valid_hook
def is_valid_restricted_action(key, value):
valid_action = False
if key == 'restricted_actions':
if isinstance(value, str):
valid_action = valid_restricted_actions(value)
elif isinstance(value, collections.abc.Sequence):
valid_action = all(valid_restricted_actions(
action) for action in value)
if not valid_action:
msg = (_('Invalid restricted_action type "%(value)s" for '
'resource, acceptable restricted_action '
'types are: %(types)s') %
{'value': value, 'types': RESTRICTED_ACTIONS})
raise exception.InvalidRestrictedAction(message=msg)
return valid_action
class ResourceInfo(object):
"""Base mapping of resource type to implementation."""
def __new__(cls, registry, path, value):
"""Create a new ResourceInfo of the appropriate class."""
if cls is not ResourceInfo:
# Call is already for a subclass, so pass it through
return super(ResourceInfo, cls).__new__(cls)
name = path[-1]
if name.endswith(('.yaml', '.template')):
# a template url for the resource "Type"
klass = TemplateResourceInfo
elif not isinstance(value, str):
klass = ClassResourceInfo
elif value.endswith(('.yaml', '.template')):
# a registered template
klass = TemplateResourceInfo
elif name.endswith('*'):
klass = GlobResourceInfo
klass = MapResourceInfo
return super(ResourceInfo, cls).__new__(klass)
__slots__ = ('_registry', 'path', 'name', 'value', 'user_resource')
def __init__(self, registry, path, value):
self._registry = weakref.ref(registry)
self.path = path
self.name = path[-1]
self.value = value
self.user_resource = True
def registry(self):
return self._registry()
def __eq__(self, other):
if other is None:
return False
return (self.path == other.path and
self.value == other.value and
self.user_resource == other.user_resource)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __lt__(self, other):
if self.user_resource != other.user_resource:
# user resource must be sorted above system ones.
return self.user_resource > other.user_resource
if len(self.path) != len(other.path):
# more specific (longer) path must be sorted above system ones.
return len(self.path) > len(other.path)
return self.path < other.path
def __gt__(self, other):
return other.__lt__(self)
def get_resource_info(self, resource_type=None, resource_name=None):
return self
def matches(self, resource_type):
return False
def get_class(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def get_class_to_instantiate(self):
return self.get_class()
def __str__(self):
return '[%s](User:%s) %s -> %s' % (self.description,
self.name, str(self.value))
class ClassResourceInfo(ResourceInfo):
"""Store the mapping of resource name to python class implementation."""
description = 'Plugin'
__slots__ = tuple()
def get_class(self, files=None):
return self.value
class TemplateResourceInfo(ResourceInfo):
"""Store the info needed to start a TemplateResource."""
description = 'Template'
__slots__ = ('template_name',)
def __init__(self, registry, path, value):
super(TemplateResourceInfo, self).__init__(registry, path, value)
if self.name.endswith(('.yaml', '.template')):
self.template_name = self.name
self.template_name = value
self.value = self.template_name
def get_class(self, files=None):
from heat.engine.resources import template_resource
if files and self.template_name in files:
data = files[self.template_name]
if self.user_resource:
allowed_schemes = template_resource.REMOTE_SCHEMES
allowed_schemes = template_resource.LOCAL_SCHEMES
data = template_resource.TemplateResource.get_template_file(
param_defaults = self.registry.param_defaults
return template_resource.generate_class_from_template(str(self.name),
def get_class_to_instantiate(self):
from heat.engine.resources import template_resource
return template_resource.TemplateResource
class MapResourceInfo(ResourceInfo):
"""Store the mapping of one resource type to another.
like: OS::Networking::FloatingIp -> OS::Neutron::FloatingIp
description = 'Mapping'
__slots__ = tuple()
def get_class(self, files=None):
return None
def get_resource_info(self, resource_type=None, resource_name=None):
return self.registry.get_resource_info(self.value, resource_name)
class GlobResourceInfo(MapResourceInfo):
"""Store the mapping (with wild cards) of one resource type to another.
like: OS::Networking::* -> OS::Neutron::*
Also supports many-to-one mapping (mostly useful together with special
"OS::Heat::None" resource)
like: OS::* -> OS::Heat::None
description = 'Wildcard Mapping'
__slots__ = tuple()
def get_resource_info(self, resource_type=None, resource_name=None):
# NOTE(pas-ha) we end up here only when self.name already
# ends with * so truncate it
orig_prefix = self.name[:-1]
if self.value.endswith('*'):
new_type = self.value[:-1] + resource_type[len(orig_prefix):]
new_type = self.value
return self.registry.get_resource_info(new_type, resource_name)
def matches(self, resource_type):
# prevent self-recursion in case of many-to-one mapping
match = (resource_type != self.value and
return match
class ResourceRegistry(object):
"""By looking at the environment, find the resource implementation."""
def __init__(self, global_registry, param_defaults):
self._registry = {'resources': {}}
self.global_registry = global_registry
self.param_defaults = param_defaults
def load(self, json_snippet):
self._load_registry([], json_snippet)
def register_class(self, resource_type, resource_class, path=None):
if path is None:
path = [resource_type]
ri = ResourceInfo(self, path, resource_class)
self._register_info(path, ri)
def _load_registry(self, path, registry):
for k, v in iter(registry.items()):
if v is None:
self._register_info(path + [k], None)
elif is_hook_definition(k, v) or is_valid_restricted_action(k, v):
self._register_item(path + [k], v)
elif isinstance(v, dict):
self._load_registry(path + [k], v)
self._register_info(path + [k],
ResourceInfo(self, path + [k], v))
def _register_item(self, path, item):
name = path[-1]
registry = self._registry
for key in path[:-1]:
if key not in registry:
registry[key] = {}
registry = registry[key]
registry[name] = item
def _register_info(self, path, info):
"""Place the new info in the correct location in the registry.
:param path: a list of keys ['resources', 'my_srv', 'OS::Nova::Server']
descriptive_path = '/'.join(path)
name = path[-1]
# create the structure if needed
registry = self._registry
for key in path[:-1]:
if key not in registry:
registry[key] = {}
registry = registry[key]
if info is None:
if name.endswith('*'):
# delete all matching entries.
for res_name, reg_info in list(registry.items()):
if (isinstance(reg_info, ResourceInfo) and
LOG.warning('Removing %(item)s from %(path)s', {
'item': res_name,
'path': descriptive_path})
del registry[res_name]
# delete this entry.
LOG.warning('Removing %(item)s from %(path)s', {
'item': name,
'path': descriptive_path})
registry.pop(name, None)
if name in registry and isinstance(registry[name], ResourceInfo):
if registry[name] == info:
details = {
'path': descriptive_path,
'was': str(registry[name].value),
'now': str(info.value)}
LOG.warning('Changing %(path)s from %(was)s to %(now)s', details)
if isinstance(info, ClassResourceInfo):
if info.value.support_status.status != support.SUPPORTED:
if info.value.support_status.message is not None:
details = {
'name': info.name,
'status': str(info.value.support_status.status),
'message': str(info.value.support_status.message)
LOG.warning('%(name)s is %(status)s. %(message)s',
info.user_resource = (self.global_registry is not None)
registry[name] = info
def log_resource_info(self, show_all=False, prefix=None):
registry = self._registry
prefix = '%s ' % prefix if prefix is not None else ''
for name in registry:
if name == 'resources':
if show_all or isinstance(registry[name], TemplateResourceInfo):
msg = ('%(p)sRegistered: %(t)s' %
{'p': prefix,
't': str(registry[name])})
def remove_item(self, info):
if not isinstance(info, TemplateResourceInfo):
registry = self._registry
for key in info.path[:-1]:
registry = registry[key]
if info.path[-1] in registry:
def get_rsrc_restricted_actions(self, resource_name):
"""Returns a set of restricted actions.
For a given resource we get the set of restricted actions.
Actions are set in this format via `resources`::
"restricted_actions": [update, replace]
A restricted_actions value is either `update`, `replace` or a list
of those values. Resources support wildcard matching. The asterisk
sign matches everything.
ress = self._registry['resources']
restricted_actions = set()
for name_pattern, resource in ress.items():
if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(resource_name, name_pattern):
if 'restricted_actions' in resource:
actions = resource['restricted_actions']
if isinstance(actions, str):
elif isinstance(actions, collections.abc.Sequence):
restricted_actions |= set(actions)
return restricted_actions
def matches_hook(self, resource_name, hook):
"""Return whether a resource have a hook set in the environment.
For a given resource and a hook type, we check to see if the passed
group of resources has the right hook associated with the name.
Hooks are set in this format via `resources`::
"res_name": {
"hooks": [pre-create, pre-update]
"*_suffix": {
"hooks": pre-create
"prefix_*": {
"hooks": pre-update
A hook value is either `pre-create`, `pre-update` or a list of those
values. Resources support wildcard matching. The asterisk sign matches
ress = self._registry['resources']
for name_pattern, resource in ress.items():
if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(resource_name, name_pattern):
if 'hooks' in resource:
hooks = resource['hooks']
if isinstance(hooks, str):
if hook == hooks:
return True
elif isinstance(hooks, collections.abc.Sequence):
if hook in hooks:
return True
return False
def remove_resources_except(self, resource_name):
ress = self._registry['resources']
new_resources = {}
for name, res in ress.items():
if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(resource_name, name):
if resource_name in ress:
self._registry['resources'] = new_resources
def iterable_by(self, resource_type, resource_name=None):
is_templ_type = resource_type.endswith(('.yaml', '.template'))
if self.global_registry is not None and is_templ_type:
# we only support dynamic resource types in user environments
# not the global environment.
# resource with a Type == a template
# we dynamically create an entry as it has not been registered.
if resource_type not in self._registry:
res = ResourceInfo(self, [resource_type], None)
self._register_info([resource_type], res)
yield self._registry[resource_type]
# handle a specific resource mapping.
if resource_name:
impl = self._registry['resources'].get(resource_name)
if impl and resource_type in impl:
yield impl[resource_type]
# handle: "OS::Nova::Server" -> "Rackspace::Cloud::Server"
impl = self._registry.get(resource_type)
if impl:
yield impl
# handle: "OS::*" -> "Dreamhost::*"
def is_a_glob(resource_type):
return resource_type.endswith('*')
globs = filter(is_a_glob, iter(self._registry))
for pattern in globs:
if self._registry[pattern].matches(resource_type):
yield self._registry[pattern]
def get_resource_info(self, resource_type, resource_name=None,
registry_type=None, ignore=None):
"""Find possible matches to the resource type and name.
Chain the results from the global and user registry to find
a match.
# use cases
# 1) get the impl.
# - filter_by(res_type=X), sort_by(res_name=W, is_user=True)
# 2) in TemplateResource we need to get both the
# TemplateClass and the ResourceClass
# - filter_by(res_type=X, impl_type=TemplateResourceInfo),
# sort_by(res_name=W, is_user=True)
# - filter_by(res_type=X, impl_type=ClassResourceInfo),
# sort_by(res_name=W, is_user=True)
# 3) get_types() from the api
# - filter_by(is_user=False)
# 4) as_dict() to write to the db
# - filter_by(is_user=True)
if self.global_registry is not None:
giter = self.global_registry.iterable_by(resource_type,
giter = []
matches = itertools.chain(self.iterable_by(resource_type,
for info in sorted(matches):
match = info.get_resource_info(resource_type,
except exception.EntityNotFound:
if registry_type is None or isinstance(match, registry_type):
if ignore is not None and match == ignore:
# NOTE(prazumovsky): if resource_type defined in outer env
# there is a risk to lose it due to h-eng restarting, so
# store it to local env (exclude ClassResourceInfo because it
# loads from resources; TemplateResourceInfo handles by
# template_resource module).
if (match and not match.user_resource and
not isinstance(info, (TemplateResourceInfo,
self._register_info([resource_type], info)
return match
raise exception.EntityNotFound(entity='Resource Type',
def get_class(self, resource_type, resource_name=None, files=None):
info = self.get_resource_info(resource_type,
return info.get_class(files=files)
def get_class_to_instantiate(self, resource_type, resource_name=None):
if resource_type == "":
msg = _('Resource "%s" has no type') % resource_name
raise exception.StackValidationFailed(message=msg)
elif resource_type is None:
msg = _('Non-empty resource type is required '
'for resource "%s"') % resource_name
raise exception.StackValidationFailed(message=msg)
elif not isinstance(resource_type, str):
msg = _('Resource "%s" type is not a string') % resource_name
raise exception.StackValidationFailed(message=msg)
info = self.get_resource_info(resource_type,
except exception.EntityNotFound as exc:
raise exception.StackValidationFailed(message=str(exc))
return info.get_class_to_instantiate()
def as_dict(self):
"""Return user resources in a dict format."""
def _as_dict(level):
tmp = {}
for k, v in iter(level.items()):
if isinstance(v, dict):
tmp[k] = _as_dict(v)
elif is_hook_definition(
k, v) or is_valid_restricted_action(k, v):
tmp[k] = v
elif v.user_resource:
tmp[k] = v.value
return tmp
return _as_dict(self._registry)
def get_types(self,
"""Return a list of valid resource types."""
# validate the support status
if support_status is not None and not support.is_valid_status(
msg = (_('Invalid support status and should be one of %s') %
raise exception.Invalid(reason=msg)
enforcer = policy.ResourceEnforcer()
if type_name is not None:
name_exp = re.compile(type_name)
except Exception:
return []
name_exp = None
def matches(name, info):
# Only return actual plugins or template resources, not aliases
if not isinstance(info, (ClassResourceInfo, TemplateResourceInfo)):
return False
# If filtering by name, check for match
if name_exp is not None and not name_exp.match(name):
return False
rsrc_cls = info.get_class_to_instantiate()
# Never match hidden resource types
if rsrc_cls.support_status.status == support.HIDDEN:
return False
# If filtering by version, check for match
if (version is not None and
rsrc_cls.support_status.version != version):
return False
# If filtering by support status, check for match
if (support_status is not None and
rsrc_cls.support_status.status != support_status):
return False
if cnxt is not None:
# Check for resource policy
enforcer.enforce(cnxt, name, is_registered_policy=True)
except enforcer.exc:
return False
# Check for service availability
avail, err = rsrc_cls.is_service_available(cnxt)
except Exception:
avail = False
if not avail:
return False
return True
import heat.engine.resource
def resource_description(name, info):
if not with_description:
return name
rsrc_cls = info.get_class()
if rsrc_cls is None:
rsrc_cls = heat.engine.resource.Resource
return {
'resource_type': name,
'description': rsrc_cls.getdoc(),
return [resource_description(name, info)
for name, info in self._registry.items()
if matches(name, info)]
class Environment(object):
def __init__(self, env=None, user_env=True):
"""Create an Environment from an input dict.
The dict may be in one of two formats:
1) old-school flat parameters; or
2) newer {resource_registry: bla, parameters: foo}
:param env: the json environment
:param user_env: boolean, if False then we manage python resources too.
if env is None:
env = {}
if user_env:
from heat.engine import resources
global_env = resources.global_env()
global_registry = global_env.registry
event_sink_classes = global_env.event_sink_classes
global_registry = None
event_sink_classes = {}
self.param_defaults = env.get(env_fmt.PARAMETER_DEFAULTS, {})
self.registry = ResourceRegistry(global_registry, self.param_defaults)
self.registry.load(env.get(env_fmt.RESOURCE_REGISTRY, {}))
self.encrypted_param_names = env.get(env_fmt.ENCRYPTED_PARAM_NAMES, [])
if env_fmt.PARAMETERS in env:
self.params = env[env_fmt.PARAMETERS]
self.params = dict((k, v) for (k, v) in env.items()
if k not in (env_fmt.PARAMETER_DEFAULTS,
self.event_sink_classes = event_sink_classes
self._event_sinks = []
self._built_event_sinks = []
self._update_event_sinks(env.get(env_fmt.EVENT_SINKS, []))
self.constraints = {}
self.stack_lifecycle_plugins = []
def load(self, env_snippet):
self.registry.load(env_snippet.get(env_fmt.RESOURCE_REGISTRY, {}))
self.params.update(env_snippet.get(env_fmt.PARAMETERS, {}))
env_snippet.get(env_fmt.PARAMETER_DEFAULTS, {}))
self._update_event_sinks(env_snippet.get(env_fmt.EVENT_SINKS, []))
def env_as_dict(self):
"""Get the entire environment as a dict."""
user_env = self.user_env_as_dict()
# Any data here is to be stored in the DB but not reflected
# as part of the user environment (e.g to pass to nested stacks
# or made visible to the user via API calls etc
{env_fmt.ENCRYPTED_PARAM_NAMES: self.encrypted_param_names})
return user_env
def user_env_as_dict(self):
"""Get the environment as a dict, only user-allowed keys."""
return {env_fmt.RESOURCE_REGISTRY: self.registry.as_dict(),
env_fmt.PARAMETERS: self.params,
env_fmt.PARAMETER_DEFAULTS: self.param_defaults,
env_fmt.EVENT_SINKS: self._event_sinks}
def register_class(self, resource_type, resource_class, path=None):
self.registry.register_class(resource_type, resource_class, path=path)
def register_constraint(self, constraint_name, constraint):
self.constraints[constraint_name] = constraint
def register_stack_lifecycle_plugin(self, stack_lifecycle_name,
def register_event_sink(self, event_sink_name, event_sink_class):
self.event_sink_classes[event_sink_name] = event_sink_class
def get_class(self, resource_type, resource_name=None, files=None):
return self.registry.get_class(resource_type, resource_name,
def get_class_to_instantiate(self, resource_type, resource_name=None):
return self.registry.get_class_to_instantiate(resource_type,
def get_types(self,
return self.registry.get_types(cnxt,
def get_resource_info(self, resource_type, resource_name=None,
registry_type=None, ignore=None):
return self.registry.get_resource_info(resource_type, resource_name,
registry_type, ignore=ignore)
def get_constraint(self, name):
return self.constraints.get(name)
def get_stack_lifecycle_plugins(self):
return self.stack_lifecycle_plugins
def _update_event_sinks(self, sinks):
for sink in sinks:
sink = sink.copy()
sink_class = sink.pop('type')
sink_class = self.event_sink_classes[sink_class]
def get_event_sinks(self):
return self._built_event_sinks
def get_child_environment(parent_env, child_params, item_to_remove=None,
"""Build a child environment using the parent environment and params.
This is built from the child_params and the parent env so some
resources can use user-provided parameters as if they come from an
1. resource_registry must be merged (child env should be loaded after the
parent env to take precedence).
2. child parameters must overwrite the parent's as they won't be relevant
in the child template.
If `child_resource_name` is provided, resources in the registry will be
replaced with the contents of the matching child resource plus anything
that passes a wildcard match.
def is_flat_params(env_or_param):
if env_or_param is None:
return False
for sect in env_fmt.SECTIONS:
if sect in env_or_param:
return False
return True
child_env = parent_env.user_env_as_dict()
child_env[env_fmt.PARAMETERS] = {}
flat_params = is_flat_params(child_params)
new_env = Environment()
if flat_params and child_params is not None:
child_env[env_fmt.PARAMETERS] = child_params
if not flat_params and child_params is not None:
if item_to_remove is not None:
if child_resource_name:
return new_env
def read_global_environment(env, env_dir=None):
if env_dir is None:
cfg.CONF.import_opt('environment_dir', 'heat.common.config')
env_dir = cfg.CONF.environment_dir
env_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(env_dir, '*'))
except OSError:
LOG.exception('Failed to read %s', env_dir)
for file_path in env_files:
with open(file_path) as env_fd:
LOG.info('Loading %s', file_path)
env_body = env_fmt.parse(env_fd.read())
except ValueError:
LOG.exception('Failed to parse %s', file_path)
except IOError:
LOG.exception('Failed to read %s', file_path)