Source code for horizon.themes

# Copyright 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Software, LLC
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
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Allows Dynamic Theme Loading.

import io
import os
import threading

import django
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.exceptions import SuspiciousFileOperation
from django.template.engine import Engine
from django.template.loaders.base import Loader as tLoaderCls
from django.utils._os import safe_join  # noqa

if django.VERSION >= (1, 9):
    from django.template.exceptions import TemplateDoesNotExist
    from django.template.base import TemplateDoesNotExist  # noqa

# Local thread storage to retrieve the currently set theme
_local = threading.local()

# Get the themes from settings
[docs]def get_themes(): return getattr(settings, 'AVAILABLE_THEMES', []) # Get the themes dir from settings
[docs]def get_theme_dir(): return getattr(settings, 'THEME_COLLECTION_DIR', 'themes') # Get the theme cookie name from settings
[docs]def get_default_theme(): return getattr(settings, 'DEFAULT_THEME', 'default') # Find the theme tuple
[docs]def find_theme(theme_name): for each_theme in get_themes(): if theme_name == each_theme[0]: return each_theme return None # Offline Context Generator
[docs]def offline_context(): for theme in get_themes(): base_context = \ getattr( settings, 'HORIZON_COMPRESS_OFFLINE_CONTEXT_BASE', {} ).copy() base_context['THEME'] = theme[0] base_context['THEME_DIR'] = get_theme_dir() yield base_context # A piece of middleware that stores the theme cookie value into # local thread storage so the template loader can access it
[docs]class ThemeMiddleware(object): """The Theme Middleware component. The custom template loaders don't have access to the request object, so we need to store the Cookie's theme value for use later in the Django chain. """
[docs] def process_request(self, request): # Determine which theme the user has configured and store in local # thread storage so that it persists to the custom template loader try: _local.theme = request.COOKIES[get_theme_cookie_name()] except KeyError: _local.theme = get_default_theme()
[docs] def process_response(self, request, response): try: delattr(_local, 'theme') except AttributeError: pass return response
[docs]class ThemeTemplateLoader(tLoaderCls): """Themes can contain template overrides, so we need to check the theme directory first, before loading any of the standard templates. """ is_usable = True
[docs] def get_template_sources(self, template_name): # If the cookie doesn't exist, set it to the default theme default_theme = get_default_theme() theme = getattr(_local, 'theme', default_theme) this_theme = find_theme(theme) # If the theme is not valid, check the default theme ... if not this_theme: this_theme = find_theme(get_default_theme()) # If the theme is still not valid, then move along ... # these aren't the templates you are looking for if not this_theme: pass try: template_path = safe_join( getattr( settings, 'ROOT_PATH', os.path.abspath('openstack_dashboard') ), this_theme[2], 'templates' ) if not template_name.startswith('/'): try: yield safe_join(template_path, template_name) except SuspiciousFileOperation: yield os.path.join( this_theme[2], 'templates', template_name ) elif template_name.find(template_path) != -1: yield template_name except UnicodeDecodeError: # The template dir name wasn't valid UTF-8. raise except ValueError: # The joined path was located outside of template_dir. pass
[docs] def load_template_source(self, template_name, template_dirs=None): for path in self.get_template_sources(template_name): try: with, encoding=settings.FILE_CHARSET) as file: return, path except IOError: pass raise TemplateDoesNotExist(template_name)
e = Engine() _loader = ThemeTemplateLoader(e)

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