========================== Horizon Tabs and TabGroups ========================== .. module:: horizon.tabs Horizon includes a set of reusable components for programmatically building tabbed interfaces with fancy features like dynamic AJAX loading and nearly effortless templating and styling. Tab Groups ========== For any tabbed interface, your fundamental element is the tab group which contains all your tabs. This class provides a dead-simple API for building tab groups and encapsulates all the necessary logic behind the scenes. .. autoclass:: TabGroup :members: Tabs ==== The tab itself is the discrete unit for a tab group, representing one view of data. .. autoclass:: Tab :members: .. autoclass:: TableTab :members: TabView ======= There is also a useful and simple generic class-based view for handling the display of a :class:`~horizon.tabs.TabGroup` class. .. autoclass:: TabView :members: .. autoclass:: TabbedTableView :members: