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# Copyright 2015 IBM Corp.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""API over the cinder service.

from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from django.views import generic

from openstack_dashboard import api
from import urls
from import utils as rest_utils
from openstack_dashboard.usage import quotas

CLIENT_KEYWORDS = {'marker', 'sort_dir', 'paginate'}

[docs]class Volumes(generic.View): """API for cinder volumes. """ url_regex = r'cinder/volumes/$' @rest_utils.ajax()
[docs] def get(self, request): """Get a detailed list of volumes associated with the current user's project. Example GET: http://localhost/api/cinder/volumes?paginate=true&sort_dir=asc If invoked as an admin, you may set the GET parameter "all_projects" to 'true' to return details for all projects. The following get parameters may be passed in the GET :param search_opts: includes options such as name, status, bootable :param paginate: If true will perform pagination based on settings. :param marker: Specifies the namespace of the last-seen image. The typical pattern of limit and marker is to make an initial limited request and then to use the last namespace from the response as the marker parameter in a subsequent limited request. With paginate, limit is automatically set. :param sort_dir: The sort direction ('asc' or 'desc'). The listing result is an object with property "items". """ if request.GET.get('all_projects') == 'true': result, has_more, has_prev = api.cinder.volume_list_paged( request, {'all_tenants': 1} ) else: search_opts, kwargs = rest_utils.parse_filters_kwargs( request, CLIENT_KEYWORDS) result, has_more, has_prev = api.cinder.volume_list_paged( request, search_opts=search_opts, **kwargs ) return { 'items': [u.to_dict() for u in result], 'has_more_data': has_more, 'has_prev_data': has_prev }
[docs] def post(self, request): volume = api.cinder.volume_create( request, size=request.DATA['size'], name=request.DATA['name'], description=request.DATA['description'], volume_type=request.DATA['volume_type'], snapshot_id=request.DATA['snapshot_id'], metadata=request.DATA['metadata'], image_id=request.DATA['image_id'], availability_zone=request.DATA['availability_zone'], source_volid=request.DATA['source_volid'] ) return rest_utils.CreatedResponse( '/api/cinder/volumes/%s' %, volume.to_dict() )
[docs]class Volume(generic.View): """API for cinder volume. """ url_regex = r'cinder/volumes/(?P<volume_id>[^/]+)/$' @rest_utils.ajax()
[docs] def get(self, request, volume_id): """Get a single volume's details with the volume id. The following get parameters may be passed in the GET :param volume_id: the id of the volume The result is a volume object. """ return api.cinder.volume_get(request, volume_id).to_dict()
[docs]class VolumeTypes(generic.View): """API for volume types. """ url_regex = r'cinder/volumetypes/$' @rest_utils.ajax()
[docs] def get(self, request): """Get a list of volume types. The listing result is an object with the property "items". """ result = api.cinder.volume_type_list(request) return {'items': [api.cinder.VolumeType(u).to_dict() for u in result]}
[docs]class VolumeType(generic.View): """API for getting a volume type. """ url_regex = r'cinder/volumetypes/(?P<volumetype_id>[^/]+)/$' @rest_utils.ajax()
[docs] def get(self, request, volumetype_id): """Get a single volume type details with the volume type id. The following get parameters may be passed in the GET :param volumetype_id: the id of the volume type If 'default' is passed as the volumetype_id then it returns the default volumetype The result is a volume type object. """ if volumetype_id == 'default': volumetype = api.cinder.volume_type_default(request) else: volumetype = api.cinder.volume_type_get(request, volumetype_id) return api.cinder.VolumeType(volumetype).to_dict()
[docs]class VolumeSnapshots(generic.View): """API for cinder volume snapshots. """ url_regex = r'cinder/volumesnapshots/$' @rest_utils.ajax()
[docs] def get(self, request): """Get a detailed list of volume snapshots associated with the current user's project. The listing result is an object with property "items". """ result = api.cinder.volume_snapshot_list( request, search_opts=rest_utils.parse_filters_kwargs(request)[0] ) return {'items': [u.to_dict() for u in result]}
[docs]class Extensions(generic.View): """API for cinder extensions. """ url_regex = r'cinder/extensions/$' @rest_utils.ajax()
[docs] def get(self, request): """Get a list of extensions. The listing result is an object with property "items". Each item is an extension. Example GET: http://localhost/api/cinder/extensions """ result = api.cinder.list_extensions(request) return {'items': [{ 'alias': e.alias, 'description': e.description, 'links': e.links, 'name':, 'namespace': e.namespace, 'updated': e.updated } for e in result]}
[docs]class QoSSpecs(generic.View): url_regex = r'cinder/qosspecs/$' @rest_utils.ajax()
[docs] def get(self, request): result = api.cinder.qos_specs_list(request) return {'items': [u.to_dict() for u in result]}
[docs]class TenantAbsoluteLimits(generic.View): url_regex = r'cinder/tenantabsolutelimits/$' @rest_utils.ajax()
[docs] def get(self, request): return api.cinder.tenant_absolute_limits(request)
[docs]class Services(generic.View): """API for cinder services. """ url_regex = r'cinder/services/$' @rest_utils.ajax()
[docs] def get(self, request): """Get a list of cinder services. Will return HTTP 501 status code if the service_list extension is not supported. """ if api.base.is_service_enabled(request, 'volume') and \ api.cinder.extension_supported(request, 'Services'): result = api.cinder.service_list(request) return {'items': [{ 'binary': u.binary, 'host':, 'zone':, 'updated_at': u.updated_at, 'status': u.status, 'state': u.state, 'id': idx + 1 } for idx, u in enumerate(result)]} else: raise rest_utils.AjaxError(501, '')
[docs]class DefaultQuotaSets(generic.View): """API for getting default quotas for cinder """ url_regex = r'cinder/quota-sets/defaults/$' @rest_utils.ajax()
[docs] def get(self, request): """Get the values for Cinder specific quotas Example GET: http://localhost/api/cinder/quota-sets/defaults/ """ if api.cinder.is_volume_service_enabled(request): quota_set = api.cinder.default_quota_get( request, request.user.tenant_id) result = [ { 'display_name': quotas.QUOTA_NAMES.get(,"_", " ").title() ) + '', 'name':, 'limit': quota.limit } for quota in quota_set] return {'items': result} else: raise rest_utils.AjaxError(501, _('Service Cinder is disabled.'))
[docs] def patch(self, request): """Update the values for Cinder specific quotas This method returns HTTP 204 (no content) on success. """ if api.cinder.is_volume_service_enabled(request): cinder_data = { key: request.DATA[key] for key in quotas.CINDER_QUOTA_FIELDS } api.cinder.default_quota_update(request, **cinder_data) else: raise rest_utils.AjaxError(501, _('Service Cinder is disabled.'))
[docs]class QuotaSets(generic.View): """API for setting quotas for a given project. """ url_regex = r'cinder/quota-sets/(?P<project_id>[0-9a-f]+)$' @rest_utils.ajax(data_required=True)
[docs] def patch(self, request, project_id): """Update a single project quota data. The PATCH data should be an application/json object with the attributes to set to new quota values. This method returns HTTP 204 (no content) on success. """ # Filters cinder quota fields disabled_quotas = quotas.get_disabled_quotas(request) if api.cinder.is_volume_service_enabled(request): cinder_data = { key: request.DATA[key] for key in quotas.CINDER_QUOTA_FIELDS if key not in disabled_quotas } api.cinder.tenant_quota_update(request, project_id, **cinder_data) else: raise rest_utils.AjaxError(501, _('Service Cinder is disabled.'))

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