Logsender ansible role ====================== The goal of this role is to setup and configure service related to logsender script which is responsible to parse log content, attach required information that are available in `buildlog` and `inventory.yaml` file and send it to Elasticsearch service. Requirements ------------ None Role Variables -------------- The role is automatically deploying service related to the log sender service. Example Ansible variables that are configuring service: .. code-block:: yaml vars: tenant_builds: - tenant: openstack es_username: admin es_password: admin es_host: localhost es_port: 9200 es_insecure: true es_index: logstash-logscraper download_dir: /mnt/logscraper/sometenant file_list: ['/etc/logsender/download-list-TENANT.yaml'] That configuration will will deploy service with name: `logsender-openstack.service`. It is because there can be multiple instances of logsender service - each will be configured to other tenant. Dependencies ------------ None Example Playbook ---------------- Playbook responsible for deploying service can look like: Below is a playbook example, responsible for deploying two logsender services, where one will responsible to get logs from `openstack` tenant and second one for getting logs from `sometenant` tenant. .. code-block:: yaml - name: Configure Logscraper tool hosts: localhost become: true vars: tenant_builds: - tenant: openstack es_username: logstash es_password: logstash es_host: localhost es_port: 9200 es_insecure: false es_index: "" es_index_prefix: "" download_dir: /mnt/logscraper/openstack - tenant: sometenant es_username: logstash es_password: logstash es_host: otherhost es_port: 9200 es_insecure: false es_index: "" es_index_prefix: "" download_dir: /mnt/logscraper/sometenant file_list: - /etc/logscraper/my-downloadlist.yaml roles: - logsender License ------- Apache Author Information ------------------ Author: OpenStack Contributors Author email: openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org Home page: http://docs.openstack.org/infra/ci-log-processing