
Source code for ironic_inspector.common.swift

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# Mostly copied from ironic/common/

import json

from oslo_config import cfg
from swiftclient import client as swift_client
from swiftclient import exceptions as swift_exceptions

from ironic_inspector.common.i18n import _
from ironic_inspector.common import keystone
from ironic_inspector import utils


OBJECT_NAME_PREFIX = 'inspector_data'

[docs]def reset_swift_session(): """Reset the global session variable. Mostly useful for unit tests. """ global SWIFT_SESSION SWIFT_SESSION = None
[docs]class SwiftAPI(object): """API for communicating with Swift.""" def __init__(self): """Constructor for creating a SwiftAPI object. Authentification is loaded from config file. """ global SWIFT_SESSION if not SWIFT_SESSION: SWIFT_SESSION = keystone.get_session('swift') adapter_opts = dict() # TODO(pas-ha): remove handling deprecated options in Rocky if CONF.swift.os_region and not CONF.swift.region_name: adapter_opts['region_name'] = CONF.swift.os_region adapter = keystone.get_adapter('swift', session=SWIFT_SESSION, **adapter_opts) # TODO(pas-ha) reverse-construct SSL-related session options here params = { 'os_options': { 'object_storage_url': adapter.get_endpoint()}} self.connection = swift_client.Connection(session=SWIFT_SESSION, **params)
[docs] def create_object(self, object, data, container=CONF.swift.container, headers=None): """Uploads a given string to Swift. :param object: The name of the object in Swift :param data: string data to put in the object :param container: The name of the container for the object. :param headers: the headers for the object to pass to Swift :returns: The Swift UUID of the object :raises: utils.Error, if any operation with Swift fails. """ try: self.connection.put_container(container) except swift_exceptions.ClientException as e: err_msg = (_('Swift failed to create container %(container)s. ' 'Error was: %(error)s') % {'container': container, 'error': e}) raise utils.Error(err_msg) if CONF.swift.delete_after > 0: headers = headers or {} headers['X-Delete-After'] = CONF.swift.delete_after try: obj_uuid = self.connection.put_object(container, object, data, headers=headers) except swift_exceptions.ClientException as e: err_msg = (_('Swift failed to create object %(object)s in ' 'container %(container)s. Error was: %(error)s') % {'object': object, 'container': container, 'error': e}) raise utils.Error(err_msg) return obj_uuid
[docs] def get_object(self, object, container=CONF.swift.container): """Downloads a given object from Swift. :param object: The name of the object in Swift :param container: The name of the container for the object. :returns: Swift object :raises: utils.Error, if the Swift operation fails. """ try: headers, obj = self.connection.get_object(container, object) except swift_exceptions.ClientException as e: err_msg = (_('Swift failed to get object %(object)s in ' 'container %(container)s. Error was: %(error)s') % {'object': object, 'container': container, 'error': e}) raise utils.Error(err_msg) return obj
[docs]def store_introspection_data(data, uuid, suffix=None): """Uploads introspection data to Swift. :param data: data to store in Swift :param uuid: UUID of the Ironic node that the data came from :param suffix: optional suffix to add to the underlying swift object name :returns: name of the Swift object that the data is stored in """ swift_api = SwiftAPI() swift_object_name = '%s-%s' % (OBJECT_NAME_PREFIX, uuid) if suffix is not None: swift_object_name = '%s-%s' % (swift_object_name, suffix) swift_api.create_object(swift_object_name, json.dumps(data)) return swift_object_name
[docs]def get_introspection_data(uuid, suffix=None): """Downloads introspection data from Swift. :param uuid: UUID of the Ironic node that the data came from :param suffix: optional suffix to add to the underlying swift object name :returns: Swift object with the introspection data """ swift_api = SwiftAPI() swift_object_name = '%s-%s' % (OBJECT_NAME_PREFIX, uuid) if suffix is not None: swift_object_name = '%s-%s' % (swift_object_name, suffix) return swift_api.get_object(swift_object_name)
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