# Copyright 2016 Red Hat, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from http import client as http_client
from urllib import parse as urlparse
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log
from oslo_utils import uuidutils
from pecan import rest
from ironic import api
from ironic.api.controllers.v1 import node as node_ctl
from ironic.api.controllers.v1 import notification_utils as notify
from ironic.api.controllers.v1 import utils as api_utils
from ironic.api.controllers.v1 import versions
from ironic.api import method
from ironic.common import args
from ironic.common import exception
from ironic.common.i18n import _
from ironic.common import states
from ironic.common import utils
from ironic.drivers.modules import inspect_utils
from ironic import objects
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
_LOOKUP_RETURN_FIELDS = ['uuid', 'properties', 'instance_info',
AGENT_VALID_STATES = ['start', 'end', 'error']
def config(token):
return {
'metrics': {
'backend': CONF.metrics.agent_backend,
'prepend_host': CONF.metrics.agent_prepend_host,
'prepend_uuid': CONF.metrics.agent_prepend_uuid,
'prepend_host_reverse': CONF.metrics.agent_prepend_host_reverse,
'global_prefix': CONF.metrics.agent_global_prefix
'metrics_statsd': {
'statsd_host': CONF.metrics_statsd.agent_statsd_host,
'statsd_port': CONF.metrics_statsd.agent_statsd_port
'heartbeat_timeout': CONF.api.ramdisk_heartbeat_timeout,
'agent_token': token,
# Since this is for the Victoria release, we send this as an
# explicit True statement for newer agents to lock the setting
# and behavior into place.
'agent_token_required': True,
'agent_md5_checksum_enable': CONF.agent.allow_md5_checksum,
'disable_deep_image_inspection': CONF.conductor.disable_deep_image_inspection, # noqa
'permitted_image_formats': CONF.conductor.permitted_image_formats,
def convert_with_links(node):
token = node.driver_internal_info.get('agent_secret_token')
node = node_ctl.node_convert_with_links(node, _LOOKUP_RETURN_FIELDS)
return {'node': node, 'config': config(token)}
def get_valid_mac_addresses(addresses, node_uuid=None):
if addresses is None:
addresses = []
valid_addresses = []
invalid_addresses = []
for addr in addresses:
mac = utils.validate_and_normalize_mac(addr)
except exception.InvalidMAC:
if invalid_addresses:
node_log = ('' if not node_uuid
else '(Node UUID: %s)' % node_uuid)
LOG.warning('The following MAC addresses "%(addrs)s" are '
'invalid and will be ignored by the lookup '
'request %(node)s',
{'addrs': ', '.join(invalid_addresses),
'node': node_log})
return valid_addresses
class LookupController(rest.RestController):
"""Controller handling node lookup for a deploy ramdisk."""
def lookup_allowed(self, node):
if utils.fast_track_enabled(node):
return (
node.provision_state in states.FASTTRACK_LOOKUP_ALLOWED_STATES
return node.provision_state in states.LOOKUP_ALLOWED_STATES
@args.validate(addresses=args.string_list, node_uuid=args.uuid)
def get_all(self, addresses=None, node_uuid=None):
"""Look up a node by its MAC addresses and optionally UUID.
If the "restrict_lookup" option is set to True (the default), limit
the search to nodes in certain transient states (e.g. deploy wait).
:param addresses: list of MAC addresses for a node.
:param node_uuid: UUID of a node.
:raises: NotFound if requested API version does not allow this
:raises: NotFound if suitable node was not found or node's provision
state is not allowed for the lookup.
:raises: IncompleteLookup if neither node UUID nor any valid MAC
address was provided.
if not api_utils.allow_ramdisk_endpoints():
raise exception.NotFound()
# Validate the list of MAC addresses
valid_addresses = get_valid_mac_addresses(addresses)
if not valid_addresses and not node_uuid:
raise exception.IncompleteLookup()
if node_uuid:
node = objects.Node.get_by_uuid(
api.request.context, node_uuid)
node = objects.Node.get_by_port_addresses(
api.request.context, valid_addresses)
except exception.NotFound as e:
# NOTE(dtantsur): we are reraising the same exception to make sure
# we don't disclose the difference between nodes that are not found
# at all and nodes in a wrong state by different error messages.
LOG.error('No node has been found during lookup: %s', e)
raise exception.NotFound()
if CONF.api.restrict_lookup and not self.lookup_allowed(node):
LOG.error('Lookup is not allowed for node %(node)s in the '
'provision state %(state)s',
{'node': node.uuid, 'state': node.provision_state})
raise exception.NotFound()
if api_utils.allow_agent_token():
topic = api.request.rpcapi.get_topic_for(node)
except exception.NoValidHost as e:
e.code = http_client.BAD_REQUEST
found_node = api.request.rpcapi.get_node_with_token(
api.request.context, node.uuid, topic=topic)
found_node = node
return convert_with_links(found_node)
class HeartbeatController(rest.RestController):
"""Controller handling heartbeats from deploy ramdisk."""
@args.validate(node_ident=args.uuid_or_name, callback_url=args.string,
agent_version=args.string, agent_token=args.string,
agent_verify_ca=args.string, agent_status=args.string,
def post(self, node_ident, callback_url, agent_version=None,
agent_token=None, agent_verify_ca=None, agent_status=None,
"""Process a heartbeat from the deploy ramdisk.
:param node_ident: the UUID or logical name of a node.
:param callback_url: the URL to reach back to the ramdisk.
:param agent_version: The version of the agent that is heartbeating.
``None`` indicates that the agent that is heartbeating is a version
before sending agent_version was introduced so agent v3.0.0 (the
last release before sending agent_version was introduced) will be
:param agent_token: randomly generated validation token.
:param agent_verify_ca: TLS certificate to use to connect to the agent.
:param agent_status: Current status of the heartbeating agent. Used by
anaconda ramdisk to send status back to Ironic. The valid states
are 'start', 'end', 'error'
:param agent_status_message: Optional status message describing current
:raises: NodeNotFound if node with provided UUID or name was not found.
:raises: InvalidUuidOrName if node_ident is not valid name or UUID.
:raises: NoValidHost if RPC topic for node could not be retrieved.
:raises: NotFound if requested API version does not allow this
if not api_utils.allow_ramdisk_endpoints():
raise exception.NotFound()
if agent_version and not api_utils.allow_agent_version_in_heartbeat():
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
_('Field "agent_version" not recognised'))
if ((agent_status or agent_status_message)
and not api_utils.allow_status_in_heartbeat()):
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
_('Fields "agent_status" and "agent_status_message" '
'not recognised.')
if (agent_verify_ca is not None
and not api_utils.allow_verify_ca_in_heartbeat()):
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
_('Field "agent_verify_ca" not recognised in this version'))
rpc_node = api_utils.get_rpc_node_with_suffix(node_ident)
dii = rpc_node['driver_internal_info']
agent_url = dii.get('agent_url')
# NOTE(TheJulia): Use of urllib.urlparse is not a security
# guard, but detecting oddities and incorrect formatting
# https://docs.python.org/3/library/urllib.parse.html#url-parsing-security # noqa
parsed_url = urlparse.urlparse(callback_url)
# Check if http (compatibility), or https (much newer agents)
if 'http' not in parsed_url.scheme:
raise ValueError
callback_url = parsed_url.geturl()
except ValueError:
if callback_url != "":
# Anaconda deploy interface sends a empty callback url, since
# it is a one way heartbeat.
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
_('An issue with the supplied "callback_url" has been '
# If we have an agent_url on file, and we get something different
# we should fail because this is unexpected behavior of the agent.
if agent_url is not None and agent_url != callback_url:
LOG.error('Received heartbeat for node %(node)s with '
'callback URL %(url)s. This is not expected, '
'and the heartbeat will not be processed.',
{'node': rpc_node.uuid, 'url': callback_url})
raise exception.Invalid(
_('Detected change in ramdisk provided '
# NOTE(TheJulia): If tokens are required, lets go ahead and fail the
# heartbeat very early on.
if agent_token is None:
LOG.error('Agent heartbeat received for node %(node)s '
'without an agent token.', {'node': node_ident})
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
_('Agent token is required for heartbeat processing.'))
if agent_status is not None and agent_status not in AGENT_VALID_STATES:
valid_states = ','.join(AGENT_VALID_STATES)
LOG.error('Agent heartbeat received for node %(node)s '
'has an invalid agent status: %(agent_status)s. '
'Valid states are %(valid_states)s ',
{'node': node_ident, 'agent_status': agent_status,
'valid_states': valid_states})
msg = (_('Agent status is invalid. Valid states are %s.') %
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(msg)
topic = api.request.rpcapi.get_topic_for(rpc_node)
except exception.NoValidHost as e:
e.code = http_client.BAD_REQUEST
api.request.context, rpc_node.uuid, callback_url,
agent_version, agent_token, agent_verify_ca, agent_status,
agent_status_message, topic=topic)
DATA_VALIDATOR = args.schema({
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
# This validator defines a minimal acceptable inventory.
'inventory': {
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'bmc_address': {'type': ['string', 'null']},
'bmc_v6address': {'type': ['string', 'null']},
'interfaces': {
'type': 'array',
'items': {
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'mac_address': {'type': 'string'},
'required': ['mac_address'],
'additionalProperties': True,
'minItems': 1,
'required': ['interfaces'],
'additionalProperties': True,
'required': ['inventory'],
'additionalProperties': True,
class ContinueInspectionController(rest.RestController):
"""Controller handling inspection data from deploy ramdisk."""
def _auto_enroll(self, macs, bmc_addresses):
context = api.request.context
new_node = objects.Node(
conductor_group='', # TODO(dtantsur): default_conductor_group
topic = api.request.rpcapi.get_topic_for(new_node)
except exception.NoValidHost as e:
LOG.error("Failed to find a conductor to handle the newly "
"enrolled node with driver %s: %s", new_node.driver, e)
# NOTE(dtantsur): do not disclose any information to the caller
raise exception.IronicException()
LOG.info("Enrolling the newly discovered node %(uuid)s with driver "
"%(driver)s, MAC addresses [%(macs)s] and BMC address(es) "
{'driver': new_node.driver,
'uuid': new_node.uuid,
'macs': ', '.join(macs or ()),
'bmc': ', '.join(bmc_addresses or ())})
notify.emit_start_notification(context, new_node, 'create')
with notify.handle_error_notification(context, new_node, 'create'):
node = api.request.rpcapi.create_node(
context, new_node, topic=topic)
except exception.IronicException:
LOG.exception("Failed to enroll node with driver %s",
# NOTE(dtantsur): do not disclose any information to the caller
raise exception.IronicException()
return node, topic
@args.validate(data=DATA_VALIDATOR, node_uuid=args.uuid)
def post(self, data, node_uuid=None):
"""Process a introspection data from the deploy ramdisk.
:param data: Introspection data.
:param node_uuid: UUID of a node.
:raises: InvalidParameterValue if node_uuid is a valid UUID.
:raises: NoValidHost if RPC topic for node could not be retrieved.
:raises: NotFound if requested API version does not allow this
endpoint or if lookup fails.
if (not api_utils.allow_continue_inspection_endpoint()
# Node UUID support is a new addition
or (node_uuid
and not api_utils.new_continue_inspection_endpoint())):
raise exception.NotFound(
# This is a small lie: 1.1 is accepted as well, but no need
# to really advertise this fact, it's only for compatibility.
_('API version 1.%d or newer is required')
inventory = data.pop('inventory')
macs = get_valid_mac_addresses(
iface['mac_address'] for iface in inventory['interfaces'])
bmc_addresses = list(
filter(None, (inventory.get('bmc_address'),
if not macs and not bmc_addresses and not node_uuid:
raise exception.BadRequest(_('No lookup information provided'))
rpc_node = inspect_utils.lookup_node(
api.request.context, macs, bmc_addresses, node_uuid=node_uuid)
except inspect_utils.AutoEnrollPossible:
if not CONF.auto_discovery.enabled:
raise exception.NotFound()
rpc_node, topic = self._auto_enroll(macs, bmc_addresses)
# TODO(dtantsur): consider adding a Node-level property to make
# newly discovered nodes searchable via API. The flag in
# plugin_data is for compatibility with ironic-inspector.
data[inspect_utils.AUTO_DISCOVERED_FLAG] = True
topic = api.request.rpcapi.get_topic_for(rpc_node)
except exception.NoValidHost as e:
e.code = http_client.BAD_REQUEST
if api_utils.new_continue_inspection_endpoint():
# This has to happen before continue_inspection since processing
# the data may take significant time, and creating a token required
# a lock on the node.
rpc_node = api.request.rpcapi.get_node_with_token(
api.request.context, rpc_node.uuid, topic=topic)
api.request.context, rpc_node.uuid, inventory=inventory,
plugin_data=data, topic=topic)
if api_utils.new_continue_inspection_endpoint():
return convert_with_links(rpc_node)
# Compatibility with ironic-inspector
return {'uuid': rpc_node.uuid}