# Copyright 2022 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
# Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Common functionalities shared between different iLO modules.
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
from urllib import parse as urlparse
from ironic_lib import utils as ironic_utils
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import fileutils
from oslo_utils import importutils
from oslo_utils import strutils
from ironic.common import boot_devices
from ironic.common import exception
from ironic.common.glance_service import service_utils
from ironic.common.i18n import _
from ironic.common import image_service
from ironic.common import images
from ironic.common import swift
from ironic.common import utils
from ironic.conductor import utils as manager_utils
from ironic.conf import CONF
from ironic.drivers.modules import boot_mode_utils
ilo_client = importutils.try_import('proliantutils.ilo.client')
ilo_error = importutils.try_import('proliantutils.exception')
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
'ilo_address': _("IP address or hostname of the iLO. Required."),
'ilo_username': _("username for the iLO with administrator privileges. "
'ilo_password': _("password for ilo_username. Required.")
'client_port': _("port to be used for iLO operations. Optional."),
'client_timeout': _("timeout (in seconds) for iLO operations. Optional."),
'ca_file': _("CA certificate file to validate iLO. This "
"attribute is deprecated and will be removed in "
"future release. Optional"),
'ilo_verify_ca': _("Either a Boolean value, a path to a CA_BUNDLE "
"file or directory with certificates of trusted "
"CAs. If set to True the driver will verify the "
"host certificates; if False the driver will ignore "
"verifying the SSL certificate. If it\'s a path the "
"driver will use the specified certificate or one of "
"the certificates in the directory. Defaults to True. "
'snmp_auth_user': _("User for SNMPv3. "
"Required for SNMP inspection"),
'snmp_auth_prot_password': _("Authentication Protocol Passphrase. "
"Required for SNMP inspection"),
'snmp_auth_priv_password': _("Authentication Privacy Passphrase. "
"Required for SNMP inspection"),
'snmp_auth_protocol': _("Authentication Protocol. Optional, used "
"for SNMP inspection. If not specified, the "
"default value as 'MD5' is used."),
'snmp_auth_priv_protocol': _("Privacy Protocol. Optional, "
"used for SNMP inspection. "
"If not specified, the default value "
"as 'DES' is used.")
'console_port': _("node's UDP port to connect to. Only required for "
"console access.")
'ilo_change_password': _("new password for iLO. Required if the clean "
"step 'reset_ilo_credential' is enabled.")
BOOT_MODE_GENERIC_TO_ILO = {'bios': 'legacy', 'uefi': 'uefi'}
(v, k) for (k, v) in BOOT_MODE_GENERIC_TO_ILO.items())
""" Node is in Null post state."""
""" Node is in Unknown post state."""
""" Node is in Reset post state."""
""" Node is in PowerOff post state."""
""" Node is in InPost post state."""
""" Node is in InPostDiscoveryComplete post state."""
""" Node is in FinishedPost post state."""
""" Node supports only legacy BIOS boot mode."""
""" Node supports only UEFI boot mode."""
""" Node supports both legacy BIOS and UEFI boot mode."""
['password_complexity', 'require_login_for_ilo_rbsu', 'ipmi_over_lan',
'secure_boot', 'require_host_authentication'])
def validate_security_parameter_values(sec_param_info):
"""Validate security parameter with valid values.
:param sec_param_info: dict object containing the security parameter info
:raises: MissingParameterValue, for missing fields (or values) in
security parameter info.
:raises: InvalidParameterValue, for unsupported security parameter
:returns: tuple of security param, ignore and enable parameters.
info = sec_param_info or {}
LOG.debug("Validating security param info: %s in progress", info)
param = info.get('param')
if not param:
msg = (_("Security parameter info: %(info)s is missing the "
"required 'param' field.") % {'info': info})
raise exception.MissingParameterValue(msg)
msg = (_("Security parameter '%(param)s' is not a valid parameter. "
"Supported values are: %(supported_params)s") %
{'param': param, 'supported_params': (
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(msg)
ignored = info.get('ignore', False)
ignored = strutils.bool_from_string(ignored, default=False)
enable = info.get('enable', True)
enable = strutils.bool_from_string(enable, default=True)
return param, enable, ignored
def copy_image_to_web_server(source_file_path, destination):
"""Copies the given image to the http web server.
This method copies the given image to the http_root location.
It enables read-write access to the image else the deploy fails
as the image file at the web_server url is inaccessible.
:param source_file_path: The absolute path of the image file
which needs to be copied to the
web server root.
:param destination: The name of the file that
will contain the copied image.
:raises: ImageUploadFailed exception if copying the source
file to the web server fails.
:returns: image url after the source image is uploaded.
image_url = urlparse.urljoin(CONF.deploy.http_url, destination)
image_path = os.path.join(CONF.deploy.http_root, destination)
shutil.copyfile(source_file_path, image_path)
except IOError as exc:
raise exception.ImageUploadFailed(image_name=destination,
os.chmod(image_path, 0o644)
return image_url
def remove_image_from_web_server(object_name):
"""Removes the given image from the configured web server.
This method removes the given image from the http_root location,
if the image exists.
:param object_name: The name of the image file which needs to be removed
from the web server root.
image_path = os.path.join(CONF.deploy.http_root, object_name)
def copy_image_to_swift(source_file_path, destination_object_name):
"""Uploads the given image to swift.
This method copies the given image to swift.
:param source_file_path: The absolute path of the image file which needs
to be copied to swift.
:param destination_object_name: The name of the object that will contain
the copied image.
:raises: SwiftOperationError, if any operation with Swift fails.
:returns: temp url from swift after the source image is uploaded.
container = CONF.ilo.swift_ilo_container
timeout = CONF.ilo.swift_object_expiry_timeout
object_headers = {'X-Delete-After': str(timeout)}
swift_api = swift.SwiftAPI()
swift_api.create_object(container, destination_object_name,
source_file_path, object_headers=object_headers)
temp_url = swift_api.get_temp_url(container, destination_object_name,
LOG.debug("Uploaded image %(destination_object_name)s to %(container)s.",
{'destination_object_name': destination_object_name,
'container': container})
return temp_url
def remove_image_from_swift(object_name, associated_with=None):
"""Removes the given image from swift.
This method removes the given image name from swift. It deletes the
image if it exists in CONF.ilo.swift_ilo_container
:param object_name: The name of the object which needs to be removed
from swift.
:param associated_with: string to depict the component/operation this
object is associated to.
container = CONF.ilo.swift_ilo_container
swift_api = swift.SwiftAPI()
swift_api.delete_object(container, object_name)
except exception.SwiftObjectNotFoundError as e:
LOG.info("Temporary object %(associated_with_msg)s "
"was already deleted from Swift. Error: %(err)s",
("associated with %s " % associated_with
if associated_with else ""), 'err': e})
except exception.SwiftOperationError as e:
LOG.exception("Error while deleting temporary swift object "
"%(object_name)s %(associated_with_msg)s from "
"%(container)s. Error: %(err)s",
{'object_name': object_name, 'container': container,
("associated with %s" % associated_with
if associated_with else ""), 'err': e})
def parse_driver_info(node):
"""Gets the driver specific Node info.
This method validates whether the 'driver_info' property of the
supplied node contains the required information for this driver.
:param node: an ironic Node object.
:returns: a dict containing information from driver_info (or where
applicable, config values).
:raises: InvalidParameterValue if any parameters are incorrect
:raises: MissingParameterValue if some mandatory information
is missing on the node
info = node.driver_info
d_info = {}
missing_info = []
d_info[param] = info[param]
except KeyError:
if missing_info:
raise exception.MissingParameterValue(_(
"The following required iLO parameters are missing from the "
"node's driver_info: %s") % missing_info)
optional_info = _parse_optional_driver_info(node)
snmp_info = _parse_snmp_driver_info(info)
if snmp_info:
value = info.get(param)
if value:
# Currently there's only "console_port" parameter
if param == "console_port":
d_info[param] = utils.validate_network_port(value, param)
return d_info
def _parse_snmp_driver_info(info):
"""Parses the SNMP related driver_info parameters.
:param info: driver_info dictionary.
:returns: a dictionary containing SNMP information.
:raises exception.MissingParameterValue: if any of the mandatory
parameter values are not provided.
:raises exception.InvalidParameterValue: if the value provided
for SNMP_OPTIONAL_PROPERTIES has an invalid value.
snmp_info = {}
missing_info = []
valid_values = {'snmp_auth_protocol': ['MD5', 'SHA'],
'snmp_auth_priv_protocol': ['AES', 'DES']}
if info.get('snmp_auth_user'):
for param in SNMP_PROPERTIES:
snmp_info[param] = info[param]
except KeyError:
if missing_info:
raise exception.MissingParameterValue(_(
"The following required SNMP parameters are missing from the "
"node's driver_info: %s") % missing_info)
value = None
value = str(info[param]).upper()
except KeyError:
if value:
if value not in valid_values[param]:
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
"Invalid value %(value)s given for driver_info "
"parameter %(param)s") % {'param': param,
'value': info[param]})
snmp_info[param] = value
snmp_info = None
return snmp_info
def _parse_optional_driver_info(node):
"""Parses the optional driver_info parameters.
:param node: an ironic Node object.
:returns: a dictionary containing information of optional properties.
:raises: InvalidParameterValue if any parameters are incorrect
info = node.driver_info
optional_info = {}
not_integers = []
if param != 'ilo_verify_ca':
value = info.get(param, CONF.ilo.get(param))
if param == "client_port":
optional_info[param] = utils.validate_network_port(value, param)
elif param == "client_timeout":
optional_info[param] = int(value)
except ValueError:
if not_integers:
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
"The following iLO parameters from the node's driver_info "
"should be integers: %s") % not_integers)
ca_file_value = info.get('ca_file', CONF.ilo.get('ca_file'))
verify_ca = info.get('ilo_verify_ca', CONF.ilo.get('verify_ca'))
if ca_file_value:
LOG.warning("The `driver_info/ca_file` parameter is deprecated "
"in favor of `driver_info/ilo_verify_ca` parameter. "
"Please use `driver_info/ilo_verify_ca` instead of "
"`driver_info/ca_file` in node %(node)s "
"configuration.", {'node': node.uuid})
if not os.path.isfile(ca_file_value):
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
'ca_file "%(value)s" is not found.') %
{'value': ca_file_value})
optional_info['verify_ca'] = ca_file_value
# Check if ilo_verify_ca is a Boolean or a file/directory
# in the file-system
if isinstance(verify_ca, str):
if not os.path.isdir(verify_ca) and not os.path.isfile(verify_ca):
verify_ca = strutils.bool_from_string(verify_ca,
except ValueError:
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
_('Invalid value type set in driver_info/'
'ilo_verify_ca on node %(node)s. '
'The value should be a Boolean or the path '
'to a file/directory, not "%(value)s"'
) % {'value': verify_ca, 'node': node.uuid})
elif not isinstance(verify_ca, bool):
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
_('Invalid value type set in driver_info/ilo_verify_ca '
'on node %(node)s. The value should be a Boolean '
'or the path to a file/directory, not "%(value)s"'
) % {'value': verify_ca, 'node': node.uuid})
optional_info['verify_ca'] = verify_ca
return optional_info
def get_ilo_object(node):
"""Gets an IloClient object from proliantutils library.
Given an ironic node object, this method gives back a IloClient object
to do operations on the iLO.
:param node: an ironic node object.
:returns: an IloClient object.
:raises: InvalidParameterValue on invalid inputs.
:raises: MissingParameterValue if some mandatory information
is missing on the node
driver_info = parse_driver_info(node)
snmp_info = _parse_snmp_driver_info(driver_info)
info = {}
# This mapping is done as per what proliantutils expect the input
# to be. This will be removed once proliantutils is fixed for this
# in its next release.
if snmp_info:
info['snmp_inspection'] = True
info['auth_user'] = snmp_info['snmp_auth_user']
info['auth_prot_pp'] = snmp_info['snmp_auth_prot_password']
info['auth_priv_pp'] = snmp_info['snmp_auth_priv_password']
if snmp_info.get('snmp_auth_protocol'):
info['auth_protocol'] = str(snmp_info['snmp_auth_protocol'])
if snmp_info.get('snmp_auth_priv_protocol'):
info['priv_protocol'] = str(snmp_info['snmp_auth_priv_protocol'])
info = None
ilo_object = ilo_client.IloClient(driver_info['ilo_address'],
return ilo_object
def update_ipmi_properties(task):
"""Update ipmi properties to node driver_info
:param task: a task from TaskManager.
node = task.node
info = node.driver_info
# updating ipmi credentials
info['ipmi_address'] = info.get('ilo_address')
info['ipmi_username'] = info.get('ilo_username')
info['ipmi_password'] = info.get('ilo_password')
if 'console_port' in info:
info['ipmi_terminal_port'] = info['console_port']
# saving ipmi credentials to task object
task.node.driver_info = info
def update_redfish_properties(task):
"""Update redfish properties to node driver_info
This method updates the node's driver info with redfish driver driver_info.
:param task: a task from TaskManager.
node = task.node
info = node.driver_info
# updating redfish credentials
info['redfish_address'] = info.get('ilo_address')
info['redfish_username'] = info.get('ilo_username')
info['redfish_password'] = info.get('ilo_password')
info['redfish_verify_ca'] = info.get('ilo_verify_ca')
info['redfish_system_id'] = '/redfish/v1/Systems/1'
# saving redfish credentials to task object
task.node.driver_info = info
def _get_floppy_image_name(node):
"""Returns the floppy image name for a given node.
:param node: the node for which image name is to be provided.
return "image-%s" % node.uuid
def _prepare_floppy_image(task, params):
"""Prepares the floppy image for passing the parameters.
This method prepares a temporary vfat filesystem image. Then it adds
a file into the image which contains the parameters to be passed to
the ramdisk. After adding the parameters, it then uploads the file either
to Swift in 'swift_ilo_container', setting it to auto-expire after
'swift_object_expiry_timeout' seconds or in web server. Then it returns
the temp url for the Swift object or the http url for the uploaded floppy
image depending upon value of CONF.ilo.use_web_server_for_images.
:param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
:param params: a dictionary containing 'parameter name'->'value' mapping
to be passed to the deploy ramdisk via the floppy image.
:raises: ImageCreationFailed, if it failed while creating the floppy image.
:raises: ImageUploadFailed, if copying the source file to the
web server fails.
:raises: SwiftOperationError, if any operation with Swift fails.
:returns: the HTTP image URL or the Swift temp url for the floppy image.
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
dir=CONF.tempdir) as vfat_image_tmpfile_obj:
vfat_image_tmpfile = vfat_image_tmpfile_obj.name
images.create_vfat_image(vfat_image_tmpfile, parameters=params)
object_name = _get_floppy_image_name(task.node)
if CONF.ilo.use_web_server_for_images:
image_url = copy_image_to_web_server(vfat_image_tmpfile,
image_url = copy_image_to_swift(vfat_image_tmpfile, object_name)
return image_url
def destroy_floppy_image_from_web_server(node):
"""Removes the temporary floppy image.
It removes the floppy image created for deploy.
:param node: an ironic node object.
object_name = _get_floppy_image_name(node)
def set_boot_mode(node, boot_mode):
"""Sets the node to boot using boot_mode for the next boot.
:param node: an ironic node object.
:param boot_mode: Next boot mode.
:raises: IloOperationError if setting boot mode failed.
ilo_object = get_ilo_object(node)
p_boot_mode = ilo_object.get_pending_boot_mode()
except ilo_error.IloCommandNotSupportedError:
p_boot_mode = DEFAULT_BOOT_MODE
if p_boot_mode:
if BOOT_MODE_ILO_TO_GENERIC[p_boot_mode.lower()] == boot_mode:
LOG.info("Node %(uuid)s pending boot mode is %(boot_mode)s.",
{'uuid': node.uuid, 'boot_mode': boot_mode})
except ilo_error.IloError as ilo_exception:
operation = _("Setting %s as boot mode") % boot_mode
raise exception.IloOperationError(
operation=operation, error=ilo_exception)
LOG.info("Node %(uuid)s boot mode is set to %(boot_mode)s.",
{'uuid': node.uuid, 'boot_mode': boot_mode})
def get_current_boot_mode(node):
"""Get the current boot mode for a node.
:param node: an ironic node object.
:raises: IloOperationError if failed to fetch boot mode.
:raises: IloOperationNotSupported if node does not support getting pending
boot mode.
ilo_object = get_ilo_object(node)
operation = _("Get current boot mode")
c_boot_mode = ilo_object.get_current_boot_mode()
return BOOT_MODE_ILO_TO_GENERIC[c_boot_mode.lower()]
except ilo_error.IloError as ilo_exception:
raise exception.IloOperationError(operation=operation,
def update_boot_mode(task):
"""Update instance_info with boot mode to be used for deploy.
This method updates instance_info with boot mode to be used for
deploy if node properties['capabilities'] do not have boot_mode.
It sets the boot mode on the node.
:param task: Task object.
:raises: IloOperationError if setting boot mode failed.
node = task.node
boot_mode = boot_mode_utils.get_boot_mode_for_deploy(node)
# No boot mode found. Check if default_boot_mode is defined
if not boot_mode and (CONF.ilo.default_boot_mode in ['bios', 'uefi']):
boot_mode = CONF.ilo.default_boot_mode
node.set_driver_internal_info('deploy_boot_mode', boot_mode)
# Boot mode is computed, setting it for the deploy
if boot_mode:
LOG.debug("Node %(uuid)s boot mode is being set to %(boot_mode)s",
{'uuid': node.uuid, 'boot_mode': boot_mode})
set_boot_mode(node, boot_mode)
# Computing boot mode based on boot mode settings on bare metal
LOG.debug("Check pending boot mode for node %s.", node.uuid)
ilo_object = get_ilo_object(node)
boot_mode = ilo_object.get_pending_boot_mode()
except ilo_error.IloCommandNotSupportedError:
boot_mode = 'legacy'
if boot_mode != 'UNKNOWN':
boot_mode = BOOT_MODE_ILO_TO_GENERIC[boot_mode.lower()]
if boot_mode == 'UNKNOWN':
# NOTE(faizan) ILO will return this in remote cases and mostly on
# the nodes which supports UEFI. Such nodes mostly comes with UEFI
# as default boot mode. So we will try setting bootmode to UEFI
# and if it fails then we fall back to BIOS boot mode.
boot_mode = 'uefi'
except ilo_error.IloError as ilo_exception:
operation = _("Setting %s as boot mode") % boot_mode
raise exception.IloOperationError(operation=operation,
LOG.debug("Node %(uuid)s boot mode is being set to %(boot_mode)s "
"as pending boot mode is unknown.",
{'uuid': node.uuid, 'boot_mode': boot_mode})
node.set_driver_internal_info('deploy_boot_mode', boot_mode)
def get_secure_boot_mode(task):
"""Retrieves current enabled state of UEFI secure boot on the node
Returns the current enabled state of UEFI secure boot on the node.
:param task: a task from TaskManager.
:raises: MissingParameterValue if a required iLO parameter is missing.
:raises: IloOperationError on an error from IloClient library.
:raises: IloOperationNotSupported if UEFI secure boot is not supported.
:returns: Boolean value indicating current state of UEFI secure boot
on the node.
operation = _("Get secure boot mode for node %s.") % task.node.uuid
secure_boot_state = False
ilo_object = get_ilo_object(task.node)
current_boot_mode = ilo_object.get_current_boot_mode()
if current_boot_mode == 'UEFI':
secure_boot_state = ilo_object.get_secure_boot_mode()
except ilo_error.IloCommandNotSupportedError as ilo_exception:
raise exception.IloOperationNotSupported(operation=operation,
except ilo_error.IloError as ilo_exception:
raise exception.IloOperationError(operation=operation,
LOG.debug("Get secure boot mode for node %(node)s returned %(value)s",
{'value': secure_boot_state, 'node': task.node.uuid})
return secure_boot_state
def set_secure_boot_mode(task, flag):
"""Enable or disable UEFI Secure Boot for the next boot
Enable or disable UEFI Secure Boot for the next boot
:param task: a task from TaskManager.
:param flag: Boolean value. True if the secure boot to be
enabled in next boot.
:raises: IloOperationError on an error from IloClient library.
:raises: IloOperationNotSupported if UEFI secure boot is not supported.
operation = (_("Setting secure boot to %(flag)s for node %(node)s.") %
{'flag': flag, 'node': task.node.uuid})
ilo_object = get_ilo_object(task.node)
except ilo_error.IloCommandNotSupportedError as ilo_exception:
raise exception.IloOperationNotSupported(operation=operation,
except ilo_error.IloError as ilo_exception:
raise exception.IloOperationError(operation=operation,
def remove_single_or_list_of_files(file_location):
"""Removes (deletes) the file or list of files.
This method only accepts single or list of files to delete.
If single file is passed, this method removes (deletes) the file.
If list of files is passed, this method removes (deletes) each of the
files iteratively.
:param file_location: a single or a list of file paths
# file_location is a list of files
if isinstance(file_location, list):
for location in file_location:
# file_location is a single file path
elif isinstance(file_location, str):
def verify_image_checksum(image_location, expected_checksum):
"""Verifies checksum of image file against the expected one.
This method generates the checksum of the image file on the fly and
verifies it against the expected checksum provided as argument.
:param image_location: location of image file whose checksum is verified.
:param expected_checksum: checksum to be checked against
:raises: ImageRefValidationFailed, if invalid file path or
verification fails.
if len(expected_checksum) <= 32:
actual_checksum = fileutils.compute_file_checksum(image_location,
elif len(expected_checksum) <= 64:
actual_checksum = fileutils.compute_file_checksum(
elif len(expected_checksum) <= 128:
actual_checksum = fileutils.compute_file_checksum(
raise exception.ImageRefValidationFailed(
reason="Unable to identify checksum based upon length. "
"Please validate your checksum and ensure it is "
"MD5, SHA256, or SHA512")
except IOError as e:
LOG.error("Error opening file: %(file)s", {'file': image_location})
raise exception.ImageRefValidationFailed(image_href=image_location,
if actual_checksum != expected_checksum:
msg = (_('Error verifying image checksum. Image %(image)s failed to '
'verify against checksum %(checksum)s. Actual checksum is: '
'%(actual_checksum)s') %
{'image': image_location, 'checksum': expected_checksum,
'actual_checksum': actual_checksum})
raise exception.ImageRefValidationFailed(image_href=image_location,
def get_server_post_state(node):
"""Get the current state of system POST.
:param node: an ironic node object.
:returns: POST state of the server. The valida states are:-
null, Unknown, Reset, PowerOff, InPost, InPostDiscoveryComplete
and FinishedPost.
:raises: IloOperationError on an error from IloClient library.
:raises: IloOperationNotSupported if retrieving post state is not
supported on the server.
ilo_object = get_ilo_object(node)
operation = _("Get server post state for node %s.") % node.uuid
return ilo_object.get_host_post_state()
except ilo_error.IloCommandNotSupportedError as ilo_exception:
raise exception.IloOperationNotSupported(operation=operation,
except ilo_error.IloError as ilo_exception:
raise exception.IloOperationError(operation=operation,
def _get_certificate_file_list(cert_file_list):
"""Get the list of certificates to use.
:param cert_file_list: certificates file list.
:returns: cert_file_list if it's not empty. If empty or None,
returns the list of path configured for "webserver_verify_ca"
configuration option if the path exists. If the path does not
exist, returns empty list.
:raises: InvalidParameterValue if argument provided is other than
a list.
cfl = cert_file_list
if not cfl:
verify = strutils.bool_from_string(CONF.webserver_verify_ca,
except ValueError:
verify = CONF.webserver_verify_ca
if isinstance(verify, bool):
return []
if not os.path.exists(verify):
LOG.error("Path to the certificate file %(path)s "
"does not exist.", {'path': verify})
return []
cfl = [verify]
if not isinstance(cfl, list):
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_(
'List of files is expected whereas "%(atype)s" type '
'is provided.') % {'atype': type(cfl)})
return cfl
def add_certificates(task, cert_file_list=None):
"""Adds certificates to the node.
Adds certificates to the node based on the driver info
:param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
:param cert_file_list: List of certificates to be added to the node.
If None, certificates from path configured in 'webserver_verify_ca'
will be added to the node.
:raises: IloOperationError on an error from IloClient library.
:raises: IloOperationNotSupported if retrieving post state is not
supported on the server.
:raises: InvalidParameterValue, if any of the required parameters are
node = task.node
ilo_object = get_ilo_object(node)
d_info = node.driver_info
export_certs = d_info.get('ilo_add_certificates', True)
if export_certs is None:
export_certs = True
export_certs = strutils.bool_from_string(export_certs,
except ValueError:
raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
_('Invalid value type set in driver_info/'
'ilo_add_certificates on node %(node)s. '
'The value should be a Boolean '
' not "%(value)s"'
) % {'value': export_certs, 'node': node.uuid})
if not export_certs:
LOG.info("Adding of certificates to the node %(node)s is not "
"requested. Assuming required certificates are available "
"on the node.", {'node': node.uuid})
cfl = _get_certificate_file_list(cert_file_list)
if not cfl:
LOG.debug("Not adding any certificate to the node %(node)s "
"as no certificates are provided", {'node': node.uuid})
# NOTE(vmud213): Add the certificates to the node which are
# eventually being used for TLS verification by the node before
# downloading the deploy/instance images during HTTPS boot from
# URL.
operation = (_("Add certificates to %(node)s from paths "
"%(cpath)s.") % {'cpath': cfl, 'node': node.uuid})
LOG.info("Successfully added certificates to the node %(node)s from "
"paths %(cpath)s.", {'cpath': cfl, 'node': node.uuid})
except ilo_error.IloCommandNotSupportedInBiosError as ilo_exception:
raise exception.IloOperationNotSupported(operation=operation,
except ilo_error.IloError as ilo_exception:
raise exception.IloOperationError(operation=operation,
def clear_certificates(task, cert_file_list=None):
"""Clears any certificates added to the node.
Clears the certificates added to the node as part of any Ironic
:param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
:param cert_file_list: List of certificates to be removed from node.
If None, all the certificates present on the node will be removed.
:raises: IloOperationError on an error from IloClient library.
:raises: IloOperationNotSupported if retrieving post state is not
supported on the server.
node = task.node
operation = (_("Clearing certificates from node %(node)s.") %
{'node': node.uuid})
# NOTE(vmud213): Exclude the certificates used to boot deploy images
exclude_cfl = _get_certificate_file_list(None)
ilo_object = get_ilo_object(node)
cert_file_list=cert_file_list, excl_cert_file_list=exclude_cfl)
except ilo_error.IloCommandNotSupportedInBiosError as ilo_exception:
raise exception.IloOperationNotSupported(operation=operation,
except ilo_error.IloError as ilo_exception:
raise exception.IloOperationError(operation=operation,
LOG.info("Cleared TLS certificates from the node %(node)s "
"successfully from paths %(cpath)s.",
{'node': node.uuid, 'cpath': cert_file_list})
def setup_uefi_https(task, iso, persistent=False):
"""Sets up system to boot from UEFIHTTP boot device.
Sets the one-time/persistent boot device to UEFIHTTP based
on the argument supplied.
:param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
:param iso: ISO URL to be set to boot from.
:param persistent: Indicates whether the system should be set to boot
from the given device one-time or each time.
:raises: IloOperationError on an error from IloClient library.
:raises: IloOperationNotSupported if retrieving post state is not
supported on the server.
node = task.node
ilo_object = get_ilo_object(node)
scheme = urlparse.urlparse(iso).scheme.lower()
operation = (_("Setting up node %(node)s to boot from URL %(iso)s.") %
{'iso': iso, 'node': node.uuid})
if scheme != 'https':
msg = (_('Error setting up node %(node)s to boot from '
'URL %(iso)s. A secure URL is expected that is exposed '
'over HTTPS.') %
{'node': node.uuid, 'iso': iso})
raise exception.IloOperationNotSupported(operation=operation,
LOG.info("Set the node %(node)s to boot from URL %(iso)s "
"successfully.", {'node': node.uuid, 'iso': iso})
if not persistent:
except ilo_error.IloCommandNotSupportedInBiosError as ilo_exception:
raise exception.IloOperationNotSupported(operation=operation,
except ilo_error.IloError as ilo_exception:
raise exception.IloOperationError(operation=operation,
def download(target_file, file_url):
"""Downloads file based on the scheme.
It downloads the file (url) to given location.
The supported url schemes are file, http, and https.
:param target_file: target file for copying the downloaded file.
:param file_url: source file url from where file needs to be downloaded.
:raises: ImageDownloadFailed, on failure to download the file.
parsed_url = urlparse.urlparse(file_url)
if parsed_url.scheme == "file":
src_file = parsed_url.path
with open(target_file, 'wb') as fd:
image_service.FileImageService().download(src_file, fd)
elif parsed_url.scheme in ('http', 'https'):
src_file = parsed_url.geturl()
with open(target_file, 'wb') as fd:
image_service.HttpImageService().download(src_file, fd)