Source code for ironic.drivers.modules.pxe_base

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Base PXE Interface Methods

from ironic_lib import metrics_utils
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging

from ironic.common import boot_devices
from ironic.common import dhcp_factory
from ironic.common import exception
from ironic.common.i18n import _
from ironic.common import pxe_utils
from ironic.common import states
from ironic.conductor import periodics
from ironic.conductor import utils as manager_utils
from ironic.drivers.modules import boot_mode_utils
from ironic.drivers.modules import deploy_utils
from ironic.drivers import utils as driver_utils


LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

METRICS = metrics_utils.get_metrics_logger(__name__)

    'deploy_kernel': _("UUID (from Glance) of the deployment kernel. "
    'deploy_ramdisk': _("UUID (from Glance) of the ramdisk that is "
                        "mounted at boot time. Required."),
    'rescue_kernel': _('UUID (from Glance) of the rescue kernel. This value '
                       'is required for rescue mode.'),
    'rescue_ramdisk': _('UUID (from Glance) of the rescue ramdisk with agent '
                        'that is used at node rescue time. This value is '
                        'required for rescue mode.'),
    'kernel_append_params': driver_utils.KERNEL_APPEND_PARAMS_DESCRIPTION %
    {'option_group': 'pxe'},

[docs] class PXEBaseMixin(object): ipxe_enabled = False http_boot_enabled = False
[docs] def get_properties(self): """Return the properties of the interface. :returns: dictionary of <property name>:<property description> entries. """ return COMMON_PROPERTIES
def _use_http_folder(self): if self.ipxe_enabled: return True if self.http_boot_enabled: return True return False
[docs] @METRICS.timer('PXEBaseMixin.clean_up_ramdisk') def clean_up_ramdisk(self, task): """Cleans up the boot of ironic ramdisk. This method cleans up the PXE environment that was setup for booting the deploy or rescue ramdisk. It unlinks the deploy/rescue kernel/ramdisk in the node's directory in tftproot and removes it's PXE config. :param task: a task from TaskManager. :param mode: Label indicating a deploy or rescue operation was carried out on the node. Supported values are 'deploy' and 'rescue'. Defaults to 'deploy', indicating deploy operation was carried out. :returns: None """ node = task.node mode = deploy_utils.rescue_or_deploy_mode(node) try: images_info = pxe_utils.get_image_info( node, mode=mode, ipxe_enabled=self._use_http_folder()) except exception.MissingParameterValue as e: LOG.warning('Could not get %(mode)s image info ' 'to clean up images for node %(node)s: %(err)s', {'mode': mode, 'node': node.uuid, 'err': e}) else: pxe_utils.clean_up_pxe_env( task, images_info, ipxe_enabled=self._use_http_folder())
[docs] @METRICS.timer('PXEBaseMixin.clean_up_instance') def clean_up_instance(self, task): """Cleans up the boot of instance. This method cleans up the environment that was setup for booting the instance. It unlinks the instance kernel/ramdisk in node's directory in tftproot and removes the PXE config. :param task: a task from TaskManager. :returns: None """ node = task.node try: images_info = pxe_utils.get_instance_image_info( task, ipxe_enabled=self._use_http_folder()) except exception.MissingParameterValue as e: LOG.warning('Could not get instance image info ' 'to clean up images for node %(node)s: %(err)s', {'node': node.uuid, 'err': e}) else: pxe_utils.clean_up_pxe_env(task, images_info, ipxe_enabled=self._use_http_folder()) boot_mode_utils.deconfigure_secure_boot_if_needed(task)
[docs] @METRICS.timer('PXEBaseMixin.prepare_ramdisk') def prepare_ramdisk(self, task, ramdisk_params): """Prepares the boot of Ironic ramdisk using PXE. This method prepares the boot of the deploy or rescue kernel/ramdisk after reading relevant information from the node's driver_info and instance_info. :param task: a task from TaskManager. :param ramdisk_params: the parameters to be passed to the ramdisk. pxe driver passes these parameters as kernel command-line arguments. :returns: None :raises: MissingParameterValue, if some information is missing in node's driver_info or instance_info. :raises: InvalidParameterValue, if some information provided is invalid. :raises: IronicException, if some power or set boot boot device operation failed on the node. """ node = task.node # Label indicating a deploy or rescue operation being carried out on # the node, 'deploy' or 'rescue'. Unless the node is in a rescue like # state, the mode is set to 'deploy', indicating deploy operation is # being carried out. mode = deploy_utils.rescue_or_deploy_mode(node) if self.ipxe_enabled: # NOTE(mjturek): At this point, the ipxe boot script should # already exist as it is created at startup time. However, we # call the boot script create method here to assert its # existence and handle the unlikely case that it wasn't created # or was deleted. pxe_utils.create_ipxe_boot_script() # Generate options for both IPv4 and IPv6, and they can be # filtered down later based upon the port options. # TODO(TheJulia): This should be re-tooled during the Victoria # development cycle so that we call a single method and return # combined options. The method we currently call is relied upon # by two eternal projects, to changing the behavior is not ideal. dhcp_opts = pxe_utils.dhcp_options_for_instance( task, ipxe_enabled=self.ipxe_enabled, ip_version=4, http_boot_enabled=self.http_boot_enabled) dhcp_opts += pxe_utils.dhcp_options_for_instance( task, ipxe_enabled=self.ipxe_enabled, ip_version=6, http_boot_enabled=self.http_boot_enabled) provider = dhcp_factory.DHCPFactory() provider.update_dhcp(task, dhcp_opts) # TODO(TheJulia): We need to change the parameter name for # ipxe_enabled in pxe_utils at some point since here it is # an indicator of where to put the files on the filesystem. pxe_info = pxe_utils.get_image_info( node, mode=mode, ipxe_enabled=self._use_http_folder()) # NODE: Try to validate and fetch instance images only # if we are in DEPLOYING state. if node.provision_state == states.DEPLOYING: pxe_info.update( pxe_utils.get_instance_image_info( task, ipxe_enabled=self.ipxe_enabled)) boot_mode_utils.sync_boot_mode(task) pxe_options = pxe_utils.build_pxe_config_options( task, pxe_info, ipxe_enabled=self.ipxe_enabled, ramdisk_params=ramdisk_params) # TODO(dtantsur): backwards compatibility hack, remove in the V release if ramdisk_params.get("ipa-api-url"): pxe_options["ipa-api-url"] = ramdisk_params["ipa-api-url"] if self.ipxe_enabled: pxe_config_template = deploy_utils.get_ipxe_config_template(node) else: pxe_config_template = deploy_utils.get_pxe_config_template(node) pxe_utils.create_pxe_config(task, pxe_options, pxe_config_template, ipxe_enabled=self.ipxe_enabled) self._node_set_boot_device_for_network_boot(task) if self.ipxe_enabled and CONF.pxe.ipxe_use_swift: kernel_label = '%s_kernel' % mode ramdisk_label = '%s_ramdisk' % mode pxe_info.pop(kernel_label, None) pxe_info.pop(ramdisk_label, None) if pxe_info: pxe_utils.cache_ramdisk_kernel( task, pxe_info, ipxe_enabled=self._use_http_folder()) LOG.debug('Ramdisk (i)PXE boot for node %(node)s has been prepared ' 'with kernel params %(params)s', {'node': node.uuid, 'params': pxe_options})
def _node_set_boot_device_for_network_boot(self, task, persistent=False): """Helper to handle httpboot aware network booting. Basic challenge: IPMI doesn't have a field reserved for "httpboot" as httpboot pre-dates IPMI. It is also entirely possible that all logic to support httpboot is coming from OPROM code on network cards, so to sort of handle this, and the nature of PXE being perceived as "network boot", if we are http boot enabled, we attempt to explicitly request as such, but if the driver errors, then we fall back to PXE. :params task: a TaskManager object. :params persistent: Default False, if the network boot request is persistent. """ if self.http_boot_enabled: try: manager_utils.node_set_boot_device(task, boot_devices.UEFIHTTP, persistent=persistent) except exception.InvalidParameterValue: LOG.warning('Attempted to set HTTPBOOT for node %s, but it is ' 'not supported by the driver. Falling back to ' 'PXE to trigger network boot.', task.node.uuid) manager_utils.node_set_boot_device(task, boot_devices.PXE, persistent=persistent) else: manager_utils.node_set_boot_device(task, boot_devices.PXE, persistent=persistent)
[docs] @METRICS.timer('PXEBaseMixin.prepare_instance') def prepare_instance(self, task): """Prepares the boot of instance. This method prepares the boot of the instance after reading relevant information from the node's instance_info. In case of netboot, it updates the dhcp entries and switches the PXE config. In case of localboot, it cleans up the PXE config. :param task: a task from TaskManager. :returns: None """ boot_mode_utils.sync_boot_mode(task) node = task.node boot_device = None boot_option = deploy_utils.get_boot_option(node) if boot_option != "kickstart": boot_mode_utils.configure_secure_boot_if_needed(task) instance_image_info = {} if boot_option == "ramdisk" or boot_option == "kickstart": instance_image_info = pxe_utils.get_instance_image_info( task, ipxe_enabled=self.ipxe_enabled) pxe_utils.cache_ramdisk_kernel( task, instance_image_info, ipxe_enabled=self._use_http_folder()) if 'ks_template' in instance_image_info: ks_cfg = pxe_utils.validate_kickstart_template( instance_image_info['ks_template'][1] ) pxe_utils.validate_kickstart_file(ks_cfg) if (deploy_utils.is_iscsi_boot(task) or boot_option == "ramdisk" or boot_option == "kickstart"): pxe_utils.prepare_instance_pxe_config( task, instance_image_info, iscsi_boot=deploy_utils.is_iscsi_boot(task), ramdisk_boot=(boot_option == "ramdisk"), anaconda_boot=(boot_option == "kickstart"), ipxe_enabled=self.ipxe_enabled, http_boot_enabled=self.http_boot_enabled) pxe_utils.prepare_instance_kickstart_config( task, instance_image_info, anaconda_boot=(boot_option == "kickstart")) boot_device = boot_devices.PXE else: # NOTE(dtantsur): create a PXE configuration as a safety net for # hardware uncapable of persistent boot. If on a reboot it will try # to boot from PXE, this configuration will return it back. if CONF.pxe.enable_netboot_fallback: pxe_utils.build_service_pxe_config( task, instance_image_info, task.node.driver_internal_info.get('root_uuid_or_disk_id'), ipxe_enabled=self.ipxe_enabled, # PXE config for whole disk images is identical to what # we need to boot from local disk, so use True even # for partition images. is_whole_disk_image=True) else: # Clean up the deployment configuration pxe_utils.clean_up_pxe_config( task, ipxe_enabled=self.ipxe_enabled) boot_device = boot_devices.DISK # NOTE(pas-ha) do not re-set boot device on ACTIVE nodes # during takeover if boot_device and (task.node.provision_state not in (states.ACTIVE, states.ADOPTING)): if boot_device == boot_devices.PXE: # Implying network booting, we need to handle the case # it might be HTTPBoot instead of PXEBoot. self._node_set_boot_device_for_network_boot(task, persistent=True) else: vendor ='vendor', None) boot_mode = boot_mode_utils.get_boot_mode(task.node) if (task.node.provision_state == states.DEPLOYING and vendor and vendor.lower() == 'lenovo' and boot_mode == 'uefi' and boot_device == boot_devices.DISK): # Lenovo hardware is modeled on a "just update" # UEFI nvram model of use, and if multiple actions # get requested, you can end up in cases where NVRAM # changes are deleted as the host "restores" to the # backup. For more information see # return manager_utils.node_set_boot_device(task, boot_device, persistent=True)
def _validate_common(self, task): node = task.node if not driver_utils.get_node_mac_addresses(task): raise exception.MissingParameterValue( _("Node %s does not have any port associated with it") % node.uuid) if self.ipxe_enabled: if not CONF.deploy.http_url or not CONF.deploy.http_root: raise exception.MissingParameterValue(_( "iPXE boot is enabled but no HTTP URL or HTTP " "root was specified")) # NOTE(zer0c00l): When 'kickstart' boot option is used we need to store # kickstart and squashfs files in http_root directory. These files # will be eventually requested by anaconda installer during deployment # over http(s). if deploy_utils.get_boot_option(node) == 'kickstart': if not CONF.deploy.http_url or not CONF.deploy.http_root: raise exception.MissingParameterValue(_( "'kickstart' boot option is set on the node but no HTTP " "URL or HTTP root was specified")) if not CONF.anaconda.default_ks_template: raise exception.MissingParameterValue(_( "'kickstart' boot option is set on the node but no " "default kickstart template is specified")) deploy_utils.validate_capabilities(node) # Check if we have invalid parameters being passed which will not work # for ramdisk configurations. if (node.instance_info.get('image_source') and node.instance_info.get('boot_iso')): raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_( "An 'image_source' and 'boot_iso' parameter may not be " "specified at the same time")) pxe_utils.parse_driver_info(node)
[docs] @METRICS.timer('PXEBaseMixin.validate') def validate(self, task): """Validate the PXE-specific info for booting deploy/instance images. This method validates the PXE-specific info for booting the ramdisk and instance on the node. If invalid, raises an exception; otherwise returns None. :param task: a task from TaskManager. :returns: None :raises: InvalidParameterValue, if some parameters are invalid. :raises: MissingParameterValue, if some required parameters are missing. """ self._validate_common(task) node = task.node # NOTE(TheJulia): If we're not writing an image, we can skip # the remainder of this method. # NOTE(dtantsur): if we're are writing an image with local boot # the boot interface does not care about image parameters and # must not validate them. boot_option = deploy_utils.get_boot_option(node) if (not or boot_option == 'local'): return d_info = deploy_utils.get_image_instance_info(node) deploy_utils.validate_image_properties(task, d_info)
[docs] @METRICS.timer('PXEBaseMixin.validate_rescue') def validate_rescue(self, task): """Validate that the node has required properties for rescue. :param task: a TaskManager instance with the node being checked :raises: MissingParameterValue if node is missing one or more required parameters """ pxe_utils.parse_driver_info(task.node, mode='rescue')
[docs] @METRICS.timer('PXEBaseMixin.validate_inspection') def validate_inspection(self, task): """Validate that the node has required properties for inspection. :param task: A TaskManager instance with the node being checked :raises: UnsupportedDriverExtension """ try: self._validate_common(task) except exception.MissingParameterValue: # Fall back to non-managed in-band inspection raise exception.UnsupportedDriverExtension( driver=task.node.driver, extension='inspection')
_RETRY_ALLOWED_STATES = {states.DEPLOYWAIT, states.CLEANWAIT, states.RESCUEWAIT} @METRICS.timer('PXEBaseMixin._check_boot_timeouts') @periodics.node_periodic( purpose='checking PXE boot status', spacing=CONF.pxe.boot_retry_check_interval, enabled=bool(CONF.pxe.boot_retry_timeout), filters={'provision_state_in': _RETRY_ALLOWED_STATES, 'reserved': False, 'maintenance': False, 'provisioned_before': CONF.pxe.boot_retry_timeout}, ) def _check_boot_timeouts(self, task, manager, context): """Periodically checks whether boot has timed out and retry it. :param task: a task instance. :param manager: conductor manager. :param context: request context. """ self._check_boot_status(task) def _check_boot_status(self, task): if not _should_retry_boot(task.node): return task.upgrade_lock(purpose='retrying PXE boot') # Retry critical checks after acquiring the exclusive lock. if (task.node.maintenance or task.node.provision_state not in self._RETRY_ALLOWED_STATES or not _should_retry_boot(task.node)): return'Booting the ramdisk on node %(node)s is taking more than ' '%(timeout)d seconds, retrying boot', {'node': task.node.uuid, 'timeout': CONF.pxe.boot_retry_timeout}) manager_utils.node_power_action(task, states.POWER_OFF) self._node_set_boot_device_for_network_boot(task) manager_utils.node_power_action(task, states.POWER_ON)
def _should_retry_boot(node): # NOTE(dtantsur): this assumes IPA, do we need to make it generic? for field in ('agent_last_heartbeat', 'last_power_state_change'): if node.driver_internal_info.get('agent_secret_token', False): LOG.debug('Not retrying PXE boot for node %(node)s; an agent ' 'token has been identified, meaning the agent ' 'has started.', {'node': node.uuid}) return False if manager_utils.value_within_timeout( node.driver_internal_info.get(field), CONF.pxe.boot_retry_timeout): # Alive and heartbeating, probably busy with something long LOG.debug('Not retrying PXE boot for node %(node)s; its ' '%(event)s happened less than %(timeout)d seconds ago', {'node': node.uuid, 'event': field, 'timeout': CONF.pxe.boot_retry_timeout}) return False return True