# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Redfish Inspect Interface
from oslo_log import log
from oslo_utils import units
import sushy
from ironic.common import boot_modes
from ironic.common import exception
from ironic.common.i18n import _
from ironic.common import states
from ironic.common import utils
from ironic.drivers import base
from ironic.drivers.modules import inspect_utils
from ironic.drivers.modules.redfish import utils as redfish_utils
from ironic.drivers import utils as drivers_utils
from ironic import objects
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
sushy.PROCESSOR_ARCH_x86: 'x86_64',
sushy.PROCESSOR_ARCH_IA_64: 'ia64',
sushy.PROCESSOR_ARCH_ARM: 'arm',
sushy.PROCESSOR_ARCH_MIPS: 'mips',
sushy.InstructionSet.ARM_A32: 'arm',
sushy.InstructionSet.ARM_A64: 'aarch64',
sushy.InstructionSet.IA_64: 'ia64',
sushy.InstructionSet.MIPS32: 'mips',
sushy.InstructionSet.MIPS64: 'mips64',
sushy.InstructionSet.OEM: None,
sushy.InstructionSet.X86: 'i686',
sushy.InstructionSet.X86_64: 'x86_64'
sushy.BOOT_SOURCE_MODE_UEFI: boot_modes.UEFI,
class RedfishInspect(base.InspectInterface):
def get_properties(self):
"""Return the properties of the interface.
:returns: dictionary of <property name>:<property description> entries.
return redfish_utils.COMMON_PROPERTIES.copy()
def validate(self, task):
"""Validate the driver-specific Node deployment info.
This method validates whether the 'driver_info' properties of
the task's node contains the required information for this
interface to function.
This method is often executed synchronously in API requests, so it
should not conduct long-running checks.
:param task: A TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
:raises: InvalidParameterValue on malformed parameter(s)
:raises: MissingParameterValue on missing parameter(s)
def inspect_hardware(self, task):
"""Inspect hardware to get the hardware properties.
Inspects hardware to get the essential properties.
It fails if any of the essential properties
are not received from the node.
:param task: a TaskManager instance.
:raises: HardwareInspectionFailure if essential properties
could not be retrieved successfully.
:returns: The resulting state of inspection.
system = redfish_utils.get_system(task.node)
# get the essential properties and update the node properties
# with it.
inspected_properties = task.node.properties
inventory = {}
if system.memory_summary and system.memory_summary.size_gib:
memory = system.memory_summary.size_gib * units.Ki
inspected_properties['memory_mb'] = memory
inventory['memory'] = {'physical_mb': memory}
self._get_processor_info(task, system, inspected_properties, inventory)
# TODO(etingof): should we respect root device hints here?
local_gb = self._detect_local_gb(task, system)
if local_gb:
inspected_properties['local_gb'] = str(local_gb)
LOG.warning("Could not provide a valid storage size configured "
"for node %(node)s. Assuming this is a disk-less node",
{'node': task.node.uuid})
inspected_properties['local_gb'] = '0'
if storages := system.storage or system.simple_storage:
disks = list()
for storage in storages.get_members():
drives = storage.drives if hasattr(
storage, 'drives') else storage.devices
for drive in drives:
disk = {}
disk['name'] = drive.name
disk['size'] = drive.capacity_bytes
inventory['disks'] = disks
if system.ethernet_interfaces and system.ethernet_interfaces.summary:
inventory['interfaces'] = []
mac_addresses = list(system.ethernet_interfaces.summary.keys())
for mac_address in mac_addresses:
inventory['interfaces'].append({'mac_address': mac_address})
system_vendor = {}
if system.name:
system_vendor['product_name'] = str(system.name)
if system.serial_number:
system_vendor['serial_number'] = str(system.serial_number)
if system.manufacturer:
system_vendor['manufacturer'] = str(system.manufacturer)
if system_vendor:
inventory['system_vendor'] = system_vendor
if system.boot.mode:
if not drivers_utils.get_node_capability(task.node, 'boot_mode'):
capabilities = utils.get_updated_capabilities(
inspected_properties.get('capabilities', ''),
{'boot_mode': BOOT_MODE_MAP[system.boot.mode]})
inspected_properties['capabilities'] = capabilities
inventory['boot'] = {'current_boot_mode':
valid_keys = self.ESSENTIAL_PROPERTIES
missing_keys = valid_keys - set(inspected_properties)
if missing_keys:
error = (_('Failed to discover the following properties: '
'%(missing_keys)s on node %(node)s') %
{'missing_keys': ', '.join(missing_keys),
'node': task.node.uuid})
raise exception.HardwareInspectionFailure(error=error)
task.node.properties = inspected_properties
LOG.debug("Node properties for %(node)s are updated as "
"%(properties)s", {'properties': inspected_properties,
'node': task.node.uuid})
self._create_ports(task, system)
pxe_port_macs = self._get_pxe_port_macs(task)
if pxe_port_macs is None:
LOG.warning("No PXE enabled NIC was found for node "
"%(node_uuid)s.", {'node_uuid': task.node.uuid})
pxe_port_macs = [macs.lower() for macs in pxe_port_macs]
ports = objects.Port.list_by_node_id(task.context, task.node.id)
if ports:
for port in ports:
is_baremetal_pxe_port = (port.address.lower()
in pxe_port_macs)
if port.pxe_enabled != is_baremetal_pxe_port:
port.pxe_enabled = is_baremetal_pxe_port
LOG.info('Port %(port)s having %(mac_address)s '
'updated with pxe_enabled %(pxe)s for '
'node %(node_uuid)s during inspection',
{'port': port.uuid,
'mac_address': port.address,
'pxe': port.pxe_enabled,
'node_uuid': task.node.uuid})
LOG.warning("No port information discovered "
"for node %(node)s", {'node': task.node.uuid})
inventory, None, task.context)
return states.MANAGEABLE
def _create_ports(self, task, system):
enabled_macs = redfish_utils.get_enabled_macs(task, system)
if enabled_macs:
inspect_utils.create_ports_if_not_exist(task, list(enabled_macs))
LOG.warning("Not attempting to create any port as no NICs "
"were discovered in 'enabled' state for node "
"%(node)s: %(mac_data)s",
{'mac_data': enabled_macs, 'node': task.node.uuid})
def _detect_local_gb(self, task, system):
simple_storage_size = 0
LOG.debug("Attempting to discover system simple storage size for "
"node %(node)s", {'node': task.node.uuid})
if (system.simple_storage
and system.simple_storage.disks_sizes_bytes):
simple_storage_size = [
size for size in system.simple_storage.disks_sizes_bytes
if size >= 4 * units.Gi
] or [0]
simple_storage_size = simple_storage_size[0]
except sushy.exceptions.SushyError as ex:
LOG.debug("No simple storage information discovered "
"for node %(node)s: %(err)s", {'node': task.node.uuid,
'err': ex})
storage_size = 0
LOG.debug("Attempting to discover system storage volume size for "
"node %(node)s", {'node': task.node.uuid})
if system.storage and system.storage.volumes_sizes_bytes:
storage_size = [
size for size in system.storage.volumes_sizes_bytes
if size >= 4 * units.Gi
] or [0]
storage_size = storage_size[0]
except sushy.exceptions.SushyError as ex:
LOG.debug("No storage volume information discovered "
"for node %(node)s: %(err)s", {'node': task.node.uuid,
'err': ex})
if not storage_size:
LOG.debug("Attempting to discover system storage drive size "
"for node %(node)s", {'node': task.node.uuid})
if system.storage and system.storage.drives_sizes_bytes:
storage_size = [
size for size in system.storage.drives_sizes_bytes
if size >= 4 * units.Gi
] or [0]
storage_size = storage_size[0]
except sushy.exceptions.SushyError as ex:
LOG.debug("No storage drive information discovered "
"for node %(node)s: %(err)s", {'node': task.node.uuid,
'err': ex})
# NOTE(etingof): pick the smallest disk larger than 4G among available
if simple_storage_size and storage_size:
local_gb = min(simple_storage_size, storage_size)
local_gb = max(simple_storage_size, storage_size)
# Note(deray): Convert the received size to GiB and reduce the
# value by 1 GB as consumers like Ironic requires the ``local_gb``
# to be returned 1 less than actual size.
return max(0, int(local_gb / units.Gi - 1))
def _get_pxe_port_macs(self, task):
"""Get a list of PXE port MAC addresses.
:param task: a TaskManager instance.
:returns: Returns list of PXE port MAC addresses.
If cannot be determined, returns None.
return None
def _get_processor_info(self, task, system, inspected_properties,
if system.processors is None:
cpu = {}
if system.processors.summary:
cpus, arch = system.processors.summary
if cpus:
inspected_properties['cpus'] = cpus
cpu['count'] = cpus
if arch:
inspected_properties['cpu_arch'] = CPU_ARCH_MAP[arch]
except KeyError:
LOG.warning("Unknown CPU arch %(arch)s discovered "
"for node %(node)s", {'node': task.node.uuid,
'arch': arch})
processor = system.processors.get_members()[0]
if processor.model is not None:
cpu['model_name'] = str(processor.model)
if processor.max_speed_mhz is not None:
cpu['frequency'] = processor.max_speed_mhz
if processor.instruction_set is not None:
cpu['architecture'] = PROCESSOR_INSTRUCTION_SET_MAP[
inventory['cpu'] = cpu