
DRAC RAID specific methods

class*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: RedfishRAID

iDRAC Redfish interface for RAID related actions.

Includes iDRAC specific adjustments for RAID related actions.

create_configuration(task, create_root_volume=True, create_nonroot_volumes=True, delete_existing=False)[source]

Create RAID configuration on the node.

This method creates the RAID configuration as read from node.target_raid_config. This method by default will create all logical disks.

  • task – TaskManager object containing the node.

  • create_root_volume – Setting this to False indicates not to create root volume that is specified in the node’s target_raid_config. Default value is True.

  • create_nonroot_volumes – Setting this to False indicates not to create non-root volumes (all except the root volume) in the node’s target_raid_config. Default value is True.

  • delete_existing – Setting this to True indicates to delete RAID configuration prior to creating the new configuration. Default is False.


states.CLEANWAIT if RAID configuration is in progress asynchronously or None if it is complete.


RedfishError if there is an error creating the configuration


Delete RAID configuration on the node.


task – TaskManager object containing the node.


states.CLEANWAIT (cleaning) or states.DEPLOYWAIT (deployment) if deletion is in progress asynchronously or None if it is complete.

post_delete_configuration(task, raid_configs, return_state=None)[source]

Perform post delete_configuration action to commit the config.

Clears foreign configuration for all RAID controllers. If no foreign configuration to clear, then checks if any controllers can be converted to RAID mode.

  • task – a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.

  • raid_configs – a list of dictionaries containing the RAID configuration operation details.

  • return_state – state to return based on operation being invoked

pre_create_configuration(task, logical_disks_to_create)[source]

Perform required actions before creating config.

Converts any physical disks of selected controllers to RAID mode if in non-RAID mode.

  • task – a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.

  • logical_disks_to_create – list of logical disks to create.


updated list of logical disks to create