Source code for ironic.drivers.modules.snmp

# Copyright 2013,2014 Cray Inc
# All Rights Reserved.
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Ironic SNMP power manager.

Provides basic power control using an SNMP-enabled smart power controller.
Uses a pluggable driver model to support devices with different SNMP object


import abc
import time

from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_service import loopingcall
from oslo_utils import importutils

from ironic.common import exception
from ironic.common.i18n import _
from ironic.common import states
from ironic.common import utils
from ironic.conductor import task_manager
from ironic.conf import CONF
from ironic.drivers import base

pysnmp = importutils.try_import('pysnmp')
if pysnmp:
    from pysnmp import error as snmp_error
    from pysnmp import hlapi as snmp

    snmp_auth_protocols = {
        'md5': snmp.usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol,
        'sha': snmp.usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol,
        'none': snmp.usmNoAuthProtocol,

    # available since pysnmp 4.4.1
                'sha224': snmp.usmHMAC128SHA224AuthProtocol,
                'sha256': snmp.usmHMAC192SHA256AuthProtocol,
                'sha384': snmp.usmHMAC256SHA384AuthProtocol,
                'sha512': snmp.usmHMAC384SHA512AuthProtocol,


    except AttributeError:

    snmp_priv_protocols = {
        'des': snmp.usmDESPrivProtocol,
        '3des': snmp.usm3DESEDEPrivProtocol,
        'aes': snmp.usmAesCfb128Protocol,
        'aes192': snmp.usmAesCfb192Protocol,
        'aes256': snmp.usmAesCfb256Protocol,
        'none': snmp.usmNoPrivProtocol,

    # available since pysnmp 4.4.3
                'aes192blmt': snmp.usmAesBlumenthalCfb192Protocol,
                'aes256blmt': snmp.usmAesBlumenthalCfb256Protocol,


    except AttributeError:

    snmp = None
    snmp_error = None

    snmp_auth_protocols = {
        'none': None

    snmp_priv_protocols = {
        'none': None

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

SNMP_V1 = '1'
SNMP_V2C = '2c'
SNMP_V3 = '3'

    'snmp_driver': _("PDU manufacturer driver.  Required."),
    'snmp_address': _("PDU IPv4 address or hostname.  Required."),
    'snmp_outlet': _("PDU power outlet index (1-based).  Required."),
        _("SNMP protocol version: %(v1)s, %(v2c)s or %(v3)s  "
          "(optional, default %(v1)s).")
        % {"v1": SNMP_V1, "v2c": SNMP_V2C, "v3": SNMP_V3},
        _("SNMP port, default %(port)d.") % {"port": SNMP_PORT},
        _("SNMP community name to use for read and/or write class SNMP "
          "commands unless `snmp_community_read` and/or "
          "`snmp_community_write` properties are present in which case the "
          "latter takes over. Applicable only to versions %(v1)s and %(v2c)s.")
        % {"v1": SNMP_V1, "v2c": SNMP_V2C},
        _("SNMP community name to use for read class SNMP commands. "
          "Takes precedence over the `snmp_community` property. "
          "Applicable only to versions %(v1)s and %(v2c)s.")
        % {"v1": SNMP_V1, "v2c": SNMP_V2C},
        _("SNMP community name to use for write class SNMP commands. "
          "Takes precedence over the `snmp_community` property. "
          "Applicable only to versions %(v1)s and %(v2c)s.")
        % {"v1": SNMP_V1, "v2c": SNMP_V2C},
        _("SNMPv3 User-based Security Model (USM) username. "
          "Required for version %(v3)s.")
        % {"v3": SNMP_V3},
        _("SNMPv3 message authentication protocol ID. "
          "Known values are: %(auth)s. "
          "Default is 'none' unless 'snmp_auth_key' is provided. "
          "In the latter case 'md5' is the default.")
        % {'auth': sorted(snmp_auth_protocols)},
        _("SNMPv3 message authentication key. "
          "Must be 8+ characters long. "
          "Required when message authentication is used. "
          "This key is used by the 'snmp_auth_protocol' algorithm."),
        _("SNMPv3 message privacy (encryption) protocol ID. "
          "Known values are: %(priv)s. "
          "Using message privacy requires using message authentication. "
          "Default is 'none' unless 'snmp_priv_key' is provided. "
          "In the latter case 'des' is the default.")
        % {'priv': sorted(snmp_priv_protocols)},
        _("SNMPv3 message authentication key. "
          "Must be 8+ characters long. "
          "Required when message authentication is used. "
          "This key is used by the 'snmp_priv_protocol' algorithm."),
        _("SNMPv3 context engine ID. "
          "Default is the value of authoritative engine ID."),
        _("SNMPv3 context name. "
          "Default is an empty string ('')."),

    # synonym for `snmp_user`
        _("SNMPv3 User-based Security Model (USM) username. "
          "Required for version %(v3)s. "
          "This property is deprecated, please use `snmp_user` instead.")
        % {"v3": SNMP_V3},


[docs]class SNMPClient(object): """SNMP client object. Performs low level SNMP get and set operations. Encapsulates all interaction with PySNMP to simplify dynamic importing and unit testing. """ def __init__(self, address, port, version, read_community=None, write_community=None, user=None, auth_proto=None, auth_key=None, priv_proto=None, priv_key=None, context_engine_id=None, context_name=None): if not snmp: raise exception.DriverLoadError( driver=self.__class__.__name__, reason=_("Unable to import python-pysnmp library") ) self.address = address self.port = port self.version = version if self.version == SNMP_V3: self.user = user self.auth_proto = auth_proto self.auth_key = auth_key self.priv_proto = priv_proto self.priv_key = priv_key else: self.read_community = read_community self.write_community = write_community self.context_engine_id = context_engine_id self.context_name = context_name or '' self.snmp_engine = snmp.SnmpEngine() def _get_auth(self, write_mode=False): """Return the authorization data for an SNMP request. :param write_mode: `True` if write class SNMP command is executed. Default is `False`. :returns: Either :class:`pysnmp.hlapi.CommunityData` or :class:`pysnmp.hlapi.UsmUserData` object depending on SNMP version being used. """ if self.version == SNMP_V3: return snmp.UsmUserData( self.user, authKey=self.auth_key, authProtocol=self.auth_proto, privKey=self.priv_key, privProtocol=self.priv_proto ) else: mp_model = 1 if self.version == SNMP_V2C else 0 return snmp.CommunityData( self.write_community if write_mode else self.read_community, mpModel=mp_model ) def _get_transport(self): """Return the transport target for an SNMP request. :returns: A :class: `pysnmp.hlapi.UdpTransportTarget` object. :raises: :class:`pysnmp.error.PySnmpError` if the transport address is bad. """ # The transport target accepts timeout and retries parameters, which # default to 1 (second) and 5 respectively. These are deemed sensible # enough to allow for an unreliable network or slow device. return snmp.UdpTransportTarget( (self.address, self.port), timeout=CONF.snmp.udp_transport_timeout, retries=CONF.snmp.udp_transport_retries) def _get_context(self): """Return the SNMP context for an SNMP request. :returns: A :class: `pysnmp.hlapi.ContextData` object. :raises: :class:`pysnmp.error.PySnmpError` if SNMP context data is bad. """ return snmp.ContextData( contextEngineId=self.context_engine_id, contextName=self.context_name )
[docs] def get(self, oid): """Use PySNMP to perform an SNMP GET operation on a single object. :param oid: The OID of the object to get. :raises: SNMPFailure if an SNMP request fails. :returns: The value of the requested object. """ try: snmp_gen = snmp.getCmd(self.snmp_engine, self._get_auth(), self._get_transport(), self._get_context(), snmp.ObjectType(snmp.ObjectIdentity(oid))) except snmp_error.PySnmpError as e: raise exception.SNMPFailure(operation="GET", error=e) error_indication, error_status, error_index, var_binds = next(snmp_gen) if error_indication: # SNMP engine-level error. raise exception.SNMPFailure(operation="GET", error=error_indication) if error_status: # SNMP PDU error. raise exception.SNMPFailure(operation="GET", error=error_status.prettyPrint()) # We only expect a single value back name, val = var_binds[0] return val
[docs] def get_next(self, oid): """Use PySNMP to perform an SNMP GET NEXT operation on a table object. :param oid: The OID of the object to get. :raises: SNMPFailure if an SNMP request fails. :returns: A list of values of the requested table object. """ try: snmp_gen = snmp.nextCmd(self.snmp_engine, self._get_auth(), self._get_transport(), self._get_context(), snmp.ObjectType(snmp.ObjectIdentity(oid)), lexicographicMode=False) except snmp_error.PySnmpError as e: raise exception.SNMPFailure(operation="GET_NEXT", error=e) vals = [] for (error_indication, error_status, error_index, var_binds) in snmp_gen: if error_indication: # SNMP engine-level error. raise exception.SNMPFailure(operation="GET_NEXT", error=error_indication) if error_status: # SNMP PDU error. raise exception.SNMPFailure(operation="GET_NEXT", error=error_status.prettyPrint()) # this is not a table, but a table row # e.g. 1-D array of tuples _name, value = var_binds[0] vals.append(value) return vals
[docs] def set(self, oid, value): """Use PySNMP to perform an SNMP SET operation on a single object. :param oid: The OID of the object to set. :param value: The value of the object to set. :raises: SNMPFailure if an SNMP request fails. """ try: snmp_gen = snmp.setCmd(self.snmp_engine, self._get_auth(write_mode=True), self._get_transport(), self._get_context(), snmp.ObjectType( snmp.ObjectIdentity(oid), value)) except snmp_error.PySnmpError as e: raise exception.SNMPFailure(operation="SET", error=e) error_indication, error_status, error_index, var_binds = next(snmp_gen) if error_indication: # SNMP engine-level error. raise exception.SNMPFailure(operation="SET", error=error_indication) if error_status: # SNMP PDU error. raise exception.SNMPFailure(operation="SET", error=error_status.prettyPrint())
def _get_client(snmp_info): """Create and return an SNMP client object. :param snmp_info: SNMP driver info. :returns: A :class:`SNMPClient` object. """ return SNMPClient(snmp_info["address"], snmp_info["port"], snmp_info["version"], snmp_info.get("read_community"), snmp_info.get("write_community"), snmp_info.get("user"), snmp_info.get("auth_proto"), snmp_info.get("auth_key"), snmp_info.get("priv_proto"), snmp_info.get("priv_key"), snmp_info.get("context_engine_id"), snmp_info.get("context_name")) _memoized = {}
[docs]def memoize(f): def memoized(self, node_info): hashable_node_info = frozenset((key, val) for key, val in node_info.items() if key != 'outlet') if hashable_node_info not in _memoized: _memoized[hashable_node_info] = f(self) return _memoized[hashable_node_info] return memoized
[docs]def retry_on_outdated_cache(f): def wrapper(self): try: return f(self) except exception.SNMPFailure: hashable_node_info = ( frozenset((key, val) for key, val in self.snmp_info.items() if key != 'outlet') ) del _memoized[hashable_node_info] self.driver = self._get_pdu_driver(self.snmp_info) return f(self) return wrapper
[docs]class SNMPDriverBase(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """SNMP power driver base class. The SNMPDriver class hierarchy implements manufacturer-specific MIB actions over SNMP to interface with different smart power controller products. """ oid_enterprise = (1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1) retry_interval = 1 def __init__(self, snmp_info): self.snmp_info = snmp_info self.client = _get_client(snmp_info) @abc.abstractmethod def _snmp_power_state(self): """Perform the SNMP request required to get the current power state. :raises: SNMPFailure if an SNMP request fails. :returns: power state. One of :class:`ironic.common.states`. """ @abc.abstractmethod def _snmp_power_on(self): """Perform the SNMP request required to set the power on. :raises: SNMPFailure if an SNMP request fails. """ @abc.abstractmethod def _snmp_power_off(self): """Perform the SNMP request required to set the power off. :raises: SNMPFailure if an SNMP request fails. """ def _snmp_wait_for_state(self, goal_state): """Wait for the power state of the PDU outlet to change. :param goal_state: The power state to wait for, one of :class:`ironic.common.states`. :raises: SNMPFailure if an SNMP request fails. :returns: power state. One of :class:`ironic.common.states`. """ def _poll_for_state(mutable): """Called at an interval until the node's power is consistent. :param mutable: dict object containing "state" and "next_time" :raises: SNMPFailure if an SNMP request fails. """ mutable["state"] = self._snmp_power_state() if mutable["state"] == goal_state: raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone() mutable["next_time"] += self.retry_interval if mutable["next_time"] >= CONF.snmp.power_timeout: mutable["state"] = states.ERROR raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone() # Pass state to the looped function call in a mutable form. state = {"state": None, "next_time": 0} timer = loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall(_poll_for_state, state) timer.start(interval=self.retry_interval).wait() LOG.debug("power state '%s'", state["state"]) return state["state"]
[docs] def power_state(self): """Returns a node's current power state. :raises: SNMPFailure if an SNMP request fails. :returns: power state. One of :class:`ironic.common.states`. """ return self._snmp_power_state()
[docs] def power_on(self): """Set the power state to this node to ON. :raises: SNMPFailure if an SNMP request fails. :returns: power state. One of :class:`ironic.common.states`. """ self._snmp_power_on() return self._snmp_wait_for_state(states.POWER_ON)
[docs] def power_off(self): """Set the power state to this node to OFF. :raises: SNMPFailure if an SNMP request fails. :returns: power state. One of :class:`ironic.common.states`. """ self._snmp_power_off() return self._snmp_wait_for_state(states.POWER_OFF)
[docs] def power_reset(self): """Reset the power to this node. :raises: SNMPFailure if an SNMP request fails. :returns: power state. One of :class:`ironic.common.states`. """ power_result = self.power_off() if power_result != states.POWER_OFF: return states.ERROR time.sleep(CONF.snmp.reboot_delay) power_result = self.power_on() if power_result != states.POWER_ON: return states.ERROR return power_result
[docs]class SNMPDriverSimple(SNMPDriverBase): """SNMP driver base class for simple PDU devices. Here, simple refers to devices which provide a single SNMP object for controlling the power state of an outlet. The default OID of the power state object is of the form <enterprise OID>.<device OID>.<outlet ID>. A different OID may be specified by overriding the _snmp_oid method in a subclass. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(SNMPDriverSimple, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.oid = self._snmp_oid() @property @abc.abstractmethod def oid_device(self): """Device dependent portion of the power state object OID.""" @property @abc.abstractmethod def value_power_on(self): """Value representing power on state.""" @property @abc.abstractmethod def value_power_off(self): """Value representing power off state.""" def _snmp_oid(self): """Return the OID of the power state object. :returns: Power state object OID as a tuple of integers. """ outlet = self.snmp_info['outlet'] return self.oid_enterprise + self.oid_device + (outlet,) def _snmp_power_state(self): state = self.client.get(self.oid) # Translate the state to an Ironic power state. if state == self.value_power_on: power_state = states.POWER_ON elif state == self.value_power_off: power_state = states.POWER_OFF else: LOG.warning("SNMP PDU %(addr)s outlet %(outlet)s: " "unrecognised power state %(state)s.", {'addr': self.snmp_info['address'], 'outlet': self.snmp_info['outlet'], 'state': state}) power_state = states.ERROR return power_state def _snmp_power_on(self): value = snmp.Integer(self.value_power_on) self.client.set(self.oid, value) def _snmp_power_off(self): value = snmp.Integer(self.value_power_off) self.client.set(self.oid, value)
[docs]class SNMPDriverAten(SNMPDriverSimple): """SNMP driver class for Aten PDU devices. SNMP objects for Aten PDU: Outlet Power Values: 1=Off, 2=On, 3=Pending, 4=Reset """ system_id = (21317,) oid_device = (21317, 1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2) value_power_on = 2 value_power_off = 1 def _snmp_oid(self): """Return the OID of the power state object. :returns: Power state object OID as a tuple of integers. """ outlet = self.snmp_info['outlet'] return self.oid_enterprise + self.oid_device + (outlet, 0,)
[docs]class SNMPDriverAPCMasterSwitch(SNMPDriverSimple): """SNMP driver class for APC MasterSwitch PDU devices. SNMP objects for APC SNMPDriverAPCMasterSwitch PDU: sPDUOutletCtl Values: 1=On, 2=Off, 3=PowerCycle, [...more options follow] """ system_id = (318, 1, 1, 4) oid_device = (318, 1, 1, 4, 4, 2, 1, 3) value_power_on = 1 value_power_off = 2
[docs]class SNMPDriverAPCMasterSwitchPlus(SNMPDriverSimple): """SNMP driver class for APC MasterSwitchPlus PDU devices. SNMP objects for APC SNMPDriverAPCMasterSwitchPlus PDU: sPDUOutletControlMSPOutletCommand Values: 1=On, 3=Off, [...more options follow] """ system_id = (318, 1, 1, 6) oid_device = (318, 1, 1, 6, 5, 1, 1, 5) value_power_on = 1 value_power_off = 3
[docs]class SNMPDriverAPCRackPDU(SNMPDriverSimple): """SNMP driver class for APC RackPDU devices. SNMP objects for APC SNMPDriverAPCRackPDU PDU: # rPDUOutletControlOutletCommand Values: 1=On, 2=Off, 3=PowerCycle, [...more options follow] """ system_id = (318, 1, 1, 12) oid_device = (318, 1, 1, 12, 3, 3, 1, 1, 4) value_power_on = 1 value_power_off = 2
[docs]class SNMPDriverCyberPower(SNMPDriverSimple): """SNMP driver class for CyberPower PDU devices. SNMP objects for CyberPower PDU: ePDUOutletControlOutletCommand Values: 1=On, 2=Off, 3=PowerCycle, [...more options follow] """ # NOTE(mgoddard): This device driver is currently untested, this driver has # been implemented based upon its published MIB # documentation. system_id = (3808,) oid_device = (3808, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 4) value_power_on = 1 value_power_off = 2
[docs]class SNMPDriverTeltronix(SNMPDriverSimple): """SNMP driver class for Teltronix PDU devices. SNMP objects for Teltronix PDU: Outlet Power Values: 1=Off, 2=On """ system_id = (23620,) oid_device = (23620, 1, 2, 2, 1, 4) value_power_on = 2 value_power_off = 1
[docs]class SNMPDriverEatonPower(SNMPDriverBase): """SNMP driver class for Eaton Power PDU. The Eaton power PDU does not follow the model of SNMPDriverSimple as it uses multiple SNMP objects. SNMP objects for Eaton Power PDU<outlet ID> outletControlStatus Read 0=off, 1=on, 2=pending off, 3=pending on<outlet ID> outletControlOffCmd Write 0 for immediate power off<outlet ID> outletControlOnCmd Write 0 for immediate power on """ # NOTE(mgoddard): This device driver is currently untested, this driver has # been implemented based upon its published MIB # documentation. system_id = (534,) oid_device = (534, 6, 6, 7, 6, 6, 1) oid_status = (2,) oid_poweron = (3,) oid_poweroff = (4,) status_off = 0 status_on = 1 status_pending_off = 2 status_pending_on = 3 value_power_on = 0 value_power_off = 0 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(SNMPDriverEatonPower, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Due to its use of different OIDs for different actions, we only form # an OID that holds the common substring of the OIDs for power # operations. self.oid_base = self.oid_enterprise + self.oid_device def _snmp_oid(self, oid): """Return the OID for one of the outlet control objects. :param oid: The action-dependent portion of the OID, as a tuple of integers. :returns: The full OID as a tuple of integers. """ outlet = self.snmp_info['outlet'] return self.oid_base + oid + (outlet,) def _snmp_power_state(self): oid = self._snmp_oid(self.oid_status) state = self.client.get(oid) # Translate the state to an Ironic power state. if state in (self.status_on, self.status_pending_off): power_state = states.POWER_ON elif state in (self.status_off, self.status_pending_on): power_state = states.POWER_OFF else: LOG.warning("Eaton Power SNMP PDU %(addr)s outlet %(outlet)s: " "unrecognised power state %(state)s.", {'addr': self.snmp_info['address'], 'outlet': self.snmp_info['outlet'], 'state': state}) power_state = states.ERROR return power_state def _snmp_power_on(self): oid = self._snmp_oid(self.oid_poweron) value = snmp.Integer(self.value_power_on) self.client.set(oid, value) def _snmp_power_off(self): oid = self._snmp_oid(self.oid_poweroff) value = snmp.Integer(self.value_power_off) self.client.set(oid, value)
[docs]class SNMPDriverBaytechMRP27(SNMPDriverSimple): """SNMP driver class for Baytech MRP27 PDU devices. SNMP objects for Baytech MRP27 PDU: 4779, 1, 3, 5, 3, 1, 3, {unit_id} Outlet Power Values: 0=Off, 1=On, 2=Reboot """ # TODO(srobert): Add support for dynamically allocated unit_id when needed unit_id = 1 oid_device = (4779, 1, 3, 5, 3, 1, 3) + (unit_id,) value_power_off = 0 value_power_on = 1
[docs]class SNMPDriverAuto(SNMPDriverBase): SYS_OBJ_OID = (1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(SNMPDriverAuto, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.driver = self._get_pdu_driver(*args, **kwargs) def _get_pdu_driver(self, *args, **kwargs): drivers_map = {} for name, obj in DRIVER_CLASSES.items(): if not getattr(obj, 'system_id', False): continue system_id = self.oid_enterprise + getattr(obj, 'system_id') if (system_id in drivers_map and drivers_map[system_id] is not obj): raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_( "SNMPDriverAuto: duplicate driver system ID prefix " "%(system_id)s") % {'system_id': system_id}) drivers_map[system_id] = obj LOG.debug("SNMP driver mapping %(system_id)s -> %(name)s", {'system_id': system_id, 'name': obj.__name__}) system_id = self._fetch_driver(*args, **kwargs) LOG.debug("SNMP device reports sysObjectID %(system_id)s", {'system_id': system_id}) system_id_prefix = tuple(system_id) # pick driver by the longest matching sysObjectID prefix while len(system_id_prefix) > len(self.oid_enterprise): try: Driver = drivers_map[system_id_prefix] LOG.debug("Chosen SNMP driver %(name)s based on sysObjectID " "prefix %(system_id_prefix)s", {Driver.__name__, system_id_prefix}) return Driver(*args, **kwargs) except KeyError: system_id_prefix = system_id_prefix[:-1] raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_( "SNMPDriverAuto: no driver matching %(system_id)s") % {'system_id': system_id}) @retry_on_outdated_cache def _snmp_power_state(self): current_power_state = self.driver._snmp_power_state() return current_power_state @retry_on_outdated_cache def _snmp_power_on(self): return self.driver._snmp_power_on() @retry_on_outdated_cache def _snmp_power_off(self): return self.driver._snmp_power_off() @memoize def _fetch_driver(self): return self.client.get(self.SYS_OBJ_OID)
# A dictionary of supported drivers keyed by snmp_driver attribute DRIVER_CLASSES = { 'apc': SNMPDriverAPCMasterSwitch, 'apc_masterswitch': SNMPDriverAPCMasterSwitch, 'apc_masterswitchplus': SNMPDriverAPCMasterSwitchPlus, 'apc_rackpdu': SNMPDriverAPCRackPDU, 'aten': SNMPDriverAten, 'cyberpower': SNMPDriverCyberPower, 'eatonpower': SNMPDriverEatonPower, 'teltronix': SNMPDriverTeltronix, 'baytech_mrp27': SNMPDriverBaytechMRP27, 'auto': SNMPDriverAuto, } def _parse_driver_info_snmpv3_user(node, info): snmp_info = {} if 'snmp_user' not in info and 'snmp_security' not in info: raise exception.MissingParameterValue(_( "SNMP driver requires `driver_info/snmp_user` to be set in " "node %(node)s configuration for SNMP version %(ver)s.") % {'node': node.uuid, 'ver': SNMP_V3}) snmp_info['user'] = info.get('snmp_user', info.get('snmp_security')) if 'snmp_security' in info: LOG.warning("The `driver_info/snmp_security` parameter is deprecated " "in favor of `driver_info/snmp_user` parameter. Please " "remove the `driver_info/snmp_security` parameter from " "node %(node)s configuration.", {'node': node.uuid}) if 'snmp_user' in info: LOG.warning("The `driver_info/snmp_security` parameter is ignored " "in favor of `driver_info/snmp_user` parameter in " "node %(node)s configuration.", {'node': node.uuid}) return snmp_info def _parse_driver_info_snmpv3_crypto(node, info): snmp_info = {} if 'snmp_auth_protocol' in info: auth_p = info['snmp_auth_protocol'] try: snmp_info['auth_protocol'] = snmp_auth_protocols[auth_p] except KeyError: raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_( "SNMPPowerDriver: unknown SNMPv3 authentication protocol " "`driver_info/snmp_auth_protocol` %(proto)s in node %(node)s " "configuration, known protocols are: %(protos)s") % {'node': node.uuid, 'proto': auth_p, 'protos': ', '.join(snmp_auth_protocols)} ) if 'snmp_priv_protocol' in info: priv_p = info['snmp_priv_protocol'] try: snmp_info['priv_protocol'] = snmp_priv_protocols[priv_p] except KeyError: raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_( "SNMPPowerDriver: unknown SNMPv3 privacy protocol " "`driver_info/snmp_priv_protocol` %(proto)s in node " "%(node)s configuration, known protocols are: %(protos)s") % {'node': node.uuid, 'proto': priv_p, 'protos': ', '.join(snmp_priv_protocols)} ) if 'snmp_auth_key' in info: auth_k = info['snmp_auth_key'] if len(auth_k) < 8: raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_( "SNMPPowerDriver: short SNMPv3 authentication key " "`driver_info/snmp_auth_key` in node %(node)s configuration " "(8+ chars required)") % {'node': node.uuid}) snmp_info['auth_key'] = auth_k if 'auth_protocol' not in snmp_info: snmp_info['auth_protocol'] = snmp_auth_protocols['md5'] if 'snmp_priv_key' in info: priv_k = info['snmp_priv_key'] if len(priv_k) < 8: raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_( "SNMPPowerDriver: short SNMPv3 privacy key " "`driver_info/snmp_priv_key` node %(node)s configuration " "(8+ chars required)") % {'node': node.uuid}) snmp_info['priv_key'] = priv_k if 'priv_protocol' not in snmp_info: snmp_info['priv_protocol'] = snmp_priv_protocols['des'] if ('priv_protocol' in snmp_info and 'auth_protocol' not in snmp_info): raise exception.MissingParameterValue(_( "SNMPPowerDriver: SNMPv3 privacy requires authentication. " "Please add `driver_info/auth_protocol` property to node " "%(node)s configuration.") % {'node': node.uuid}) if ('auth_protocol' in snmp_info and 'auth_key' not in snmp_info): raise exception.MissingParameterValue(_( "SNMPPowerDriver: missing SNMPv3 authentication key while " "`driver_info/snmp_auth_protocol` is present. Please " "add `driver_info/snmp_auth_key` to node %(node)s " "configuration.") % {'node': node.uuid}) if ('priv_protocol' in snmp_info and 'priv_key' not in snmp_info): raise exception.MissingParameterValue(_( "SNMPPowerDriver: missing SNMPv3 privacy key while " "`driver_info/snmp_priv_protocol` is present. Please " "add `driver_info/snmp_priv_key` to node %(node)s " "configuration.") % {'node': node.uuid}) return snmp_info def _parse_driver_info_snmpv3_context(node, info): snmp_info = {} if 'snmp_context_engine_id' in info: snmp_info['context_engine_id'] = info['snmp_context_engine_id'] if 'snmp_context_name' in info: snmp_info['context_name'] = info['snmp_context_name'] return snmp_info def _parse_driver_info(node): """Parse a node's driver_info values. Return a dictionary of validated driver information, usable for SNMPDriver object creation. :param node: An Ironic node object. :returns: SNMP driver info. :raises: MissingParameterValue if any required parameters are missing. :raises: InvalidParameterValue if any parameters are invalid. """ info = node.driver_info or {} missing_info = [key for key in REQUIRED_PROPERTIES if not info.get(key)] if missing_info: raise exception.MissingParameterValue(_( "SNMP driver requires the following parameters to be set in " "node's driver_info: %s.") % missing_info) snmp_info = {} # Validate PDU driver type snmp_info['driver'] = info['snmp_driver'] if snmp_info['driver'] not in DRIVER_CLASSES: raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_( "SNMPPowerDriver: unknown driver: '%s'") % snmp_info['driver']) # In absence of a version, default to SNMPv1 snmp_info['version'] = info.get('snmp_version', SNMP_V1) if snmp_info['version'] not in (SNMP_V1, SNMP_V2C, SNMP_V3): raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_( "SNMPPowerDriver: unknown SNMP version: '%s'") % snmp_info['version']) # In absence of a configured UDP port, default to the standard port port_str = info.get('snmp_port', SNMP_PORT) snmp_info['port'] = utils.validate_network_port(port_str, 'snmp_port') if snmp_info['port'] < 1 or snmp_info['port'] > 65535: raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_( "SNMPPowerDriver: SNMP UDP port out of range: %d") % snmp_info['port']) # Extract version-dependent required parameters if snmp_info['version'] in (SNMP_V1, SNMP_V2C): read_community = info.get('snmp_community_read') if read_community is None: read_community = info.get('snmp_community') write_community = info.get('snmp_community_write') if write_community is None: write_community = info.get('snmp_community') if not read_community or not write_community: raise exception.MissingParameterValue(_( "SNMP driver requires `snmp_community` or " "`snmp_community_read`/`snmp_community_write` properties " "to be set for version %s.") % snmp_info['version']) snmp_info['read_community'] = read_community snmp_info['write_community'] = write_community elif snmp_info['version'] == SNMP_V3: snmp_info.update(_parse_driver_info_snmpv3_user(node, info)) snmp_info.update(_parse_driver_info_snmpv3_crypto(node, info)) snmp_info.update(_parse_driver_info_snmpv3_context(node, info)) # Target PDU IP address and power outlet identification snmp_info['address'] = info['snmp_address'] outlet = info['snmp_outlet'] try: snmp_info['outlet'] = int(outlet) except ValueError: raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_( "SNMPPowerDriver: PDU power outlet index is not an integer: %s") % outlet) return snmp_info def _get_driver(node): """Return a new SNMP driver object of the correct type for `node`. :param node: Single node object. :raises: InvalidParameterValue if node power config is incomplete or invalid. :returns: SNMP driver object. """ snmp_info = _parse_driver_info(node) cls = DRIVER_CLASSES[snmp_info['driver']] return cls(snmp_info)
[docs]class SNMPPower(base.PowerInterface): """SNMP Power Interface. This PowerInterface class provides a mechanism for controlling the power state of a physical device using an SNMP-enabled smart power controller. """
[docs] def get_properties(self): """Return the properties of the interface. :returns: dictionary of <property name>:<property description> entries. """ return COMMON_PROPERTIES
[docs] def validate(self, task): """Check that node.driver_info contains the requisite fields. :raises: MissingParameterValue if required SNMP parameters are missing. :raises: InvalidParameterValue if SNMP parameters are invalid. """ _parse_driver_info(task.node)
[docs] def get_power_state(self, task): """Get the current power state. Poll the SNMP device for the current power state of the node. :param task: An instance of `ironic.manager.task_manager.TaskManager`. :raises: MissingParameterValue if required SNMP parameters are missing. :raises: InvalidParameterValue if SNMP parameters are invalid. :raises: SNMPFailure if an SNMP request fails. :returns: power state. One of :class:`ironic.common.states`. """ driver = _get_driver(task.node) power_state = driver.power_state() return power_state
[docs] @task_manager.require_exclusive_lock def set_power_state(self, task, pstate, timeout=None): """Turn the power on or off. Set the power state of a node. :param task: An instance of `ironic.manager.task_manager.TaskManager`. :param pstate: Either POWER_ON or POWER_OFF from :class: `ironic.common.states`. :param timeout: timeout (in seconds). Unsupported by this interface. :raises: MissingParameterValue if required SNMP parameters are missing. :raises: InvalidParameterValue if SNMP parameters are invalid or `pstate` is invalid. :raises: PowerStateFailure if the final power state of the node is not as requested after the timeout. :raises: SNMPFailure if an SNMP request fails. """ # TODO(rloo): Support timeouts! if timeout is not None: LOG.warning( "The 'snmp' Power Interface's 'set_power_state' method " "doesn't support the 'timeout' parameter. Ignoring " "timeout=%(timeout)s", {'timeout': timeout}) driver = _get_driver(task.node) if pstate == states.POWER_ON: state = driver.power_on() elif pstate == states.POWER_OFF: state = driver.power_off() else: raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_("set_power_state called " "with invalid power " "state %s.") % str(pstate)) if state != pstate: raise exception.PowerStateFailure(pstate=pstate)
[docs] @task_manager.require_exclusive_lock def reboot(self, task, timeout=None): """Cycles the power to a node. :param task: An instance of `ironic.manager.task_manager.TaskManager`. :param timeout: timeout (in seconds). Unsupported by this interface. :raises: MissingParameterValue if required SNMP parameters are missing. :raises: InvalidParameterValue if SNMP parameters are invalid. :raises: PowerStateFailure if the final power state of the node is not POWER_ON after the timeout. :raises: SNMPFailure if an SNMP request fails. """ # TODO(rloo): Support timeouts! if timeout is not None: LOG.warning("The 'snmp' Power Interface's 'reboot' method " "doesn't support the 'timeout' parameter. Ignoring " "timeout=%(timeout)s", {'timeout': timeout}) driver = _get_driver(task.node) state = driver.power_reset() if state != states.POWER_ON: raise exception.PowerStateFailure(pstate=states.POWER_ON)