Installing Karbor API with mod_wsgi

  1. Install the Apache Service

    Fedora 21/RHEL7/CentOS7:

    sudo yum install httpd

    Fedora 22 (or higher):

    sudo dnf install httpd


    apt-get install apache2
  2. Copy etc/apache2/apache-karbor-api.conf under the apache sites


    sudo cp etc/apache2/apache-karbor-api.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/apache-karbor-api.conf


    sudo cp etc/apache2/apache-karbor-api.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/apache-karbor-api.conf
  3. Edit apache-karbor-api.conf according to installation and environment.

    • Modify the WSGIDaemonProcess directive to set the user and group values to appropriate user on your server.

    • Modify the WSGIScriptAlias directive to point to the %KARBOR_BIN_DIR%/karbor-wsgi script.

    • Modify the Directory directive to set the path to the Karbor API code.

    • Modify the ErrorLog and CustomLog to redirect the logs to the right directory.

  4. Enable the apache watcher site and reload


    sudo systemctl reload httpd


    sudo a2ensite apache-karbor-api
    sudo apache2ctl -k restart