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A Universe From Nothing


The ‘A Universe From Nothing’ deployment guide is intended for educational & testing purposes only. It is not production ready.

Originally created as a workshop, A ‘Universe From Nothing’ is an example guide for the deployment of Kayobe on virtual hardware. You can find it on GitHub here.

The repository contains a configuration suitable for deploying containerised OpenStack using Kolla, Ansible and Kayobe. The guide makes use of Tenks to provision a virtual baremetal environment running on a single hypervisor.

To complete the walkthrough you will require a baremetal or VM hypervisor running CentOS 7 with at least 32GB RAM & 40GB disk space. Preparing the deployment can take some time - where possible it is beneficial to snapshot the hypervisor. We advise making a snapshot after creating the initial ‘seed’ VM as this will make additional deployments significantly faster.

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License

Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.