Source code for keystone.api.os_revoke

#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#    a copy of the License at
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.

# This file handles all flask-restful resources for /v3/OS-REVOKE/events

import flask
import flask_restful
from oslo_utils import timeutils

from keystone.api._shared import json_home_relations
from keystone.common import provider_api
from keystone.common import rbac_enforcer
from keystone import exception
from keystone.i18n import _
from keystone.server import flask as ks_flask

PROVIDERS = provider_api.ProviderAPIs
ENFORCER = rbac_enforcer.RBACEnforcer

_build_resource_relation = json_home_relations.os_revoke_resource_rel_func

[docs]class OSRevokeResource(flask_restful.Resource):
[docs] def get(self): ENFORCER.enforce_call(action='identity:list_revoke_events') since = flask.request.args.get('since') last_fetch = None if since: try: last_fetch = timeutils.normalize_time( timeutils.parse_isotime(since)) except ValueError: raise exception.ValidationError( message=_('invalidate date format %s') % since) # FIXME(notmorgan): The revocation events cannot have resource options # added to them or lazy-loaded relationships as long as to_dict # is called outside of an active session context. This API is unused # and should be deprecated in the near future. Fix this before adding # resource_options or any lazy-loaded relationships to the revocation # events themselves. events = PROVIDERS.revoke_api.list_events(last_fetch=last_fetch) # Build the links by hand as the standard controller calls require ids response = {'events': [event.to_dict() for event in events], 'links': { 'next': None, 'self': ks_flask.base_url(path='/OS-REVOKE/events'), 'previous': None} } return response
[docs]class OSRevokeAPI(ks_flask.APIBase): _name = 'events' _import_name = __name__ _api_url_prefix = '/OS-REVOKE' resources = [] resource_mapping = [ ks_flask.construct_resource_map( resource=OSRevokeResource, url='/events', resource_kwargs={}, rel='events', resource_relation_func=_build_resource_relation ) ]
APIs = (OSRevokeAPI,)