Source code for keystone.cmd.status

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
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from oslo_policy import _checks
from oslo_policy import policy
from oslo_upgradecheck import common_checks
from oslo_upgradecheck import upgradecheck

from keystone.common import driver_hints
from keystone.common import provider_api
from keystone.common import rbac_enforcer
import keystone.conf
from keystone.server import backends

CONF = keystone.conf.CONF
ENFORCER = rbac_enforcer.RBACEnforcer
PROVIDERS = provider_api.ProviderAPIs

[docs] class Checks(upgradecheck.UpgradeCommands): """Programmable upgrade checks. Each method here should be a programmable check that helps check for things that might cause issues for deployers in the upgrade process. A good example of an upgrade check would be to ensure all roles defined in policies actually exist within the roles backend. """
[docs] def check_trust_policies_are_not_empty(self): enforcer = policy.Enforcer(CONF) ENFORCER.register_rules(enforcer) enforcer.load_rules() rules = [ 'identity:list_trusts', 'identity:delete_trust', 'identity:get_trust', 'identity:list_roles_for_trust', 'identity:get_role_for_trust', ] failed_rules = [] for rule in rules: current_rule = enforcer.rules.get(rule) if isinstance(current_rule, _checks.TrueCheck): failed_rules.append(rule) if any(failed_rules): return upgradecheck.Result( upgradecheck.Code.FAILURE, "Policy check string for rules \"{}\" are overridden to " "\"\", \"@\", or []. In the next release, this will cause " "these rules to be fully permissive as hardcoded enforcement " "will be removed. To correct this issue, either stop " "overriding these rules in config to accept the defaults, or " "explicitly set check strings that are not empty.".format( "\", \"".join(failed_rules) ), ) return upgradecheck.Result( upgradecheck.Code.SUCCESS, 'Trust policies are safe.' )
[docs] def check_default_roles_are_immutable(self): hints = driver_hints.Hints() hints.add_filter('domain_id', None) # Only check global roles roles = PROVIDERS.role_api.list_roles(hints=hints) default_roles = ('admin', 'member', 'reader') failed_roles = [] for role in [r for r in roles if r['name'] in default_roles]: if not role.get('options', {}).get('immutable'): failed_roles.append(role['name']) if any(failed_roles): return upgradecheck.Result( upgradecheck.Code.FAILURE, "Roles are not immutable: {}".format(", ".join(failed_roles)), ) return upgradecheck.Result( upgradecheck.Code.SUCCESS, "Default roles are immutable." )
_upgrade_checks = ( ( "Check trust policies are not empty", check_trust_policies_are_not_empty, ), ( "Check default roles are immutable", check_default_roles_are_immutable, ), ( "Policy File JSON to YAML Migration", (common_checks.check_policy_json, {'conf': CONF}), ), )
[docs] def main(): keystone.conf.configure() backends.load_backends() return upgradecheck.main(CONF, 'keystone', Checks())