Source code for keystone.models.token_model

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
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"""Unified in-memory token model."""

from oslo_log import log
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
from oslo_serialization import msgpackutils
from oslo_utils import reflection

from keystone.common import cache
from keystone.common import provider_api
from keystone import exception
from keystone.i18n import _

LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
PROVIDERS = provider_api.ProviderAPIs

# supported token versions
V3 = 'v3.0'
VERSIONS = frozenset([V3])

# minimum access rules support

[docs] class TokenModel: """An object that represents a token emitted by keystone. This is a queryable object that other parts of keystone can use to reason about a user's authentication or authorization. """ def __init__(self): self.user_id = None self.__user = None self.__user_domain = None self.methods = None self.audit_id = None self.parent_audit_id = None self.__expires_at = None self.__issued_at = None self.system = None self.domain_id = None self.__domain = None self.project_id = None self.__project = None self.__project_domain = None self.trust_id = None self.__trust = None self.__trustor = None self.__trustee = None self.__trust_project = None self.__trust_project_domain = None self.is_federated = False self.identity_provider_id = None self.protocol_id = None self.federated_groups = None self.access_token_id = None self.__access_token = None self.application_credential_id = None self.__application_credential = None self.oauth2_credential_id = None self.oauth2_thumbprint = None def __repr__(self): """Return string representation of TokenModel.""" desc = ( '<%(type)s (audit_id=%(audit_id)s, ' 'audit_chain_id=%(audit_ids)s) at %(loc)s>' ) self_cls_name = reflection.get_class_name(self, fully_qualified=False) return desc % { 'type': self_cls_name, 'audit_id': self.audit_id, 'audit_ids': self.audit_ids, 'loc': hex(id(self)), } @property def audit_ids(self): if self.parent_audit_id: return [self.audit_id, self.parent_audit_id] return [self.audit_id] @property def expires_at(self): return self.__expires_at @expires_at.setter def expires_at(self, value): if not isinstance(value, str): raise ValueError('expires_at must be a string.') self.__expires_at = value @property def issued_at(self): return self.__issued_at @issued_at.setter def issued_at(self, value): if not isinstance(value, str): raise ValueError('issued_at must be a string.') self.__issued_at = value @property def unscoped(self): return not any( [ self.system_scoped, self.domain_scoped, self.project_scoped, self.trust_scoped, ] ) @property def system_scoped(self): return self.system is not None @property def user(self): if not self.__user: if self.user_id: self.__user = PROVIDERS.identity_api.get_user(self.user_id) return self.__user @property def user_domain(self): if not self.__user_domain: if self.user: self.__user_domain = PROVIDERS.resource_api.get_domain( self.user['domain_id'] ) return self.__user_domain @property def domain(self): if not self.__domain: if self.domain_id: self.__domain = PROVIDERS.resource_api.get_domain( self.domain_id ) return self.__domain @property def domain_scoped(self): return self.domain_id is not None @property def project(self): if not self.__project: if self.project_id: self.__project = PROVIDERS.resource_api.get_project( self.project_id ) return self.__project @property def project_scoped(self): return self.project_id is not None @property def project_domain(self): if not self.__project_domain: if self.project and self.project.get('domain_id'): self.__project_domain = PROVIDERS.resource_api.get_domain( self.project['domain_id'] ) return self.__project_domain @property def application_credential(self): if not self.__application_credential: if self.application_credential_id: app_cred_api = PROVIDERS.application_credential_api self.__application_credential = ( app_cred_api.get_application_credential( self.application_credential_id ) ) return self.__application_credential @property def oauth_scoped(self): return self.access_token_id is not None @property def access_token(self): if not self.__access_token: if self.access_token_id: self.__access_token = PROVIDERS.oauth_api.get_access_token( self.access_token_id ) return self.__access_token @property def trust_scoped(self): return self.trust_id is not None @property def trust(self): if not self.__trust: if self.trust_id: self.__trust = PROVIDERS.trust_api.get_trust(self.trust_id) return self.__trust @property def trustor(self): if not self.__trustor: if self.__trustor = PROVIDERS.identity_api.get_user(['trustor_user_id'] ) return self.__trustor @property def trustee(self): if not self.__trustee: if self.__trustee = PROVIDERS.identity_api.get_user(['trustee_user_id'] ) return self.__trustee @property def trust_project(self): if not self.__trust_project: if self.__trust_project = PROVIDERS.resource_api.get_project(['project_id'] ) return self.__trust_project @property def trust_project_domain(self): if not self.__trust_project_domain: if self.__trust_project_domain = ( PROVIDERS.resource_api.get_domain( self.trust_project['domain_id'] ) ) return self.__trust_project_domain def _get_system_roles(self): roles = [] groups = PROVIDERS.identity_api.list_groups_for_user(self.user_id) all_group_roles = [] assignments = [] for group in groups: group_roles = ( PROVIDERS.assignment_api.list_system_grants_for_group( group['id'] ) ) for role in group_roles: all_group_roles.append(role) assignment = {'group_id': group['id'], 'role_id': role['id']} assignments.append(assignment) user_roles = PROVIDERS.assignment_api.list_system_grants_for_user( self.user_id ) for role in user_roles: assignment = {'user_id': self.user_id, 'role_id': role['id']} assignments.append(assignment) # NOTE(lbragstad): The whole reason we need to build out a list of # "assignments" as opposed to just using the nice list of roles we # already have is because the add_implied_roles() method operates on a # list of assignment dictionaries (containing role_id, # user_id/group_id, project_id, et cetera). That method could probably # be fixed to be more clear by operating on actual roles instead of # just assignments. assignments = PROVIDERS.assignment_api.add_implied_roles(assignments) for assignment in assignments: role = PROVIDERS.role_api.get_role(assignment['role_id']) roles.append({'id': role['id'], 'name': role['name']}) return roles def _get_trust_roles(self): roles = [] # If redelegated_trust_id is set, then we must traverse the trust_chain # in order to determine who the original trustor is. We need to do this # because the user ID of the original trustor helps us determine scope # in the redelegated context. if'redelegated_trust_id'): trust_chain = PROVIDERS.trust_api.get_trust_pedigree(self.trust_id) original_trustor_id = trust_chain[-1]['trustor_user_id'] else: original_trustor_id = self.trustor['id'] trust_roles = [{'role_id': role['id']} for role in['roles']] effective_trust_roles = PROVIDERS.assignment_api.add_implied_roles( trust_roles ) effective_trust_role_ids = { r['role_id'] for r in effective_trust_roles } current_effective_trustor_roles = ( PROVIDERS.assignment_api.get_roles_for_trustor_and_project( original_trustor_id,'project_id') ) ) for trust_role_id in effective_trust_role_ids: if trust_role_id in current_effective_trustor_roles: role = PROVIDERS.role_api.get_role(trust_role_id) if role['domain_id'] is None: roles.append(role) else: raise exception.Forbidden(_('Trustee has no delegated roles.')) return roles def _get_oauth_roles(self): roles = [] access_token_roles = self.access_token['role_ids'] access_token_roles = [ {'role_id': r} for r in jsonutils.loads(access_token_roles) ] effective_access_token_roles = ( PROVIDERS.assignment_api.add_implied_roles(access_token_roles) ) user_roles = [r['id'] for r in self._get_project_roles()] for role in effective_access_token_roles: if role['role_id'] in user_roles: role = PROVIDERS.role_api.get_role(role['role_id']) roles.append({'id': role['id'], 'name': role['name']}) return roles def _get_federated_roles(self): roles = [] group_ids = [group['id'] for group in self.federated_groups] federated_roles = PROVIDERS.assignment_api.get_roles_for_groups( group_ids, self.project_id, self.domain_id ) for group_id in group_ids: group_roles = ( PROVIDERS.assignment_api.list_system_grants_for_group(group_id) ) for role in group_roles: federated_roles.append(role) user_roles = PROVIDERS.assignment_api.list_system_grants_for_user( self.user_id ) for role in user_roles: federated_roles.append(role) if self.domain_id: domain_roles = ( PROVIDERS.assignment_api.get_roles_for_user_and_domain( self.user_id, self.domain_id ) ) for role in domain_roles: federated_roles.append(role) if self.project_id: project_roles = ( PROVIDERS.assignment_api.get_roles_for_user_and_project( self.user_id, self.project_id ) ) for role in project_roles: federated_roles.append(role) # NOTE(lbragstad): Remove duplicate role references from a list of # roles. It is often suggested that this be done with: # # roles = [dict(t) for t in set([tuple(d.items()) for d in roles])] # # But that doesn't actually remove duplicates in all cases and # causes transient failures because dictionaries are unordered # objects. This means {'id': 1, 'foo': 'bar'} and {'foo': 'bar', # 'id': 1} won't actually resolve to a single entity in the above # logic since they are both considered unique. By using `in` we're # performing a containment check, which also does a deep comparison # of the objects, which is what we want. for role in federated_roles: if not isinstance(role, dict): role = PROVIDERS.role_api.get_role(role) if role not in roles: roles.append(role) return roles def _get_domain_roles(self): roles = [] domain_roles = PROVIDERS.assignment_api.get_roles_for_user_and_domain( self.user_id, self.domain_id ) for role_id in domain_roles: role = PROVIDERS.role_api.get_role(role_id) roles.append({'id': role['id'], 'name': role['name']}) return roles def _get_project_roles(self): roles = [] project_roles = ( PROVIDERS.assignment_api.get_roles_for_user_and_project( self.user_id, self.project_id ) ) for role_id in project_roles: r = PROVIDERS.role_api.get_role(role_id) roles.append({'id': r['id'], 'name': r['name']}) return roles def _get_application_credential_roles(self): roles = [] app_cred_roles = self.application_credential['roles'] assignment_list = PROVIDERS.assignment_api.list_role_assignments( user_id=self.user_id, project_id=self.project_id, domain_id=self.domain_id, effective=True, ) user_roles = list({x['role_id'] for x in assignment_list}) for role in app_cred_roles: if role['id'] in user_roles: roles.append({'id': role['id'], 'name': role['name']}) return roles def _get_oauth2_credential_roles(self): return self._get_project_roles() @property def roles(self): if self.system_scoped: roles = self._get_system_roles() elif self.trust_scoped: roles = self._get_trust_roles() elif self.oauth_scoped: roles = self._get_oauth_roles() elif self.is_federated and not self.unscoped: roles = self._get_federated_roles() elif self.domain_scoped: roles = self._get_domain_roles() elif self.application_credential_id and self.project_id: roles = self._get_application_credential_roles() elif self.project_scoped: roles = self._get_project_roles() else: roles = [] return roles def _validate_token_resources(self): if self.project and not self.project.get('enabled'): msg = ( 'Unable to validate token because project %(id)s is ' 'disabled' ) % {'id': self.project_id} tr_msg = _( 'Unable to validate token because project %(id)s is ' 'disabled' ) % {'id': self.project_id} LOG.warning(msg) raise exception.ProjectNotFound(tr_msg) if self.project and not self.project_domain.get('enabled'): msg = ( 'Unable to validate token because domain %(id)s is ' 'disabled' ) % {'id': self.project_domain['id']} tr_msg = _( 'Unable to validate token because domain %(id)s is ' 'disabled' ) % {'id': self.project_domain['id']} LOG.warning(msg) raise exception.DomainNotFound(tr_msg) def _validate_token_user(self): if self.trust_scoped: if self.user_id != self.trustee['id']: raise exception.Forbidden(_('User is not a trustee.')) try: PROVIDERS.resource_api.assert_domain_enabled( self.trustor['domain_id'] ) except AssertionError: raise exception.TokenNotFound(_('Trustor domain is disabled.')) try: PROVIDERS.resource_api.assert_domain_enabled( self.trustee['domain_id'] ) except AssertionError: raise exception.TokenNotFound(_('Trustee domain is disabled.')) try: PROVIDERS.identity_api.assert_user_enabled(self.trustor['id']) except AssertionError: raise exception.Forbidden(_('Trustor is disabled.')) if not self.user_domain.get('enabled'): msg = ( 'Unable to validate token because domain %(id)s is ' 'disabled' ) % {'id': self.user_domain['id']} tr_msg = _( 'Unable to validate token because domain %(id)s is ' 'disabled' ) % {'id': self.user_domain['id']} LOG.warning(msg) raise exception.DomainNotFound(tr_msg) def _validate_system_scope(self): if self.system_scoped and not self.roles: msg = ('User %(user_id)s has no access to the system') % { 'user_id': self.user_id } tr_msg = _('User %(user_id)s has no access to the system') % { 'user_id': self.user_id } LOG.debug(msg) raise exception.Unauthorized(tr_msg) def _validate_domain_scope(self): if self.domain_scoped and not self.roles: msg = ( 'User %(user_id)s has no access to domain %(domain_id)s' ) % {'user_id': self.user_id, 'domain_id': self.domain_id} tr_msg = _( 'User %(user_id)s has no access to domain %(domain_id)s' ) % {'user_id': self.user_id, 'domain_id': self.domain_id} LOG.debug(msg) raise exception.Unauthorized(tr_msg) def _validate_project_scope(self): if self.project_scoped and not self.roles: msg = ( 'User %(user_id)s has no access to project %(project_id)s' ) % {'user_id': self.user_id, 'project_id': self.project_id} tr_msg = _( 'User %(user_id)s has no access to project %(project_id)s' ) % {'user_id': self.user_id, 'project_id': self.project_id} LOG.debug(msg) raise exception.Unauthorized(tr_msg) def _validate_trust_scope(self): trust_roles = [] if self.trust_id: refs = [{'role_id': role['id']} for role in['roles']] effective_trust_roles = PROVIDERS.assignment_api.add_implied_roles( refs ) effective_trust_role_ids = { r['role_id'] for r in effective_trust_roles } current_effective_trustor_roles = ( PROVIDERS.assignment_api.get_roles_for_trustor_and_project( self.trustor['id'],'project_id') ) ) # Go through each of the effective trust roles, making sure the # trustor still has them, if any have been removed, then we # will treat the trust as invalid for trust_role_id in effective_trust_role_ids: if trust_role_id in current_effective_trustor_roles: role = PROVIDERS.role_api.get_role(trust_role_id) if role['domain_id'] is None: trust_roles.append(role) else: raise exception.Forbidden( _('Trustee has no delegated roles.') )
[docs] def mint(self, token_id, issued_at): """Set the ``id`` and ``issued_at`` attributes of a token. The process of building a token requires setting attributes about the authentication and authorization context, like ``user_id`` and ``project_id`` for example. Once a Token object accurately represents this information it should be "minted". Tokens are minted when they get an ``id`` attribute and their creation time is recorded. """ self._validate_token_resources() self._validate_token_user() self._validate_system_scope() self._validate_domain_scope() self._validate_project_scope() self._validate_trust_scope() = token_id self.issued_at = issued_at
class _TokenModelHandler: identity = 126 handles = (TokenModel,) def __init__(self, registry): self._registry = registry def serialize(self, obj): serialized = msgpackutils.dumps(obj.__dict__, registry=self._registry) return serialized def deserialize(self, data): token_data = msgpackutils.loads(data, registry=self._registry) try: token_model = TokenModel() for k, v in iter(token_data.items()): setattr(token_model, k, v) except Exception: LOG.debug( "Failed to deserialize TokenModel. Data is %s", token_data ) raise exception.CacheDeserializationError( TokenModel.__name__, token_data ) return token_model cache.register_model_handler(_TokenModelHandler)