Source code for keystone.tests.unit.tests.test_core

# Copyright 2014 IBM Corp.
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#   not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#   a copy of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#   WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#   License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#   under the License.

import sys
import warnings

from oslo_log import log
from sqlalchemy import exc
from testtools import matchers

from keystone.tests import unit

LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BaseTestTestCase(unit.BaseTestCase):
[docs] def test_unexpected_exit(self): # if a test calls sys.exit it raises rather than exiting. self.assertThat(lambda: sys.exit(), matchers.raises(unit.UnexpectedExit))
[docs]class TestOverrideSkipping(unit.BaseTestCase):
[docs] class TestParent(unit.BaseTestCase):
[docs] def test_in_parent(self): pass
[docs] class TestChild(TestParent):
[docs] def test_in_parent(self): self.skip_test_overrides('some message')
[docs] def test_not_in_parent(self): self.skip_test_overrides('some message')
[docs] def test_skip_test_override_success(self): # NOTE(dstanek): let's run the test and see what happens test = self.TestChild('test_in_parent') result = # NOTE(dstanek): reach into testtools to ensure the test succeeded self.assertEqual([], result.decorated.errors)
[docs] def test_skip_test_override_fails_for_missing_parent_test_case(self): # NOTE(dstanek): let's run the test and see what happens test = self.TestChild('test_not_in_parent') result = # NOTE(dstanek): reach into testtools to ensure the test failed # the way we expected observed_error = result.decorated.errors[0] observed_error_msg = observed_error[1] expected_error_msg = ("'test_not_in_parent' is not a previously " "defined test method") self.assertIn(expected_error_msg, observed_error_msg)
[docs]class TestTestCase(unit.TestCase):
[docs] def test_bad_log(self): # If the arguments are invalid for the string in a log it raises an # exception during testing. self.assertThat( lambda: LOG.warning('String %(p1)s %(p2)s', {'p1': 'something'}), matchers.raises(KeyError))
[docs] def test_sa_warning(self): self.assertThat( lambda: warnings.warn('test sa warning error', exc.SAWarning), matchers.raises(exc.SAWarning))
[docs] def test_deprecation_warnings_are_raised_as_exceptions_in_tests(self): self.assertThat( lambda: warnings.warn('this is deprecated', DeprecationWarning), matchers.raises(DeprecationWarning))

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