
Source code for keystone.application_credential.controllers

# Copyright 2018 SUSE Linux GmbH
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
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"""Workflow Logic the Application Credential service."""

import base64
import os

from oslo_log import log

from keystone.application_credential import schema
from keystone.common import controller
from keystone.common import provider_api
from keystone.common import utils
from keystone.common import validation
import keystone.conf
from keystone import exception
from keystone.i18n import _

CONF = keystone.conf.CONF
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
PROVIDERS = provider_api.ProviderAPIs

[docs]class ApplicationCredentialV3(controller.V3Controller): collection_name = 'application_credentials' member_name = 'application_credential' _public_parameters = frozenset([ 'id', 'name', 'description', 'expires_at', 'project_id', 'roles', # secret is only exposed after create, it is not stored 'secret', 'links', 'unrestricted' ]) def _normalize_role_list(self, app_cred_roles): roles = [] for role in app_cred_roles: if role.get('id'): roles.append(role) else: roles.append(PROVIDERS.role_api.get_unique_role_by_name( role['name'])) return roles def _get_roles(self, app_cred_data, token): if app_cred_data.get('roles'): roles = self._normalize_role_list(app_cred_data['roles']) # NOTE(cmurphy): The user is not allowed to add a role that is not # in their token. This is to prevent trustees or application # credential users from escallating their privileges to include # additional roles that the trustor or application credential # creator has assigned on the project. token_roles = [r['id'] for r in token['roles']] for role in roles: if role['id'] not in token_roles: detail = _('Cannot create an application credential with ' 'unassigned role') raise exception.ApplicationCredentialValidationError( detail=detail) else: roles = token['roles'] return roles def _generate_secret(self): length = 64 secret = os.urandom(length) secret = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(secret) secret = secret.rstrip(b'=') secret = secret.decode('utf-8') return secret @classmethod def _add_self_referential_link(cls, context, ref): path = ('/users/%(user_id)s/application_credentials') % { 'user_id': ref['user_id']} ref.setdefault('links', {}) ref['links']['self'] = cls.base_url( context, path=path) + '/' + ref['id'] return ref
[docs] @classmethod def wrap_member(cls, context, ref): cls._add_self_referential_link(context, ref) ref = cls.filter_params(ref) return {cls.member_name: ref}
def _check_unrestricted(self, token): auth_methods = token['methods'] if 'application_credential' in auth_methods: td = token.token_data['token'] if td['application_credential']['restricted']: action = _("Using method 'application_credential' is not " "allowed for managing additional application " "credentials.") raise exception.ForbiddenAction(action=action)
[docs] @controller.protected() def create_application_credential(self, request, user_id, application_credential): validation.lazy_validate(schema.application_credential_create, application_credential) token = request.auth_context['token'] self._check_unrestricted(token) if request.context.user_id != user_id: action = _("Cannot create an application credential for another " "user") raise exception.ForbiddenAction(action=action) project_id = request.context.project_id app_cred = self._assign_unique_id(application_credential) if not app_cred.get('secret'): app_cred['secret'] = self._generate_secret() app_cred['user_id'] = user_id app_cred['project_id'] = project_id app_cred['roles'] = self._get_roles(app_cred, token) if app_cred.get('expires_at'): app_cred['expires_at'] = utils.parse_expiration_date( app_cred['expires_at']) app_cred = self._normalize_dict(app_cred) app_cred_api = PROVIDERS.application_credential_api try: ref = app_cred_api.create_application_credential( app_cred, initiator=request.audit_initiator ) except exception.RoleAssignmentNotFound as e: # Raise a Bad Request, not a Not Found, in accordance with the # API-SIG recommendations: # raise exception.ApplicationCredentialValidationError( detail=str(e)) return ApplicationCredentialV3.wrap_member(request.context_dict, ref)
[docs] @controller.filterprotected('name') def list_application_credentials(self, request, filters, user_id): app_cred_api = PROVIDERS.application_credential_api hints = ApplicationCredentialV3.build_driver_hints(request, filters) refs = app_cred_api.list_application_credentials(user_id, hints=hints) return ApplicationCredentialV3.wrap_collection(request.context_dict, refs)
[docs] @controller.protected() def get_application_credential(self, request, user_id, application_credential_id): ref = PROVIDERS.application_credential_api.get_application_credential( application_credential_id) return ApplicationCredentialV3.wrap_member(request.context_dict, ref)
[docs] @controller.protected() def delete_application_credential(self, request, user_id, application_credential_id): token = request.auth_context['token'] self._check_unrestricted(token) PROVIDERS.application_credential_api.delete_application_credential( application_credential_id, initiator=request.audit_initiator )
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Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.