
Source code for keystone.contrib.ec2.controllers

# Copyright 2013 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.

"""Main entry point into the EC2 Credentials service.

This service allows the creation of access/secret credentials used for
the ec2 interop layer of OpenStack.

A user can create as many access/secret pairs, each of which is mapped to a
specific project.  This is required because OpenStack supports a user
belonging to multiple projects, whereas the signatures created on ec2-style
requests don't allow specification of which project the user wishes to act

To complete the cycle, we provide a method that OpenStack services can
use to validate a signature and get a corresponding OpenStack token.  This
token allows method calls to other services within the context the
access/secret was created.  As an example, Nova requests Keystone to validate
the signature of a request, receives a token, and then makes a request to
Glance to list images needed to perform the requested task.


import abc
import datetime
import sys
import uuid

from keystoneclient.contrib.ec2 import utils as ec2_utils
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
from oslo_utils import timeutils
import six
from six.moves import http_client

from keystone.common import authorization
from keystone.common import controller
from keystone.common import provider_api
from keystone.common import utils
from keystone.common import wsgi
import keystone.conf
from keystone import exception
from keystone.i18n import _

CRED_TYPE_EC2 = 'ec2'
CONF = keystone.conf.CONF
PROVIDERS = provider_api.ProviderAPIs

[docs]class V2TokenDataHelper(provider_api.ProviderAPIMixin, object): """Create V2 token data."""
[docs] def v3_to_v2_token(self, v3_token_data, token_id): """Convert v3 token data into v2.0 token data. This method expects a dictionary generated from V3TokenDataHelper.get_token_data() and converts it to look like a v2.0 token dictionary. :param v3_token_data: dictionary formatted for v3 tokens :param token_id: ID of the token being converted :returns: dictionary formatted for v2 tokens :raises keystone.exception.Unauthorized: If a specific token type is not supported in v2. """ token_data = {} # Build v2 token v3_token = v3_token_data['token'] # NOTE(lbragstad): Version 2.0 tokens don't know about any domain other # than the default domain specified in the configuration. domain_id = v3_token.get('domain', {}).get('id') if domain_id and CONF.identity.default_domain_id != domain_id: msg = ('Unable to validate domain-scoped tokens outside of the ' 'default domain') raise exception.Unauthorized(msg) token = {} token['expires'] = v3_token.get('expires_at') token['issued_at'] = v3_token.get('issued_at') token['audit_ids'] = v3_token.get('audit_ids') if v3_token.get('bind'): token['bind'] = v3_token['bind'] token['id'] = token_id if 'project' in v3_token: # v3 token_data does not contain all tenant attributes tenant = PROVIDERS.resource_api.get_project( v3_token['project']['id']) # Drop domain specific fields since v2 calls are not domain-aware. token['tenant'] = controller.V2Controller.v3_to_v2_project( tenant) token_data['token'] = token # Build v2 user v3_user = v3_token['user'] user = controller.V2Controller.v3_to_v2_user(v3_user) if 'OS-TRUST:trust' in v3_token: v3_trust = v3_token['OS-TRUST:trust'] # if token is scoped to trust, both trustor and trustee must # be in the default domain. Furthermore, the delegated project # must also be in the default domain msg = _('Non-default domain is not supported') if try: trust_ref = PROVIDERS.trust_api.get_trust(v3_trust['id']) except exception.TrustNotFound: raise exception.TokenNotFound(token_id=token_id) trustee_user_ref = PROVIDERS.identity_api.get_user( trust_ref['trustee_user_id']) if (trustee_user_ref['domain_id'] != CONF.identity.default_domain_id): raise exception.Unauthorized(msg) trustor_user_ref = PROVIDERS.identity_api.get_user( trust_ref['trustor_user_id']) if (trustor_user_ref['domain_id'] != CONF.identity.default_domain_id): raise exception.Unauthorized(msg) if trust_ref.get('project_id'): project_ref = PROVIDERS.resource_api.get_project( trust_ref['project_id']) if (project_ref['domain_id'] != CONF.identity.default_domain_id): raise exception.Unauthorized(msg) token_data['trust'] = { 'impersonation': v3_trust['impersonation'], 'id': v3_trust['id'], 'trustee_user_id': v3_trust['trustee_user']['id'], 'trustor_user_id': v3_trust['trustor_user']['id'] } if 'OS-OAUTH1' in v3_token: msg = ('Unable to validate Oauth tokens using the version v2.0 ' 'API.') raise exception.Unauthorized(msg) if 'OS-FEDERATION' in v3_token['user']: msg = _('Unable to validate Federation tokens using the version ' 'v2.0 API.') raise exception.Unauthorized(msg) # Set user roles user['roles'] = [] role_ids = [] for role in v3_token.get('roles', []): role_ids.append(role.pop('id')) user['roles'].append(role) user['roles_links'] = [] token_data['user'] = user # Get and build v2 service catalog token_data['serviceCatalog'] = [] if 'tenant' in token: catalog_ref = PROVIDERS.catalog_api.get_catalog( user['id'], token['tenant']['id']) if catalog_ref: token_data['serviceCatalog'] = self.format_catalog(catalog_ref) # Build v2 metadata metadata = {} metadata['roles'] = role_ids # Setting is_admin to keep consistency in v2 response metadata['is_admin'] = 0 token_data['metadata'] = metadata return {'access': token_data}
[docs] @classmethod def format_catalog(cls, catalog_ref): """Munge catalogs from internal to output format. Internal catalogs look like:: {$REGION: { {$SERVICE: { $key1: $value1, ... } } } The legacy api wants them to look like:: [{'name': $SERVICE[name], 'type': $SERVICE, 'endpoints': [{ 'tenantId': $tenant_id, ... 'region': $REGION, }], 'endpoints_links': [], }] """ if not catalog_ref: return [] services = {} for region, region_ref in catalog_ref.items(): for service, service_ref in region_ref.items(): new_service_ref = services.get(service, {}) new_service_ref['name'] = service_ref.pop('name') new_service_ref['type'] = service new_service_ref['endpoints_links'] = [] service_ref['region'] = region endpoints_ref = new_service_ref.get('endpoints', []) endpoints_ref.append(service_ref) new_service_ref['endpoints'] = endpoints_ref services[service] = new_service_ref return list(services.values())
[docs]@six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class Ec2ControllerCommon(provider_api.ProviderAPIMixin, object):
[docs] def check_signature(self, creds_ref, credentials): signer = ec2_utils.Ec2Signer(creds_ref['secret']) signature = signer.generate(credentials) # NOTE(davechen): credentials.get('signature') is not guaranteed to # exist, we need check it explicitly. if credentials.get('signature'): if utils.auth_str_equal(credentials['signature'], signature): return True # NOTE(vish): Some client libraries don't use the port when signing # requests, so try again without port. elif ':' in credentials['host']: hostname, _port = credentials['host'].split(':') credentials['host'] = hostname # NOTE(davechen): we need reinitialize 'signer' to avoid # contaminated status of signature, this is similar with # other programming language libraries, JAVA for example. signer = ec2_utils.Ec2Signer(creds_ref['secret']) signature = signer.generate(credentials) if utils.auth_str_equal(credentials['signature'], signature): return True raise exception.Unauthorized( message=_('Invalid EC2 signature.')) else: raise exception.Unauthorized( message=_('EC2 signature not supplied.')) # Raise the exception when credentials.get('signature') is None else: raise exception.Unauthorized( message=_('EC2 signature not supplied.'))
def _check_timestamp(self, credentials): timestamp = ( # AWS Signature v1/v2 credentials.get('params', {}).get('Timestamp') or # AWS Signature v4 credentials.get('headers', {}).get('X-Amz-Date') or credentials.get('params', {}).get('X-Amz-Date') ) if not timestamp: # If the signed payload doesn't include a timestamp then the signer # must have intentionally left it off return try: timestamp = timeutils.parse_isotime(timestamp) timestamp = timeutils.normalize_time(timestamp) except Exception as e: raise exception.Unauthorized( _('Credential timestamp is invalid: %s') % e) auth_ttl = datetime.timedelta(minutes=CONF.credential.auth_ttl) current_time = timeutils.normalize_time(timeutils.utcnow()) if current_time > timestamp + auth_ttl: raise exception.Unauthorized( _('Credential is expired'))
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def authenticate(self, context, credentials=None, ec2Credentials=None): """Validate a signed EC2 request and provide a token. Other services (such as Nova) use this **admin** call to determine if a request they signed received is from a valid user. If it is a valid signature, an OpenStack token that maps to the user/tenant is returned to the caller, along with all the other details returned from a normal token validation call. The returned token is useful for making calls to other OpenStack services within the context of the request. :param context: standard context :param credentials: dict of ec2 signature :param ec2Credentials: DEPRECATED dict of ec2 signature :returns: token: OpenStack token equivalent to access key along with the corresponding service catalog and roles """ raise exception.NotImplemented()
def _authenticate(self, credentials=None, ec2credentials=None): """Common code shared between the V2 and V3 authenticate methods. :returns: user_ref, tenant_ref, roles_ref, trust_ref, app_cred_ref, auth_context """ # FIXME(ja): validate that a service token was used! # NOTE(termie): backwards compat hack if not credentials and ec2credentials: credentials = ec2credentials if 'access' not in credentials: raise exception.Unauthorized( message=_('EC2 signature not supplied.')) creds_ref = self._get_credentials(credentials['access']) self.check_signature(creds_ref, credentials) # TODO(termie): don't create new tokens every time # TODO(termie): this is copied from TokenController.authenticate tenant_ref = self.resource_api.get_project(creds_ref['tenant_id']) user_ref = self.identity_api.get_user(creds_ref['user_id']) # Validate that the auth info is valid and nothing is disabled try: self.identity_api.assert_user_enabled( user_id=user_ref['id'], user=user_ref) self.resource_api.assert_domain_enabled( domain_id=user_ref['domain_id']) self.resource_api.assert_project_enabled( project_id=tenant_ref['id'], project=tenant_ref) except AssertionError as e: six.reraise(exception.Unauthorized, exception.Unauthorized(e), sys.exc_info()[2]) self._check_timestamp(credentials) trustee_user_id = None auth_context = None trust_ref = {} app_cred_ref = {} if creds_ref['trust_id']: trust_ref = PROVIDERS.trust_api.get_trust(creds_ref['trust_id']) roles = [r['id'] for r in trust_ref['roles']] # NOTE(cmurphy): if this credential was created using a # trust-scoped token with impersonation, the user_id will be for # the trustor, not the trustee. In this case, issuing a # trust-scoped token to the trustor will fail. In order to get a # trust-scoped token, use the user ID of the trustee. With # impersonation, the resulting token will still be for the trustor. # Without impersonation, the token will be for the trustee. if trust_ref['impersonation'] is True: trustee_user_id = trust_ref['trustee_user_id'] user_ref = self.identity_api.get_user(trustee_user_id) elif creds_ref['app_cred_id']: ac_client = PROVIDERS.application_credential_api app_cred_ref = ac_client.get_application_credential( creds_ref['app_cred_id']) roles = [r['id'] for r in app_cred_ref['roles']] elif creds_ref['access_token_id']: access_token = PROVIDERS.oauth_api.get_access_token( creds_ref['access_token_id']) roles = jsonutils.loads(access_token['role_ids']) auth_context = {'access_token_id': creds_ref['access_token_id']} else: roles = PROVIDERS.assignment_api.get_roles_for_user_and_project( user_ref['id'], tenant_ref['id']) if not roles: raise exception.Unauthorized( message=_('User not valid for tenant.')) roles_ref = [self.role_api.get_role(role_id) for role_id in roles] return (user_ref, tenant_ref, roles_ref, trust_ref, app_cred_ref, auth_context)
[docs] def create_credential(self, request, user_id, tenant_id): """Create a secret/access pair for use with ec2 style auth. Generates a new set of credentials that map the user/tenant pair. :param request: current request :param user_id: id of user :param tenant_id: id of tenant :returns: credential: dict of ec2 credential """ self.identity_api.get_user(user_id) self.resource_api.get_project(tenant_id) blob = {'access': uuid.uuid4().hex, 'secret': uuid.uuid4().hex, 'trust_id': request.context.trust_id} credential_id = utils.hash_access_key(blob['access']) cred_ref = {'user_id': user_id, 'project_id': tenant_id, 'blob': jsonutils.dumps(blob), 'id': credential_id, 'type': CRED_TYPE_EC2} self.credential_api.create_credential(credential_id, cred_ref) return {'credential': self._convert_v3_to_ec2_credential(cred_ref)}
[docs] def get_credentials(self, user_id): """List all credentials for a user. :param user_id: id of user :returns: credentials: list of ec2 credential dicts """ self.identity_api.get_user(user_id) credential_refs = self.credential_api.list_credentials_for_user( user_id, type=CRED_TYPE_EC2) return {'credentials': [self._convert_v3_to_ec2_credential(credential) for credential in credential_refs]}
[docs] def get_credential(self, user_id, credential_id): """Retrieve a user's access/secret pair by the access key. Grab the full access/secret pair for a given access key. :param user_id: id of user :param credential_id: access key for credentials :returns: credential: dict of ec2 credential """ self.identity_api.get_user(user_id) return {'credential': self._get_credentials(credential_id)}
[docs] def delete_credential(self, user_id, credential_id): """Delete a user's access/secret pair. Used to revoke a user's access/secret pair :param user_id: id of user :param credential_id: access key for credentials :returns: bool: success """ self.identity_api.get_user(user_id) self._get_credentials(credential_id) ec2_credential_id = utils.hash_access_key(credential_id) return self.credential_api.delete_credential(ec2_credential_id)
@staticmethod def _convert_v3_to_ec2_credential(credential): # Prior to bug #1259584 fix, blob was stored unserialized # but it should be stored as a json string for compatibility # with the v3 credentials API. Fall back to the old behavior # for backwards compatibility with existing DB contents try: blob = jsonutils.loads(credential['blob']) except TypeError: blob = credential['blob'] return {'user_id': credential.get('user_id'), 'tenant_id': credential.get('project_id'), 'access': blob.get('access'), 'secret': blob.get('secret'), 'trust_id': blob.get('trust_id'), 'app_cred_id': blob.get('app_cred_id'), 'access_token_id': blob.get('access_token_id')} def _get_credentials(self, credential_id): """Return credentials from an ID. :param credential_id: id of credential :raises keystone.exception.Unauthorized: when credential id is invalid or when the credential type is not ec2 :returns: credential: dict of ec2 credential. """ ec2_credential_id = utils.hash_access_key(credential_id) cred = self.credential_api.get_credential(ec2_credential_id) if not cred or cred['type'] != CRED_TYPE_EC2: raise exception.Unauthorized( message=_('EC2 access key not found.')) return self._convert_v3_to_ec2_credential(cred)
[docs] def render_token_data_response(self, token_id, token_data): """Render token data HTTP response. Stash token ID into the X-Subject-Token header. """ status = (http_client.OK, http_client.responses[http_client.OK]) headers = [('X-Subject-Token', token_id)] return wsgi.render_response(body=token_data, status=status, headers=headers)
[docs]class Ec2Controller(Ec2ControllerCommon, controller.V2Controller):
[docs] @controller.v2_ec2_deprecated def authenticate(self, request, credentials=None, ec2Credentials=None): (user_ref, project_ref, roles_ref, trust_ref, app_cred_ref, auth_context) = self._authenticate( credentials=credentials, ec2credentials=ec2Credentials ) method_names = ['ec2credential'] token_id, token_data = self.token_provider_api.issue_token( user_ref['id'], method_names, project_id=project_ref['id']) v2_helper = V2TokenDataHelper() token_data = v2_helper.v3_to_v2_token(token_data, token_id) return token_data
[docs] @controller.v2_ec2_deprecated def get_credential(self, request, user_id, credential_id): if not self._is_admin(request): self._assert_identity(request.context_dict, user_id) return super(Ec2Controller, self).get_credential(user_id, credential_id)
[docs] @controller.v2_ec2_deprecated def get_credentials(self, request, user_id): if not self._is_admin(request): self._assert_identity(request.context_dict, user_id) return super(Ec2Controller, self).get_credentials(user_id)
[docs] @controller.v2_ec2_deprecated def create_credential(self, request, user_id, tenant_id): if not self._is_admin(request): self._assert_identity(request.context_dict, user_id) return super(Ec2Controller, self).create_credential( request, user_id, tenant_id)
[docs] @controller.v2_ec2_deprecated def delete_credential(self, request, user_id, credential_id): if not self._is_admin(request): self._assert_identity(request.context_dict, user_id) self._assert_owner(user_id, credential_id) return super(Ec2Controller, self).delete_credential(user_id, credential_id)
def _assert_identity(self, context, user_id): """Check that the provided token belongs to the user. :param context: standard context :param user_id: id of user :raises keystone.exception.Forbidden: when token is invalid """ token_ref = authorization.get_token_ref(context) if token_ref.user_id != user_id: raise exception.Forbidden(_('Token belongs to another user')) def _is_admin(self, request): """Wrap admin assertion error return statement. :param context: standard context :returns: bool: success """ try: # NOTE(morganfainberg): policy_api is required for assert_admin # to properly perform policy enforcement. self.assert_admin(request) return True except (exception.Forbidden, exception.Unauthorized): return False def _assert_owner(self, user_id, credential_id): """Ensure the provided user owns the credential. :param user_id: expected credential owner :param credential_id: id of credential object :raises keystone.exception.Forbidden: on failure """ ec2_credential_id = utils.hash_access_key(credential_id) cred_ref = self.credential_api.get_credential(ec2_credential_id) if user_id != cred_ref['user_id']: raise exception.Forbidden(_('Credential belongs to another user'))
[docs]class Ec2ControllerV3(Ec2ControllerCommon, controller.V3Controller): collection_name = 'credentials' member_name = 'credential' def _check_credential_owner_and_user_id_match(self, request, prep_info, user_id, credential_id): # NOTE(morganfainberg): this method needs to capture the arguments of # the method that is decorated with @controller.protected() (with # exception of the first argument ('context') since the protected # method passes in *args, **kwargs. In this case, it is easier to see # the expected input if the argspec is `user_id` and `credential_id` # explicitly (matching the :class:`.ec2_delete_credential()` method # below). ref = {} credential_id = utils.hash_access_key(credential_id) ref['credential'] = self.credential_api.get_credential(credential_id) # NOTE(morganfainberg): policy_api is required for this # check_protection to properly be able to perform policy enforcement. self.check_protection(request, prep_info, ref)
[docs] def authenticate(self, context, credentials=None, ec2Credentials=None): (user_ref, project_ref, roles_ref, trust_ref, app_cred_ref, auth_context) = (self._authenticate( credentials=credentials, ec2credentials=ec2Credentials)) method_names = ['ec2credential'] token_id, token_data = self.token_provider_api.issue_token( user_ref['id'], method_names, project_id=project_ref['id'], trust=trust_ref, app_cred_id=app_cred_ref.get('id'), auth_context=auth_context ) return self.render_token_data_response(token_id, token_data)
[docs] @controller.protected(callback=_check_credential_owner_and_user_id_match) def ec2_get_credential(self, request, user_id, credential_id): ref = super(Ec2ControllerV3, self).get_credential(user_id, credential_id) return Ec2ControllerV3.wrap_member(request.context_dict, ref['credential'])
[docs] @controller.protected() def ec2_list_credentials(self, request, user_id): refs = super(Ec2ControllerV3, self).get_credentials(user_id) return Ec2ControllerV3.wrap_collection(request.context_dict, refs['credentials'])
[docs] @controller.protected() def ec2_create_credential(self, request, user_id, tenant_id): ref = super(Ec2ControllerV3, self).create_credential( request, user_id, tenant_id) return Ec2ControllerV3.wrap_member(request.context_dict, ref['credential'])
[docs] @controller.protected(callback=_check_credential_owner_and_user_id_match) def ec2_delete_credential(self, request, user_id, credential_id): return super(Ec2ControllerV3, self).delete_credential(user_id, credential_id)
@classmethod def _add_self_referential_link(cls, context, ref): path = '/users/%(user_id)s/credentials/OS-EC2/%(credential_id)s' url = cls.base_url(context, path) % { 'user_id': ref['user_id'], 'credential_id': ref['access']} ref.setdefault('links', {}) ref['links']['self'] = url
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Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.