
Source code for keystone.common.sql.expand_repo.versions.032_expand_add_expired_at_int_to_trust

#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
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from migrate import UniqueConstraint
import sqlalchemy as sql

from keystone.common import sql as ks_sql

[docs]def upgrade(migrate_engine): meta = sql.MetaData() meta.bind = migrate_engine # NOTE(morgan): column is nullable here for migration purposes # it is set to not-nullable in the contract phase to ensure we can handle # rolling upgrades in a sane way. This differs from the model in # keystone.identity.backends.sql_model by design. expires_at = sql.Column('expires_at_int', ks_sql.DateTimeInt()) trust_table = sql.Table('trust', meta, autoload=True) trust_table.create_column(expires_at) UniqueConstraint('trustor_user_id', 'trustee_user_id', 'project_id', 'impersonation', 'expires_at', 'expires_at_int', table=trust_table, name='duplicate_trust_constraint_expanded').create()
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