Neutron Extensions


Preparation and deployment

Modify the /etc/kolla/globals.yml file as the following example shows:

enable_neutron_sfc: "yes"


For setting up a testbed environment and creating a port chain, please refer to networking-sfc documentation.

Neutron VPNaaS (VPN-as-a-Service)

Preparation and deployment

Modify the /etc/kolla/globals.yml file as the following example shows:

enable_neutron_vpnaas: "yes"


VPNaaS is a complex subject, hence this document provides directions for a simple smoke test to verify the service is up and running.

On the network node(s), the neutron_vpnaas_agent should be up (image naming and versioning may differ depending on deploy configuration):

# docker ps --filter name=neutron_vpnaas_agent

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                                               COMMAND         CREATED          STATUS        PORTS  NAMES
97d25657d55e   operator:5000/kolla/centos-source-neutron-vpnaas-agent:4.0.0   "kolla_start"   44 minutes ago   Up 44 minutes        neutron_vpnaas_agent

Kolla-Ansible includes a small script that can be used in tandem with tools/init-runonce to verify the VPN using two routers and two Nova VMs:


Verify both VPN services are active:

# neutron vpn-service-list

| id                                   | name     | router_id                            | status |
| ad941ec4-5f3d-4a30-aae2-1ab3f4347eb1 | vpn_west | 051f7ce3-4301-43cc-bfbd-7ffd59af539e | ACTIVE |
| edce15db-696f-46d8-9bad-03d087f1f682 | vpn_east | 058842e0-1d01-4230-af8d-0ba6d0da8b1f | ACTIVE |

Two VMs can now be booted, one on vpn_east, the other on vpn_west, and encrypted ping packets observed being sent from one to the other.

For more information on this and VPNaaS in Neutron refer to the Neutron VPNaaS Testing and the OpenStack wiki.