Verify operation

Verify operation


Perform these commands on the controller node.

  1. Source the admin credentials to gain access to admin-only CLI commands:

    $ source
  2. List loaded extensions to verify successful launch of the neutron-server process:

    $ neutron ext-list
    | alias                 | name                                          |
    | dns-integration       | DNS Integration                               |
    | ext-gw-mode           | Neutron L3 Configurable external gateway mode |
    | binding               | Port Binding                                  |
    | agent                 | agent                                         |
    | subnet_allocation     | Subnet Allocation                             |
    | l3_agent_scheduler    | L3 Agent Scheduler                            |
    | external-net          | Neutron external network                      |
    | flavors               | Neutron Service Flavors                       |
    | net-mtu               | Network MTU                                   |
    | quotas                | Quota management support                      |
    | l3-ha                 | HA Router extension                           |
    | provider              | Provider Network                              |
    | multi-provider        | Multi Provider Network                        |
    | extraroute            | Neutron Extra Route                           |
    | router                | Neutron L3 Router                             |
    | extra_dhcp_opt        | Neutron Extra DHCP opts                       |
    | security-group        | security-group                                |
    | dhcp_agent_scheduler  | DHCP Agent Scheduler                          |
    | rbac-policies         | RBAC Policies                                 |
    | port-security         | Port Security                                 |
    | allowed-address-pairs | Allowed Address Pairs                         |
    | dvr                   | Distributed Virtual Router                    |

Use the verification section for the networking option that you chose to deploy.

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