

JSON formatted policy file is deprecated since Magnum 12.0.0 (Wallaby). This oslopolicy-convert-json-to-yaml tool will migrate your existing JSON-formatted policy file to YAML in a backward-compatible way.

Use the policy.yaml file to define additional access controls that apply to the Container Infrastructure Management service:

#"context_is_admin": "role:admin"

#"admin_or_owner": "is_admin:True or project_id:%(project_id)s"

#"admin_api": "rule:context_is_admin"

#"admin_or_user": "is_admin:True or user_id:%(user_id)s"

#"cluster_user": "user_id:%(trustee_user_id)s"

#"deny_cluster_user": "not domain_id:%(trustee_domain_id)s"

# Create a new bay.
# POST  /v1/bays
#"bay:create": "rule:deny_cluster_user"

# Delete a bay.
# DELETE  /v1/bays/{bay_ident}
#"bay:delete": "rule:deny_cluster_user"

# Retrieve a list of bays with detail.
# GET  /v1/bays
#"bay:detail": "rule:deny_cluster_user"

# Retrieve information about the given bay.
# GET  /v1/bays/{bay_ident}
#"bay:get": "rule:deny_cluster_user"

# Retrieve a list of bays.
# GET  /v1/bays/
#"bay:get_all": "rule:deny_cluster_user"

# Update an existing bay.
# PATCH  /v1/bays/{bay_ident}
#"bay:update": "rule:deny_cluster_user"

# Create a new baymodel.
# POST  /v1/baymodels
#"baymodel:create": "rule:deny_cluster_user"

# Delete a baymodel.
# DELETE  /v1/baymodels/{baymodel_ident}
#"baymodel:delete": "rule:deny_cluster_user"

# Retrieve a list of baymodel with detail.
# GET  /v1/baymodels
#"baymodel:detail": "rule:deny_cluster_user"

# Retrieve information about the given baymodel.
# GET  /v1/baymodels/{baymodel_ident}
#"baymodel:get": "rule:deny_cluster_user"

# Retrieve a list of baymodel.
# GET  /v1/baymodels
#"baymodel:get_all": "rule:deny_cluster_user"

# Update an existing baymodel.
# PATCH  /v1/baymodels/{baymodel_ident}
#"baymodel:update": "rule:deny_cluster_user"

# Publish an existing baymodel.
# POST  /v1/baymodels
# PATCH  /v1/baymodels
#"baymodel:publish": "rule:admin_api"

# Sign a new certificate by the CA.
# POST  /v1/certificates
#"certificate:create": "rule:admin_or_user or rule:cluster_user"

# Retrieve CA information about the given bay/cluster.
# GET  /v1/certificates/{bay_uuid/cluster_uuid}
#"certificate:get": "rule:admin_or_user or rule:cluster_user"

# Rotate the CA certificate on the given bay/cluster.
# PATCH  /v1/certificates/{bay_uuid/cluster_uuid}
#"certificate:rotate_ca": "rule:admin_or_owner"

# Create a new cluster.
# POST  /v1/clusters
#"cluster:create": "rule:deny_cluster_user"

# Delete a cluster.
# DELETE  /v1/clusters/{cluster_ident}
#"cluster:delete": "rule:deny_cluster_user"

# Delete a cluster from any project.
# DELETE  /v1/clusters/{cluster_ident}
#"cluster:delete_all_projects": "rule:admin_api"

# Retrieve a list of clusters with detail.
# GET  /v1/clusters
#"cluster:detail": "rule:deny_cluster_user"

# Retrieve a list of clusters with detail across projects.
# GET  /v1/clusters
#"cluster:detail_all_projects": "rule:admin_api"

# Retrieve information about the given cluster.
# GET  /v1/clusters/{cluster_ident}
#"cluster:get": "rule:deny_cluster_user"

# Retrieve information about the given cluster across projects.
# GET  /v1/clusters/{cluster_ident}
#"cluster:get_one_all_projects": "rule:admin_api"

# Retrieve a list of clusters.
# GET  /v1/clusters/
#"cluster:get_all": "rule:deny_cluster_user"

# Retrieve a list of all clusters across projects.
# GET  /v1/clusters/
#"cluster:get_all_all_projects": "rule:admin_api"

# Update an existing cluster.
# PATCH  /v1/clusters/{cluster_ident}
#"cluster:update": "rule:deny_cluster_user"

# Update the health status of an existing cluster.
# PATCH  /v1/clusters/{cluster_ident}
#"cluster:update_health_status": "rule:admin_or_user or rule:cluster_user"

# Update an existing cluster.
# PATCH  /v1/clusters/{cluster_ident}
#"cluster:update_all_projects": "rule:admin_api"

# Resize an existing cluster.
# POST  /v1/clusters/{cluster_ident}/actions/resize
#"cluster:resize": "rule:deny_cluster_user"

# Upgrade an existing cluster.
# POST  /v1/clusters/{cluster_ident}/actions/upgrade
#"cluster:upgrade": "rule:deny_cluster_user"

# Upgrade an existing cluster across all projects.
# POST  /v1/clusters/{cluster_ident}/actions/upgrade
#"cluster:upgrade_all_projects": "rule:admin_api"

# Create a new cluster template.
# POST  /v1/clustertemplates
#"clustertemplate:create": "rule:deny_cluster_user"

# Delete a cluster template.
# DELETE  /v1/clustertemplate/{clustertemplate_ident}
#"clustertemplate:delete": "rule:admin_or_owner"

# Delete a cluster template from any project.
# DELETE  /v1/clustertemplate/{clustertemplate_ident}
#"clustertemplate:delete_all_projects": "rule:admin_api"

# Retrieve a list of cluster templates with detail across projects.
# GET  /v1/clustertemplates
#"clustertemplate:detail_all_projects": "rule:admin_api"

# Retrieve a list of cluster templates with detail.
# GET  /v1/clustertemplates
#"clustertemplate:detail": "rule:deny_cluster_user"

# Retrieve information about the given cluster template.
# GET  /v1/clustertemplate/{clustertemplate_ident}
#"clustertemplate:get": "rule:deny_cluster_user"

# Retrieve information about the given cluster template across
# project.
# GET  /v1/clustertemplate/{clustertemplate_ident}
#"clustertemplate:get_one_all_projects": "rule:admin_api"

# Retrieve a list of cluster templates.
# GET  /v1/clustertemplates
#"clustertemplate:get_all": "rule:deny_cluster_user"

# Retrieve a list of cluster templates across projects.
# GET  /v1/clustertemplates
#"clustertemplate:get_all_all_projects": "rule:admin_api"

# Update an existing cluster template.
# PATCH  /v1/clustertemplate/{clustertemplate_ident}
#"clustertemplate:update": "rule:admin_or_owner"

# Update an existing cluster template.
# PATCH  /v1/clustertemplate/{clustertemplate_ident}
#"clustertemplate:update_all_projects": "rule:admin_api"

# Publish an existing cluster template.
# POST  /v1/clustertemplates
# PATCH  /v1/clustertemplates
#"clustertemplate:publish": "rule:admin_api"

# Create a new federation.
# POST  /v1/federations
#"federation:create": "rule:deny_cluster_user"

# Delete a federation.
# DELETE  /v1/federations/{federation_ident}
#"federation:delete": "rule:deny_cluster_user"

# Retrieve a list of federations with detail.
# GET  /v1/federations
#"federation:detail": "rule:deny_cluster_user"

# Retrieve information about the given federation.
# GET  /v1/federations/{federation_ident}
#"federation:get": "rule:deny_cluster_user"

# Retrieve a list of federations.
# GET  /v1/federations/
#"federation:get_all": "rule:deny_cluster_user"

# Update an existing federation.
# PATCH  /v1/federations/{federation_ident}
#"federation:update": "rule:deny_cluster_user"

# Retrieve a list of magnum-services.
# GET  /v1/mservices
#"magnum-service:get_all": "rule:admin_api"

# Create quota.
# POST  /v1/quotas
#"quota:create": "rule:admin_api"

# Delete quota for a given project_id and resource.
# DELETE  /v1/quotas/{project_id}/{resource}
#"quota:delete": "rule:admin_api"

# Retrieve Quota information for the given project_id.
# GET  /v1/quotas/{project_id}/{resource}
#"quota:get": "rule:admin_or_owner"

# Retrieve a list of quotas.
# GET  /v1/quotas
#"quota:get_all": "rule:admin_api"

# Update quota for a given project_id.
# PATCH  /v1/quotas/{project_id}/{resource}
#"quota:update": "rule:admin_api"

# Retrieve magnum stats.
# GET  /v1/stats
#"stats:get_all": "rule:admin_or_owner"

# Retrieve information about the given nodegroup.
# GET  /v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/nodegroup/{nodegroup}
#"nodegroup:get": "rule:admin_or_owner"

# Retrieve a list of nodegroups that belong to a cluster.
# GET  /v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/nodegroups/
#"nodegroup:get_all": "rule:admin_or_owner"

# Retrieve a list of nodegroups across projects.
# GET  /v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/nodegroups/
#"nodegroup:get_all_all_projects": "rule:admin_api"

# Retrieve infornation for a given nodegroup.
# GET  /v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/nodegroups/{nodegroup}
#"nodegroup:get_one_all_projects": "rule:admin_api"

# Create a new nodegroup.
# POST  /v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/nodegroups/
#"nodegroup:create": "rule:admin_or_owner"

# Delete a nodegroup.
# DELETE  /v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/nodegroups/{nodegroup}
#"nodegroup:delete": "rule:admin_or_owner"

# Update an existing nodegroup.
# PATCH  /v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/nodegroups/{nodegroup}
#"nodegroup:update": "rule:admin_or_owner"