Tegile Driver

Tegile Driver

The Tegile Manila driver uses Tegile IntelliFlash Arrays to provide shared filesystems to OpenStack.

The Tegile Driver interfaces with a Tegile Array via the REST API.


  • Tegile IntelliFlash version 3.5.1
  • For using CIFS, Active Directory must be configured in the Tegile Array.

Supported Operations

The following operations are supported on a Tegile Array:

  • Create CIFS/NFS Share
  • Delete CIFS/NFS Share
  • Allow CIFS/NFS Share access
    • Only IP access type is supported for NFS
    • USER access type is supported for NFS and CIFS
    • RW and RO access supported
  • Deny CIFS/NFS Share access
    • IP access type is supported for NFS
    • USER access type is supported for NFS and CIFS
  • Create snapshot
  • Delete snapshot
  • Extend share
  • Shrink share
  • Create share from snapshot

Backend Configuration

The following parameters need to be configured in the [DEFAULT] section of /etc/manila/manila.conf:

Option Description
enabled_share_backends Name of the section on manila.conf used to specify a backend. E.g. enabled_share_backends = tegileNAS
enabled_share_protocols Specify a list of protocols to be allowed for share creation. For Tegile driver this can be: NFS or CIFS or NFS, CIFS.

The following parameters need to be configured in the [backend] section of /etc/manila/manila.conf:

Option Description
share_backend_name A name for the backend.
share_driver Python module path. For Tegile driver this must be: manila.share.drivers.tegile.tegile.TegileShareDriver.
driver_handles_share_servers DHSS, Driver working mode. For Tegile driver this must be: False.
tegile_nas_server Tegile array IP to connect from the Manila node.
tegile_nas_login This field is used to provide username credential to Tegile array.
tegile_nas_password This field is used to provide password credential to Tegile array.
tegile_default_project This field can be used to specify the default project in Tegile array where shares are created. This field is optional.

Below is an example of a valid configuration of Tegile driver:

enabled_share_backends = tegileNAS
enabled_share_protocols = NFS,CIFS
driver_handles_share_servers = False
share_backend_name = tegileNAS
share_driver = manila.share.drivers.tegile.tegile.TegileShareDriver
tegile_nas_server =
tegile_nas_login = admin
tegile_nas_password = password
tegile_default_project = financeshares

Restart of manila-share service is needed for the configuration changes to take effect.


The Tegile driver has the following restrictions:

  • IP access type is supported only for NFS.
  • Only FLAT network is supported.

The manila.share.drivers.tegile.tegile Module

Share driver for Tegile storage.

class TegileShareDriver(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: manila.share.driver.ShareDriver

Tegile NAS driver. Allows for NFS and CIFS NAS storage usage.

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Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.