Resize share

To change file share size, use the manila extend command and the manila shrink command. For most drivers it is safe operation. If you want to be sure that your data is safe, you can make a share back up by creating a snapshot of it.

You can extend and shrink the share with the manila extend and manila shrink commands respectively, and specify the share with the new size that does not exceed the quota. For details, see Quotas and Limits. You also cannot shrink share size to 0 or to a greater value than the current share size.


From API version 2.53, extending a replicated share, manila quota system will reserve and consume resources for two additional quotas: share_replicas and replica_gigabytes. This request will fail if there is no available quotas to extend the share and all of its share replicas.

While extending, the share has an extending status. This means that the increase share size request was issued successfully.

To extend the share and check the result, run:

$ manila extend docs_resize 2
$ manila show docs_resize
| Property             | Value                                                                    |
| status               | available                                                                |
| share_type_name      | my_type                                                                  |
| description          | None                                                                     |
| availability_zone    | nova                                                                     |
| share_network_id     | None                                                                     |
| export_locations     |                                                                          |
|                      | path = |
|                      | preferred = False                                                        |
|                      | is_admin_only = False                                                    |
|                      | id = 3ffb76f4-92b9-4639-83fd-025bc3e302ff                                |
|                      | share_instance_id = b8afc508-8487-442b-b170-ea65b07074a8                 |
|                      | path = |
|                      | preferred = False                                                        |
|                      | is_admin_only = True                                                     |
|                      | id = 1f0e263f-370d-47d3-95f6-1be64088b9da                                |
|                      | share_instance_id = b8afc508-8487-442b-b170-ea65b07074a8                 |
| share_server_id      | None                                                                     |
| share_group_id       | None                                                                     |
| host                 | manila@paris#shares                                                      |
| access_rules_status  | active                                                                   |
| snapshot_id          | None                                                                     |
| is_public            | False                                                                    |
| task_state           | None                                                                     |
| snapshot_support     | True                                                                     |
| id                   | b07dbebe-a328-403c-b402-c8871c89e3d1                                     |
| size                 | 2                                                                        |
| name                 | docs_resize                                                              |
| share_type           | 14ee8575-aac2-44af-8392-d9c9d344f392                                     |
| has_replicas         | False                                                                    |
| replication_type     | None                                                                     |
| created_at           | 2016-03-25T15:33:18.000000                                               |
| share_proto          | NFS                                                                      |
| project_id           | 907004508ef4447397ce6741a8f037c1                                         |
| metadata             | {}                                                                       |

While shrinking, the share has a shrinking status. This means that the decrease share size request was issued successfully. To shrink the share and check the result, run:

$ manila shrink docs_resize 1
$ manila show docs_resize
| Property             | Value                                                                    |
| status               | available                                                                |
| share_type_name      | my_type                                                                  |
| description          | None                                                                     |
| availability_zone    | nova                                                                     |
| share_network_id     | None                                                                     |
| export_locations     |                                                                          |
|                      | path = |
|                      | preferred = False                                                        |
|                      | is_admin_only = False                                                    |
|                      | id = 3ffb76f4-92b9-4639-83fd-025bc3e302ff                                |
|                      | share_instance_id = b8afc508-8487-442b-b170-ea65b07074a8                 |
|                      | path = |
|                      | preferred = False                                                        |
|                      | is_admin_only = True                                                     |
|                      | id = 1f0e263f-370d-47d3-95f6-1be64088b9da                                |
|                      | share_instance_id = b8afc508-8487-442b-b170-ea65b07074a8                 |
| share_server_id      | None                                                                     |
| share_group_id       | None                                                                     |
| host                 | manila@paris#shares                                                      |
| access_rules_status  | active                                                                   |
| snapshot_id          | None                                                                     |
| is_public            | False                                                                    |
| task_state           | None                                                                     |
| snapshot_support     | True                                                                     |
| id                   | b07dbebe-a328-403c-b402-c8871c89e3d1                                     |
| size                 | 1                                                                        |
| name                 | docs_resize                                                              |
| share_type           | 14ee8575-aac2-44af-8392-d9c9d344f392                                     |
| has_replicas         | False                                                                    |
| replication_type     | None                                                                     |
| created_at           | 2016-03-25T15:33:18.000000                                               |
| share_proto          | NFS                                                                      |
| project_id           | 907004508ef4447397ce6741a8f037c1                                         |
| metadata             | {}                                                                       |