Install and configure a share node

Install and configure a share node

This section describes how to install and configure a share node for the Shared File Systems service.

Installieren und konfigurieren von Komponenten


Default configuration files vary by distribution. You might need to add these sections and options rather than modifying existing sections and options. Also, an ellipsis (...) in the configuration snippets indicates potential default configuration options that you should retain.

  1. Installieren Sie die Pakete:

  2. Bearbeiten Sie die Datei /etc/manila/manila.conf und führen folgende Schritte durch:

    • Konfigurieren Sie den Datenbankzugriff in der Sektion [database] :

      Replace MANILA_DBPASS with the password you chose for the Share File System database.

    • Konfigurieren Sie den RabbitMQ Nachrichtenwarteschlangen-Zugriff in den Sektionen [DEFAULT] und [oslo_messaging_rabbit] :

      rpc_backend = rabbit
      rabbit_host = controller
      rabbit_userid = openstack
      rabbit_password = RABBIT_PASS

      Ersetzen Sie RABBIT_PASS mit dem Passwort, welches Sie für den openstack Account in RabbitMQ gewählt haben.

    • Setzen Sie im Abschnitt [DEFAULT] folgende Konfigurationswerte:

      default_share_type = default_share_type
      rootwrap_config = /etc/manila/rootwrap.conf
    • Konfigurieren Sie den Identitätsdienst-Zugriff in den Sektionen [DEFAULT] und [keystone_authtoken]:

      auth_strategy = keystone
      memcached_servers = controller:11211
      auth_uri = http://controller:5000
      auth_url = http://controller:35357
      auth_type = password
      project_domain_name = default
      user_domain_name = default
      project_name = service
      username = manila
      password = MANILA_PASS

      Ersetzen Sie MANILA_PASS durch das Passwort, das Sie für den Benutzer manila im Identitätsdienst vergeben haben.

    • Konfigurieren Sie in der Sektion``[DEFAULT]`` die Option my_ip:


      Ersetzen Sie MANAGEMENT_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS durch die IP-Adresse der Management-Netzwerkschnittstelle Ihres Freigabeknotens, typischerweise für den ersten Knoten in der Beispiel-Architektur.

    • Konfigurieren Sie den Sperrpfad in der Sektion [oslo_concurrency]:

      lock_path = /var/lib/manila/tmp

Configure share server management support options

The share node can support two modes, with and without the handling of share servers. The mode depends on driver support.

Option 1 deploys the service without driver support for share management. In this mode, the service does not do anything related to networking. The operator must ensure network connectivity between instances and the NFS server. This option uses LVM driver that requires LVM and NFS packages as well as an additional disk for the manila-share LVM volume group.

Option 2 deploys the service with driver support for share management. In this mode, the service requires Compute (nova), Networking (neutron) and Block storage (cinder) services for managing share servers. The information used for creating share servers is configured as share networks. This option uses the generic driver with the handling of share servers capacity and requires attaching the selfservice network to a router.


A bug prevents using both driver options on the same share node. For more information, see LVM Driver section at the Configuration Reference.

Choose one of the following options to configure the share driver. Afterwards, return here and proceed to Installation abschließen.

Installation abschließen

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