Freigegebene Dateisysteme

Freigegebene Dateisysteme

Erzeugen Sie das Dienst-Abbild


In typical deployments, you should create an instance from an image that supports network file systems such as NFS/CIFS to evaluate the Shared File Systems service. This guide should use the CirrOS image for instances to reduce resource requirements for evaluation. However, the CirrOS image lacks support for network file systems. For evaluation of the Shared File Systems service, this guide creates a regular instance using the manila-share-service image because it supports network file systems and using the manila-service-flavor that limits resource consumption by the instance to 256 MB memory on the compute node.

  1. Laden Sie das Quellabbild des Freigabeservers herunter:

    $ wget
  2. Fügen Sie das Abbild zum Abbilddienst hinzu:

    # openstack image create "manila-service-image" \
    --file manila-service-image-master.qcow2 \
    --disk-format qcow2 \
    --container-format bare \
    | Field            | Value                                                |
    | checksum         | abb1fdf972162c7214db9fad43229dad                     |
    | container_format | bare                                                 |
    | created_at       | 2016-03-16T23:37:51Z                                 |
    | disk_format      | qcow2                                                |
    | file             | /v2/images/dcec8c7f-4c59-4223-a06f-220231b49c0c/file |
    | id               | dcec8c7f-4c59-4223-a06f-220231b49c0c                 |
    | min_disk         | 0                                                    |
    | min_ram          | 0                                                    |
    | name             | manila-service-image                                 |
    | owner            | fd4a657caa054ca99d8b4179722f49de                     |
    | protected        | False                                                |
    | schema           | /v2/schemas/image                                    |
    | size             | 324665344                                            |
    | status           | active                                               |
    | tags             |                                                      |
    | updated_at       | 2016-03-16T23:37:55Z                                 |
    | virtual_size     | None                                                 |
    | visibility       | public                                               |
  3. Erzeugen Sie eine neue Variante zur Unterstützung des Dienst-Abbildes:

    # openstack flavor create manila-service-flavor --id 100 --ram 256 --disk 0 --vcpus 1
    | Field                      | Value                 |
    | OS-FLV-DISABLED:disabled   | False                 |
    | OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral  | 0                     |
    | disk                       | 0                     |
    | id                         | 100                   |
    | name                       | manila-service-flavor |
    | os-flavor-access:is_public | True                  |
    | ram                        | 256                   |
    | rxtx_factor                | 1.0                   |
    | swap                       |                       |
    | vcpus                      | 1                     |


    Varianten sind Abbild-spezifisch und können sich von Abbild zu Abbild unterscheiden.

Starten Sie einen Instanz des Dienst-Abbildes


This section uses manila-service-image image as an instance for mounting shares.

  1. Starten einer Instanz unter Verwendung von manila-service-image und manila-service-flavor.

  2. Log into the instance using manila as the username and password.
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License

Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.